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Tale of 1914 Christmas Day Truce Is Inspiring, Though Hard to Believe


London — The Christmas Truce, when British and German soldiers were said to have suddenly stopped fighting on the Western Front for a few hours on Christmas Day 1914, is written in history.

倫敦——據(jù)說,1914年圣誕節(jié),英軍和德軍士兵在西線突然停戰(zhàn)數(shù)小時——這就是被載入史冊的圣誕休戰(zhàn)(The Christmas Truce)。

What started with the singing of “Stille Nacht” on the German side, followed by a response of “Silent Night,” was said to have included an impromptu soccer game on the No Man’s Land between the opposing trenches.

先是德軍士兵用德語唱《平安夜》(Stille Nacht),然后英軍士兵以英語的《平安夜》(Silent Night)回應。據(jù)說他們在兩軍戰(zhàn)壕間的無人區(qū)進行了一場即興足球比賽。

“We all grew up with the story of soldiers from both sides putting down their arms on Christmas Day when gunfire gave way to gifts,” Prince William said at a ceremony in England two weeks ago to unveil a memorial to the event.

“我們從小就聽過這個故事,兩軍士兵在圣誕節(jié)那天放下武器,不再交火,而是交換禮物,”兩周前威廉王子(Prince William)在英格蘭為該事件樹立的紀念碑的揭幕儀式上說。

“Football,” the prince continued, “has the power to bring people together and break down barriers. It is vital that 100 years on, we keep the Christmas Truce story alive. It remains wholly relevant today as a message of hope and humanity, even in the bleakest of times.”


Hope and humanity and perhaps, ultimately, futility.


Soccer is a remarkable game that crosses boundaries around this world. But whatever took place on that day a century ago did not stop the carnage that took an estimated 16 million lives, nor did it break down barriers to prevent wars today.


“Sport, not war” has to be among the most contrite of phrases.


The sculpture unveiled by Prince William was designed by a 10-year-old boy, Spencer Turner. It depicts two hands clasped in friendship inside the outline of a ball. It is simple, brilliant and full of boyish hope.

威廉王子揭幕的雕塑是十歲男孩斯潘塞·特納(Spencer Turner)設計的。它塑造出一個球的輪廓,里面有兩只因友誼而緊握的手。它簡潔、絕妙,充滿孩子氣的希望。

And grown men are running with that hope. There have been re-enactments of the reported No Man’s Land game, including a match between the British Army and German Army teams in Aldershot, England, and a game in Belgium this week near the Flemish field where the truce happened.


UEFA, the European soccer authority, put together a short video in which former stars — England’s Bobby Charlton, Germany’s Paul Breitner and France’s Didier Deschamps — read a narrative and current players — Wayne Rooney, Philipp Lahm and Hugo Lloris — read aloud soldiers’ letters from the front lines in 1914.

歐洲足聯(lián)拍了一個短視頻,前足球明星——英格蘭的鮑比·查爾頓(Bobby Charlton)、德國的保羅·布萊特納(Paul Breitner)和法國的迪迪埃·德尚(Didier Deschamps)——朗讀關于此事的敘述;現(xiàn)役球員韋恩·魯尼(Wayne Rooney)、菲利普·拉姆(Philipp Lahm)和烏戈·洛里(Hugo Lloris)朗讀1914年士兵們的前線來信。

All of it is heartfelt. For the record, Germany, the current world champion, has won four World Cups to England’s one in the sport now played by 209 national associations.


The brief cease-fire on the Western Front in Belgium followed a published letter from women’s suffrage advocates in England calling upon “the Women of Germany and Austria” to demand peace at Christmastime in 1914. Undoubtedly, some men on the front lines did leave their frozen, muddied trenches to not only bury their dead, but to exchange gifts of tobacco or even tunic button.


Henry Williamson, then a 19-year-old private in the London Rifle Brigade who survived the war to become an author, sent a letter from the front to his mother. “In my mouth,” he wrote, “is a pipe presented by the Princess Mary. In the pipe is German tobacco. Ha ha, you say, from a prisoner or found in a captured trench, Oh dear, no! From a German soldier. Yes a live German soldier from his own trench. Marvelous, isn’t it?”

當時,倫敦步槍旅的19歲二等兵亨利·威廉姆森(Henry Williamson)從前線給母親寫了一封信。信中寫道,“我嘴里的煙斗是英國制造的。里面的煙草可是德國的。哈哈,你可能會說,你是從俘虜那里得到的,或者是在被占領的戰(zhàn)壕里找到的。哦,親愛的,不是!我是從一位德軍士兵那里得到的。是的,是從一位活著的德軍士兵的戰(zhàn)壕里得到的。很不可思議,是吧?”威廉姆森后來從戰(zhàn)爭中生還,成了一位作家。

Other letters, published in The Times of London, alluded to the game or games that broke out. Some suggest that they were kick-abouts, mainly between English soldiers using made up balls — some say a can of corned beef served as a substitute.


Fewer accounts came from the German side, although Richard Schirrmann wrote the following December that his regiment, which was holding a position in the hills of occupied Belgium, received a request from Belgian troops to be allowed to send letters to their families. “Something fantastically unmilitary occurred,” Schirrmann reported. “German and French troops spontaneously made peace and ceased hostilities. They visited each other and exchanged wine, cognac and cigarettes for Westphalian black bread, biscuits and ham.”

德國那邊的記錄更少,不過理查德·席爾曼(Richard Schirrmann)在翌年12月寫道,他所在的團駐扎在被占領的比利時山區(qū)的一個據(jù)點,他們收到比利時軍隊的一項請求,要求允許比利時軍人給家人寫信。席爾曼報告說:“發(fā)生了一些違反軍規(guī)的事,真是難以置信。德軍和法軍自發(fā)講和,停止敵對。他們互相訪問,用葡萄酒、白蘭地和香煙交換威斯特伐利亞黑面包、餅干和火腿。”

Schirrmann survived the war and set up the German Youth Hostel Association in 1919.


By the following Christmas, the truce was banned under threat of a court marshal for any soldier on either side who dared to fraternize with the enemy.


The story of the Christmas Truce, and soccer’s part in it, became gilded over the decades. It is implausible, but not impossible, that any soldier smuggled a leather ball — or even the inflatable pig’s bladder inside the casing — to the trenches. But that is how it has become depicted in accounts fictionalized and made more beautiful.


Robert Graves, the British poet and writer, in 1962 reconstructed a story of the event, with Germany’s 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment taking on what he called Scottish troops. In Graves’s account, the Germans won, 3-2.

1962年,英國詩人、作家羅伯特·格雷夫斯(Robert Graves)根據(jù)這個事件虛構了一個故事,在這個故事里,德軍第133皇家撒克遜團和他所稱的蘇格蘭軍隊比賽。在格雷夫斯的故事里,德軍贏了,比分是3比2。

In the match between the British and German army teams last week in Aldershot, the British won, 1-0.



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