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On the Line


Did Chris Cleave write “Gold” on a bar bet?

小說(shuō)《金牌》是克里斯·克利夫(Chris Cleave)的酒吧賭約之作嗎?

Formerly a columnist for The Guardian, Cleave is the author of two previous novels, “Incendiary” and “Little Bee,” whose career in fiction began with a bizarre bit of calendrical happenstance. The publication date of Cleave’s first novel, “Incendiary,” about a fictional terrorist attack on London, chanced to coincide with the July 7, 2005, London Underground bombings. Written as a series of letters from an attack victim’s widow to Osama bin Laden, the book received high praise and international awards. Cleave’s next novel, “Little Bee,” told the story of a smart-set London editor and a young Nigerian girl whose lives become entwined after a harrowing encounter on a West African beach. “Little Bee” was a tour de force — I recall reading it in about two and a half minutes, or so it seemed — that became a smash hit.

克利夫曾是英國(guó)《衛(wèi)報(bào)》的專欄作家,之前出版過(guò)兩部小說(shuō):《燃燒彈》(Incendiary)和《小蜜蜂》(Little Bee)。在克利夫的小說(shuō)事業(yè)起步之初,曾出現(xiàn)了一樁離奇的偶然事件——他的首部小說(shuō)《燃燒彈》虛構(gòu)了一起倫敦恐怖襲擊事件,其出版日期2005年7月7 日正好是倫敦地鐵爆炸案發(fā)生的日子。該書(shū)的情節(jié)推動(dòng),是由一名受害者遺孀寫(xiě)給奧薩馬·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)的一系列信件構(gòu)成,為克利夫贏得了高度贊譽(yù)和國(guó)際獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。他的第二部小說(shuō)《小蜜蜂》講述了一個(gè)時(shí)髦闊綽的倫敦編輯和一個(gè)年輕的尼日利亞女孩在西非海灘上悲慘邂逅,以及他們的生活自此交織在一起的故事?!缎∶鄯洹肥遣考t極一時(shí)的佳作——我記得自己只用了兩分半鐘的時(shí)間就把它讀完了,或者似乎是這樣。

Now comes “Gold,” a story of athletic ambition, Olympic glory, parental sacrifice and the mightily tedious sport of track cycling. “Gold” is so unlike Cleave’s earlier work that it doesn’t seem implausible to imagine a mate down at the pub challenging him to write a novel without any of the qualities that so delighted readers of “Incendiary” and “Little Bee”: vibrant first-person narrators, snap-snap dialogue, sharp wit, complex cultural-­political themes, brisk scenes and deeply engaging characters. Or maybe Cleave just wanted to try something different.


“Gold” takes place in the run-up to the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Kate Meadows and Zoe Castle are world-class sprint cyclists who live and train in Manchester. Longtime friends and rivals, they’ve been racing against each other since they were 19. Now 32, with their careers winding down, they see the London Games as a last chance for glory.

《金牌》的故事發(fā)生在2012年倫敦夏季奧運(yùn)會(huì)的準(zhǔn)備階段。凱特·梅多斯(Kate Meadows)和佐伊·卡斯特(Zoe Castle)是世界一流的場(chǎng)地自行車運(yùn)動(dòng)員,都在曼徹斯特生活和訓(xùn)練。兩人既是老朋友也是老對(duì)手,從19歲起就在賽場(chǎng)上你爭(zhēng)我?jiàn)Z了。 現(xiàn)年32歲的她們,隨著運(yùn)動(dòng)生涯接近尾聲,都把倫敦奧運(yùn)視為贏得榮耀的最后一次機(jī)會(huì)。

Kate’s the good girl. “Pretty happy,” Zoe says of Kate. “Pretty normal. Pretty pretty.” Kate’s always eager to do the right thing, order the sensible meal, sacrifice for her family. The arrival of an infant daughter, Sophie, kept her out of the 2004 Athens Games; on the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Kate again bowed out when little Sophie was found to have leukemia. Now it’s 2012, her last shot, and it’s finally good mother Kate’s turn. The only thing standing in her way is her friend.

凱特是書(shū)中的好女孩。佐伊說(shuō)她:“很快樂(lè),很正常,很漂亮。”凱特總是渴望做正確的事情,準(zhǔn)備合理的膳食,為了家庭做出犧牲。女兒蘇菲 (Sophie)的降生使她無(wú)緣參加2004年的雅典奧運(yùn)會(huì),而在2008年的北京奧運(yùn)會(huì)前夕,小蘇菲被診斷出患有白血病,令凱特再次錯(cuò)過(guò)揚(yáng)威賽場(chǎng)的機(jī)會(huì)?,F(xiàn)在到了2012年,最后一次機(jī)會(huì)似乎終于輪到了好媽媽凱特,惟一的障礙就是她的朋友佐伊。

Zoe’s the naughty one. “I’m ugly on the inside,” she warns a prospective beau. “I’ll mess your head up.” Haunted by childhood traumas, Zoe trains nonstop and swallows the empty calories of victory as a substitute for the nourishment of friends and family. She cares about nothing but winning. She’ll crash an opponent, steal a boyfriend, do whatever it takes. Ruthlessness, of course, has its rewards — lucrative sponsorships, magazine covers, a luxurious apartment and billboard fame.

佐伊是書(shū)中的壞女孩。 “我的內(nèi)心丑陋,”她警告未來(lái)的男朋友:“我會(huì)讓你變得一個(gè)頭兩個(gè)大。”佐伊被孩提時(shí)代的創(chuàng)傷所困擾,她不間斷地訓(xùn)練,用勝利這種缺乏營(yíng)養(yǎng)的空虛熱量來(lái)替代朋友和家人才能給予的營(yíng)養(yǎng)。除了勝利,佐伊什么都不在乎。她會(huì)不惜一切代價(jià)地?fù)魸?duì)手,撬走別人的男朋友。當(dāng)然,這樣的冷酷無(wú)情也帶來(lái)了回報(bào)——豐厚的代言收入、雜志封面、豪華公寓,以及名揚(yáng)四方。

A rule change sets the plot spinning. To placate television executives who love finals and loathe preliminary heats, the International Olympic Committee trims the slots available to each nation in sprint cycling: One athlete per flag, please. Who will it be, Britain: Kate or Zoe?


Tough call. Even Tom Voss, the wizened Olympic cyclist (Mexico City, ’68) who coaches both athletes, can’t decide: “He wasn’t supposed to have a favorite, and the truth was that he didn’t. Kate was the more naturally gifted rider, Zoe leveled the score with pure determination, and Tom liked them equally.”

難題出現(xiàn)了。即使是她們的教練湯姆·沃斯(Tom Voss)也無(wú)法做出選擇,這位瘦削的前奧運(yùn)自行車手(曾參加1968年的墨西哥城奧運(yùn)會(huì))“不應(yīng)該偏心她們中的任何一個(gè),但他確實(shí)也沒(méi)有偏心。凱特的天分更高一些,但佐伊意志堅(jiān)定,兩人旗鼓相當(dāng),湯姆對(duì)她們的喜愛(ài)也不分轅輊。”

A race is agreed to. Best two out of three sprints, Kate against Zoe. I won’t reveal the ending, but I will tell you it takes absolute ages to get there.


“Gold” is a head-scratcher of a novel. Rival champions can produce riveting drama. Think Navratilova-Evert, Graf-Seles. And the Olympic sports I’ve seen up close often nurture a rich subculture of peculiar characters: rising stars, wily veterans, dopers and cheaters, has-beens, never-weres, vulpine agents, arrogant federation heads, wealthy supporters and creepy hangers-on. It’s a real zoo. The setting of Cleave’s novel also sounds quite promising. Having watched “24 Hour Party People,” I understand that Manchester can be an interesting town. But in “Gold,” all we see are Kate and Zoe, temperamental friends, training and working out their relationship against a backdrop as blank as Toronto.

《金牌》會(huì)令一些人感到費(fèi)解。兩強(qiáng)相斗的設(shè)定可以制造精彩紛呈的戲劇效果:想想納芙拉蒂洛娃(Navratilova)對(duì)埃弗特(Evert),或者格拉芙 (Graf)對(duì)塞萊斯(Seles)吧。我比較關(guān)注的奧運(yùn)項(xiàng)目通常會(huì)孕育豐富的特異人士亞文化:冉冉升起的新星、老謀深算的宿將、興奮劑服用者和作弊者、過(guò)氣的體壇明星、一直沒(méi)熬出頭的人、狡猾的經(jīng)紀(jì)人、傲慢的聯(lián)合會(huì)負(fù)責(zé)人、富有的支持者、 讓人不舒服的隨從等等。總之,這樣的圈子里會(huì)有各型各色的生物?!督鹋啤返谋尘霸O(shè)置聽(tīng)上去也會(huì)讓人有這樣的期待。而且在看過(guò)電影《24小時(shí)狂歡派對(duì)》 (24 Hour Party People)之后,我知道曼徹斯特也可以是一個(gè)很有趣的城市。但在《金牌》中,我們看到的全是凱特和佐伊這對(duì)關(guān)系無(wú)常的朋友如何訓(xùn)練、如何處理她們之間的關(guān)系,其背景幾乎是白茫茫一片。

And then there’s the ­cancer.


Little Sophie battles it courageously, keeping fear at bay by imagining the adults around her as “Star Wars” characters. Her father, Jack, an Olympic cyclist and good-natured lunk, is forever brewing a cup of tea for his lovely wife and inquiring of his daughter, “Do you feel poorly?” The tear-welling virtue never stops. When Sophie began to feel ever more poorly, this reader couldn’t help recalling Oscar Wilde’s reaction to the death of Little Nell.

小蘇菲勇敢地和癌癥作戰(zhàn),通過(guò)把身邊的成年人想象成《星球大戰(zhàn)》(Star Wars)中的角色,她免受了恐懼的威脅。蘇菲的父親杰克(Jack)也是一名奧運(yùn)自行車賽手,一個(gè)性情溫厚的笨蛋,總是為可愛(ài)的妻子泡上一杯熱茶,總是問(wèn)女兒:“你覺(jué)得難受嗎?”這種讓人熱淚盈眶的品質(zhì)展現(xiàn)永不止歇。當(dāng)蘇菲開(kāi)始覺(jué)得越來(lái)越難受時(shí),讀者不禁會(huì)聯(lián)想到奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde)對(duì)小內(nèi)爾(Little Nell)之死的反應(yīng)。

Zoe does what she can to redeem the book. Her many failings give Cleave a chance to exercise his substantial literary muscle. “Off the bike she was like a smoker without cigarettes,” he observes of Zoe, “never sure what to do with her hands.” Zoe’s a self-destructive rotter on the scale of the infamous Shane of “The L Word.” She does what she likes. She shows up late. She sleeps with cads who kiss and tell to the tabloids. Zoe doesn’t care. Even a cad can provide a human connection for a few hours, as she realizes upon waking with one. “She hadn’t wanted the sex as much as she wanted to share this space with another human being, 46 floors up in the clouds. Sex was cheap money that you could print on demand and use to buy a reprieve from loneliness till morning.”

佐伊為補(bǔ)救這本書(shū)盡了全力。她身上的諸多缺點(diǎn)給克利夫提供了展示其堅(jiān)實(shí)文學(xué)造詣的機(jī)會(huì)。 “不騎車的時(shí)候,她就像沒(méi)有香煙的吸煙者,”克利夫這樣寫(xiě)她:“不知道該把手往哪兒放。”佐伊是一個(gè)有自我毀滅傾向的壞蛋,跟《拉字至上》(The L Word)里著名的謝恩(Shane)有得一比。她為所欲為,她遲到,她跟透露緋聞給八卦小報(bào)的無(wú)賴男人睡覺(jué)。佐伊對(duì)此并不在意,甚至是無(wú)賴也可以給她帶來(lái)幾個(gè)小時(shí)人類的溫暖,正如她在一個(gè)無(wú)賴身邊醒來(lái)后意識(shí)到的:“她沒(méi)有那么想要性,她更想和另外一個(gè)人分享這里,在這高聳入云的46層樓上。性是來(lái)得容易的鈔票,你可以根據(jù)需要印鈔,用它購(gòu)買暫時(shí)的孤獨(dú)緩解劑,效果持續(xù)到第二天早上。”


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