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Starbucks, Facing a Saturated Market, Looks to the High End


SEATTLE — It’s hard to believe that this coffee-crazed city would get excited about yet another coffee shop, particularly another Starbucks.


For over a year, the Seattle coffeecenti has been buzzing with speculation about the opening of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room, the flagship of a planned chain of 100 plush stores selling high-end coffees from around the world.

在一年多的時(shí)間里,一直有傳聞稱,這個(gè)誕生于西雅圖的咖啡品牌將開設(shè)一家名為“星巴克精品烘烤品嘗室”(Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room)的旗艦店。星巴克計(jì)劃開設(shè)100家這樣的精品咖啡連鎖店,銷售來自世界各地的高端咖啡。

With this new venture, Starbucks has signaled that it intends to lure aficionados of high-end coffee, as it eyes the growing market for rare coffees, those beans grown in small quantities that sell for as much as $45 for less than a pound.


But it already faces considerable competition from boutique chains like Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Dillanos Coffee Roasters and Blue Bottle Coffee that have already developed thriving businesses in what are known as single-origin coffees and microlots. Such coffees come from a single farm or small collective, typically hard to reach and fickle, so that production is limited and often available only at specific times of the year. Their customers tend to shun the sort of big-business ubiquity that a mass-coffee purveyor like Starbucks embodies.

不過,星巴克面臨著斯鄧姆頓咖啡館(Stumptown Coffee Roasters)、迪拉諾斯咖啡烘烤公司(Dillanos Coffee Roasters)和藍(lán)瓶咖啡(Blue Bottle Coffee)等精品咖啡連鎖店的激烈競(jìng)爭(zhēng),它們憑借所謂的單一產(chǎn)地和微批次(microlot)的模式而風(fēng)生水起。這些品牌的咖啡只來自單一的農(nóng)場(chǎng)或小型合作社,一般很難買到,因此產(chǎn)量有限,通常只能在一年中的特定時(shí)間才有。而這些咖啡的消費(fèi)人群往往是那些厭倦了以星巴克為代表的無(wú)處不在的大眾品牌的消費(fèi)者。

In fact, Laila Ghambari, director of coffee at Cherry Street Coffee House, which has 10 shops in the Seattle area, calls Starbucks the “McDonald’s of coffee.”

事實(shí)上,櫻桃街咖啡館(Cherry Street Coffee House)的咖啡負(fù)責(zé)人萊拉·甘巴里(Laila Ghambari)把星巴克稱作“咖啡中的麥當(dāng)勞”。櫻桃街咖啡館在西雅圖地區(qū)有10家門店。

So to distinguish Reserve from its mass-market cousin, Starbucks is banishing, to a great extent, its green mermaid logo at the new shops and in the product line. The Reserve stores and line of coffees instead carry a star logo, along with a red “R.”


The reach into a higher-end market is another sign that coffee consumption in the United States is growing only modestly, according to trade data on imports collected by Panjiva. The popularity of single-serve coffee makers like Keurig and Nespresso have added pressure.


“If you look at coffee imports over all for the last several years, it looks like a pretty mature market,” said Josh Green, chief executive of Panjiva. “There’s been a roller coaster in terms of price, but in terms of volumes, we’re talking about very modest growth — and that kind of market is usually where you see companies trying to go upmarket in terms of price and exclusivity.”

“從過去幾年咖啡進(jìn)口的整體狀況來看,市場(chǎng)似乎已經(jīng)相當(dāng)成熟,”磐聚網(wǎng)CEO喬希·格林(Josh Green)說。“價(jià)格上忽高忽低,但進(jìn)口規(guī)模一直增長(zhǎng)有限——在這類市場(chǎng),通常會(huì)有許多企業(yè)想要走向高端,在價(jià)格和產(chǎn)品的獨(dú)特性上提高檔次。”

The new Starbucks Roastery is rumored to have cost more than $20 million. Part retail store, part manufacturing facility and part theater, the store intentionally evokes the chocolate room where Augustus Gloop met his fate in Willy Wonka’s candy factory. See-through tubes snake up out of the floor and under the ceiling, ferrying green coffee beans to copper-clad roasters and roasted beans to the coffee bars scattered like islands around the 15,000-square-foot space.

據(jù)稱,新的星巴克烘烤品嘗室成本超過2000萬(wàn)美元。它集零售店、生產(chǎn)加工和劇場(chǎng)與一身,而且還故意營(yíng)造出了奧古斯塔斯·格魯普(Augustus Gloop)進(jìn)入威利·旺卡(Willy Wonka)的巧克力工廠時(shí)的那種夢(mèng)想成真的感覺。透明的管子在地板和天花板上蜿蜒,把綠色的咖啡豆送進(jìn)鍍了銅的烘烤機(jī),接著將烘烤好的咖啡豆,送往向島嶼一樣散落在1.5萬(wàn)平方英尺(約合1400平米)面積里的吧臺(tái)。

“This is a magical place where coffee comes to life,” said Liz Muller, director of concept design for Starbucks.

“這是一個(gè)神奇的地方,它讓咖啡擁有了生命,”星巴克的概念設(shè)計(jì)總監(jiān)利茲·穆勒 (Liz Muller)。

The noise the beans make as they rattle through the tubes — “like rain,” Ms. Muller says — is punctuated by the click-clack of an old-fashioned railway station split-flap display, except the schedule tracked here is of varieties of coffees being roasted. They are small lots from remote highlands in Africa, Latin America and Asia.


“We’re going to take the customer on a journey, immersing them in an interactive environment where they’ll be introduced to handcrafted, small-batch coffees within feet of where they’re being roasted,” said Howard Schultz, chief executive of Starbucks.

“我們要把消費(fèi)者帶上一段旅程,讓他們沉浸在互動(dòng)的環(huán)境里,讓他們近距離地了解小批量手工生產(chǎn)的咖啡,”星巴克CEO霍華德·舒爾茨(Howard Schultz)說。

Virginia Morris, vice president for consumer insights and strategy at Daymon Worldwide, a private-brand development company, noted that consumers were seeking singular experiences that would include individualistic brews. But specialty brewers who have attracted loyalists doubt that a giant in the mass-market will be viewed favorably.

私營(yíng)品牌拓展公司達(dá)曼國(guó)際咨詢(Daymon Worldwide)的消費(fèi)者洞見和戰(zhàn)略副總裁弗吉尼亞·莫里斯(Virginia Morris)指出,消費(fèi)者正在尋求獨(dú)一無(wú)二的體驗(yàn),包括個(gè)性化的咖啡制作工藝。但吸引了一批忠實(shí)擁躉的專享咖啡店十分懷疑,這樣一個(gè)面向大眾市場(chǎng)的巨人,能否受到青睞。

“I think you can start out small and grow large, but once you’re large, it’s really hard to get the consumer’s perception that you are authentic,” said David J. Morris, half-owner of Dillanos.

“我覺得品牌可以起步時(shí)很小,后來再逐步擴(kuò)大,但一旦規(guī)模變大,真的很難讓消費(fèi)者認(rèn)為你很正宗,”迪拉諾斯的半個(gè)老板戴維·J·莫里斯(David J. Morris)說。

The company says the price per cup of a Reserve line will be $4 to $7, depending on the exclusivity of the beans, of course.


Single-origin coffees typically are named for the places they are grown, not just the country. Stumptown’s website includes a link to Google maps, so a customer can see, say, where its Colombia San Isidro is grown.

單一產(chǎn)地咖啡通常以它們的種植地,而不僅僅是國(guó)家命名。斯鄧姆頓的網(wǎng)站上有可以跳轉(zhuǎn)到谷歌(Google)地圖的鏈接。這樣,消費(fèi)者就能看到這家店里諸如Colombia San Isidro這樣的品類生長(zhǎng)在哪里。

Microlots come from a specific parcel of land, like the section of the Finca El Manzano coffee farm in El Salvador that grows Dillanos’s El Manzano Porton Lot, which produced just 60 bags of coffee last year and was used by Ms. Ghambari when she won the United States Barista Championship this year.

微批次咖啡來自具體的某塊地,比如薩爾瓦多Finca El Manzano咖啡園中,為迪拉諾斯種植El Manzano Porton Lot的那塊地。去年,那塊地僅出產(chǎn)了60袋咖啡。甘巴里今年在美國(guó)咖啡師錦標(biāo)賽(United States Barista Championship)中奪冠時(shí),用的就是那里出產(chǎn)的咖啡。

“Each one has a signature nature, and each year it may be different, depending on when the rain comes and how much shade it gets,” said David Schomer, the proprietor of Espresso Vivace, which has three locations in Seattle, including a sidewalk stand in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, not far from the Reserve Roastery. “Each one will be roasted differently by the roaster, who may develop more or less caramelization or more or less bitterness.”

“每塊地都有標(biāo)志性的特質(zhì),每年的情況都有所不同,取決于雨季到來的時(shí)間,以及植株能得到多少陰涼,”Espresso Vivace的老板戴維·紹默(David Schomer)說。該品牌在西雅圖有三家店,其中一家位于國(guó)會(huì)山地區(qū)的一條人行道旁,距離星巴克的精品烘烤店不遠(yuǎn)。“烘烤師會(huì)以不同方式對(duì)每一個(gè)品類進(jìn)行烘烤,焦糖化反應(yīng)有輕有重,苦味也有輕有重。”

Until recently, Dillanos Coffee Roasters largely served commercial customers, roasting private-label coffees and helping them develop house blends. “They need lots of coffee, not small lots of great coffee, and consistency is very important there,” said Chris Heyer, who owns the business together with his half brother, Mr. Morris.

直到不久前,迪拉諾斯咖啡烘烤公司還主要服務(wù)于商業(yè)客戶,烘烤專屬咖啡并幫助客戶研發(fā)自有的調(diào)配咖啡產(chǎn)品。“它們需要大量的咖啡,而不是少量?jī)?yōu)質(zhì)咖啡,而且口味的一致性非常重要,”克里斯·海爾(Chris Heyer)說。他和同母異父的兄弟莫里斯共同擁有該公司。

About a decade ago, they started the One Harvest Project, a line of fair-trade, sustainable coffees, providing education, health and other benefits to growers with whom the company wished to develop long-term relationships.

大約十年前,他們啟動(dòng)了“一次收獲項(xiàng)目”(One Harvest Project)。這是一個(gè)推行公平貿(mào)易、可持續(xù)的咖啡業(yè)務(wù)線,該公司向希望與其達(dá)成長(zhǎng)期合作關(guān)系的咖啡種植戶提供教育、健康和其他方面的福利。

That led to an even more exclusive line of coffees, DCR, which Phil Beattie, the Dillanos coffee director, called a natural progression that included the El Manzano microlot.

這又催生了更為獨(dú)特的咖啡品牌DCR。迪拉諾斯公司的咖啡總監(jiān)稱,這是包括El Manzano微批次在內(nèi)的自然發(fā)展。

The company may purchase less than 300 pounds of such coffees. In comparison, it roasts 2,000 pounds of its signature Dillons Blend coffee each day.

該公司可能會(huì)購(gòu)買不到300磅這種咖啡。相比之下,它每天會(huì)烘烤2000磅自有的主打品類“迪隆混合”(Dillons Blend)。

So what happens when a company the size of Starbucks begins shopping for those precious beans, some of which may only be available for less than a month a year? Peet’s Coffee is selling a half-pound bag of scarce Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, one batch roasted on Wednesday and the second scheduled for roasting next week, for $45.

因此,如果一家像星巴克那么大規(guī)模的公司開始采購(gòu)罕有品種的咖啡豆,會(huì)發(fā)生什么?那些咖啡豆中,有一些每年出產(chǎn)的時(shí)間可能都不到一個(gè)月。皮特咖啡 (Peet’s Coffee)正在以45美元的價(jià)格,出售半磅裝的牙買加藍(lán)山咖啡(Jamaica Blue Mountain),第一批是上周三烘烤的,第二批定于這周烘烤。

Specialty coffee companies say relationships established over many years with growers will protect them from competition from bigger players. “We have worked with our growers for a long time and we expect to continue to work with them,” said Eric Hoest, director of operations at Stumptown, which is based in Portland.

精品咖啡公司稱,多年來與咖啡種植戶建立起來的關(guān)系,能保護(hù)它們免受更大品牌的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。“我們已經(jīng)和種植戶合作了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,我們希望繼續(xù)與他們合作,”總部位于波特蘭的斯鄧姆頓公司的運(yùn)營(yíng)總監(jiān)埃里克·赫斯特(Eric Hoest)說。

To expand in this area, Starbucks bought Hacienda Alsacia in Costa Rica, an estate that will produce specialty coffee just for the company.

為了在該領(lǐng)域擴(kuò)張,星巴克買下了哥斯達(dá)黎加的Hacienda Alsacia咖啡園。該咖啡園將僅為該公司供應(yīng)精品咖啡。

Starbucks roasters will be available only at five or six new sites, but some of the Reserve coffee brands will be for sale in over 1,000 Starbucks stores.



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