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  --- lesson1 GREETING 打招呼

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  Hello. 你好.

  Good morning.早上好.

  How are you doing?你好嗎?

  Not bad.還不錯。

  What's up?怎么啦?/有什么新鮮事發(fā)生嗎?

  It's nice to meet you.見到你很高興。

  It's nice to see you again.很高興又見到你。

  I'm surprised to see you here.想不到在這里見到你。

  Long time no see.好久不見了。

  How have you been?你近來過得怎么樣?


  How are things with you?你最近還好嗎?

  What's going on with you?你最近在干什么?

  What are you doing here?你在這里干什么?


  --- lesson2 INTRODUCTONS 互相介紹

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  Hi,I’m Marvin.^嗨,我是馬文。

  My name is Robert.^我的名字叫羅伯特。

  You can call me Beth.^你可以叫我貝斯。

  Are you Tina?^你是蒂娜嗎?

  Yes,I am.^是的,我是。

  Meet my friend.^來見見我的朋友。

  This is my brother,Thomas.^這是我哥哥,托馬斯。

  Come say hi to my parents.^來和我父母打個招呼。

  Have you met my sister?^你見過我的姐姐了嗎?

  Have we met before?^我們以前見過面嗎?

  Do I know you?^我認識你嗎?

  I’m new around here.^我剛來這里。

  Let me introduce myself.^讓我介紹一下自己。

  I didn’t catch your name.^我沒有聽清楚你的名字。

  I’m like to introduce you to my boss.^我想把你介紹給我的老板。

  --- lesson4 APOLOGIES 道歉

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  I’m sorry.^對不起。

  I apologize.^我道歉。

  I’m so sorry.^非常對不起。

  I’m sorry for criticizing you.^對不起,我批評了你。

  It doesn’t matter.^沒關(guān)系。

  I really regret going to the movies last week.^我真的很后悔上個星期去看了電影。

  I wish I hadn’t said that at the party.^我希望我當(dāng)時在聚會上沒說那些話。

  I’m sorry I was late for class today.^很抱歉,我今天上課遲到了。

  You can blame me for this.^這都怪我。

  I’ll take the blame.^這都怪我。

  Can you forgive me?^你能原諒我嗎?

  Please accept my apology.^請接受我的道歉。

  Can I make this up to you?^我能為此對你做些補償嗎?

  How can I apologize to you?^我該怎樣向你道歉?

  This is all my fault.^這都是我的錯。

  --- lesson5 DEPARTURE AND FAREWELL分手和告別

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  I have to get going.^我得走了。

  See you later.^呆會兒見。

  See you.^再見。

  I should go now.^我現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該走了。


  I’ll talk to you later.^我呆會兒再和你談。

  I’ve got to get going.^我必須走了。

  I’m better run.^我最好得趕緊走了。

  I’ll see you around.^以后見。

  I’ll catch you later.^以后見。

  Until we meet again.^下次見。

  Keep in touch.^保持聯(lián)系。

  We should meet again.^我們下次再見。

  It was nice meeting you.^很高興見到你。

  Take care.^保重。

  --- lesson6 LIKES AND DISLIKES 喜歡和不喜歡

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  I don’t feel like cooking.^我不喜歡烹飪。

  I like Chinese food.^我喜歡中國菜。

  I love dogs.^我喜歡狗。

  I don’t like him.^我不喜歡他。

  Do you like football?^你喜歡足球嗎?

  I hate the Yankees.^我痛恨美國北方佬。

  I’m crazy about pizza.^我非常喜歡比薩餅。

  I’m craving something to eat.^我非常想吃點東西。

  I don’t care for your opinion.^我不喜歡/贊同你的意見。

  I care about you a great deal.^我很在乎你。

  I loathe the sight of you.^我討厭見到你。

  I’m fond of Italian music.^我喜歡意大利音樂。

  He doesn’t find his job very appealing.^他并不覺得他的工作有趣。

  She’s attracted to fast cars.^她很喜歡跑車。

  I can’t stand these people.^我受不了這些人。

  --- lesson7 HOPES AND DESIRES希望與期望

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  I hope we win the tournament this year.^我希望我們能贏今年的比賽。

  I hope so too.^我也這么希望。

  What do you want for Christmas this year?^今年圣誕節(jié)你想要什么(禮物)?

  I wish it would stop raining.^我希望這雨能停下來。

  I was thinking about going to that new place.^我在考慮去那個新地方。

  I want to be a doctor.^我想做個醫(yī)生。

  I trust that all will be well.^我相信一切都會好的。

  I believe things will get better.^我相信事情會好轉(zhuǎn)的。

  I could really use a drink right now.^我現(xiàn)在很想喝點東西。

  I hope she feels better.^我希望她感覺好些。

  Their only desire is for a new home.^他們唯一的期望是有個新家。

  He’s the best hope for the team.^他是全隊最大的希望。

  I keep hoping that things will get better.^我一直都希望事情會好轉(zhuǎn)。

  I have to have that car.^我得擁有那輛車。

  I need to be alone.^我需要/想一個人呆。

  --- lesson8 DELIGHTS AND SURPRISES喜悅和驚奇

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  Oh,it’s wonderful.^噢,太好了。


  This is such a surprise!^這真讓人驚奇!

  Wow,I’m so happy!^噢,我真高興!

  Can you believe what our teacher did today?^你簡直不能相信我們老師今天做了什么事情? This comes as a surprise.^這讓人驚奇。

  The best thing happened to me today.^今天對我來說最好的一件事情。

  This is better than expected.^這比預(yù)計的還要好。

  How delightful!^真令人高興!

  This is incredible.^這簡直令人難以置信。

  I can’t believe how good this is.^這好得簡直讓我難以置信。

  This is terrific.^這太棒了。

  That’s fantastic.^那太棒了。

  Well,this is a nice surprise.^噢,這是個驚喜。

  I’m delighted to see you.^我很高興見到你。

  --- lesson9 ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS 建議和提議

  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型

  I suggest you start thinking about careers with animals.^我建議你開始考慮與動物相關(guān)的職業(yè)。 My advice to you is to enjoy those things.^我給你的建議就是去享受那些東西。

  I’ll think about it.^我會考慮的。

  Can I give you some advice?^我能給你一些建議嗎?

  What do you suggest?^你有什么建議?

  Can I give you some insights?^我能給你一些建議嗎?

  I suggest you do what he says.^我建議你按照他說的去做。

  My advice would be to go home.^我的建議就是回家。

  Is that your advice?^那是你的建議嗎?

  What would you do in my shoes?^如果你處在我的位置,你會怎么做?

  I’d recommend that you try to relax.^我建議你放松一下。

  May I make a suggestion?^我能提個建議嗎?

  What do you think I should do?^你認為我該做什么?

  Let me give you a bit of advice.^讓我給你點建議.

  What would be your advice?^你的建議是什么?


  --- Basic Patterns 基本句型


  I’m sure you deserve it.^我相信這是你應(yīng)得的。

  I’m sure you’ll do fine.^我相信你會做得很好。

  Good luck.^祝你好運。

  I wish you the best.^給你我最好的祝愿。

  That’s great.^太好了。


  Allow me to congratulate you.^請允許我祝賀你。

  I wish you well.^我祝福你。

  You have my best wishes.^給你我最好的祝福。

  Good job.^干得好。

  Please accept my warmest congratulations.^請接受我最熱誠的祝賀。

  I must congratulate you.^我一定要祝賀你。

  I wish you nothing but the best.^給你我最好的祝愿。

  I wish you good luck.^祝你好運。



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