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  PartI 1-5BCBBB 6-10ACCBA
  11-15BBABC 16-20BCBAB
  18Windy 19September 20swimming
  一 1-5DACDB 6-10BAABD
  二 1.searched 2.sighting 3.witnessing 4.case 5.creature 6.unexplained 7.evidence
  三 1.puzzle;puzzled;puzzling 2.amazing;amazed 3.possible;possibly;possibility
  4.injured;injury 5.appeared;disappear
  四 1.For 2.into 3.for 4.to 5.on 6.to 7.on 8.into
  五 1.step up 2.shown up 3.take charge of 4.loking into 5.made up
  PartI 1-5BADAC 6-10BDBAB
  11-15DCBAB 16-20DCDAC
  PartII 1-4DCAB 5-8BCAD
  PartIII 1.lonely 2.Ways 3.Relax 4.feeling 5.exercise 6.regular
  7.friendship 8.chance 9.Calling 10.freedom

  21期 基礎知識專項訓練-詞匯篇(一)
  1women tourists 2switch off 3took 4health 5friendly 6little 7inches 8carries 9hope 10stopped 11violin 12weight 13button 14exam 15lenght 16title 17architect 18uniforms 19politeness 20construction 21owned 22hurry 23rather 24ambulance 25explain 26business 27energy 28truth 29Electricity 30noticed 31friendly 32dentist 33apologize 34discovered 35missing 36stared 37age 38wish 39trouble 40temperature 41missing 42cost 43tourists 44height 45dialed 46thieves 47engineer 48collects 49manager 50stole 51fire service 52physical 53lose her temper 54deal with 55works as 56reply to 57in the middle 58held out 59be keen on 60heard from
  聽力原文 I.
  1. You shouldn't speak to customers impatiently.2. I will take care of it right away.3. Why don't we go to the movies? 4. They are interested in making models.II. 5. The game is designed by Mr Wang.6. You will spend twenty minutes doing housework.7. Do you mind if I sit here?8. There is something wrong with the computer.III. 9. Are you proud of yourself?10. Which university do you want to go to? 11. Do you have any talents?12. What's my score?IV. 13. W: Could you open the door for me, Peter? I have too many things in my hands. M: Of course. 14. M: Where are you going to move, Millie?W: I'm going to move to London. 15. M: What about going skateboarding this weekend, Sue?W: Sorry, I don't like it at all. I want to go swimming. 16. W: What gift should I buy for my sister's birthday?M: How about an MP4?W: It's good, but I don't have enough money. V. George is sixty years old. He is always tired and his face is always red. He doesn't like seeing doctors. But last month his wife said to him, “George, go and see the doctor.” “No,” said George. Last week he was even worse, and he went to see the doctor. Doctor Brown looked him over and then said to him, “You drink too much. Stop drinking whisky and drink milk.” George likes whisky, but he doesn't like milk. He looked at Doctor Brown and said, “But drinking milk is dangerous for me, doctor.” The doctor laughed and said, “Dangerous? How can drinking milk be dangerous?” “Well, doctor,” George said. “It killed one of my best friends last year.” The doctor laughed again and said, “How did it happen?” “The cow fell on him when he milked it.” VI. There're four main streets in my hometown. Xinhua Store is in the centre of the town. On its left is a KFC and on its right is a school. To the north of the KFC is a bookstore. You can buy all kinds of books there. There is a coffee shop, a Net bar and a video store on the right of the bookstore. Go along Summer Street and you will see a pet shop on the north at the end of the street. Between Autumn Street and Winter Street, there is a bus station, a restaurant and a zoo. You can go to the zoo and enjoy yourself on weekends.參考答案 聽力部分 I. 1-4 BCBA II. 5-8 BABB III. 9-12 BCAB IV. 13-16 BACB V. 17-20 BABB VI. One possible version: 21. centre 22. left 23. north 24. right 25. Between 筆試部分 I. 1-5 DCBCD 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 BDCAB II. 16-20 ADACB 21-25 CABBA III. 26-30 BDACD 31-35 ACCBD 36-40 BDABC IV. 41-45 CBDFA 46-50 FAEBD V. One possible version:51. My MP3 needs repairing.52. Mrs Smith is able to speak Chinese.53. I paid 1,500 yuan for the new TV.54. Of all the subjects, I like English best.55. Do you have a short sleep at noon?VI. One possible version: A. 56. hobbies 57. interested 58. spend 59. favorite 60. sports B.I am proud of my school I am a student from No.1 Middle School of Shenzhen. My school is big and beautiful with lots of trees and flowers. There are 30 classrooms and more than 1,500 students in my school. In front of the teaching building, there is a big playground. We play games and do sports there. I enjoy playing football or basketball with my friends after school. I am proud of my school because it's like a big family. The teachers are as kind as parents; the classmates are as friendly as sisters and brothers. In my opinion, my school is the best one.第15期B4版Keys: One possible version: 詞語點將臺 即時演練1. respond 2. apology 3. value 操練場1. all kinds of 2. complaining about 3. right away 4. make a complaint about 5. added up 6. respond to 7. in return8. on sale 句子結構1. to us 2. Long, long ago 語法運用1. quickly 2. happily 3. clearly 4. angry; angrily 5. closely 6. nicely 第15期B1版Keys:閱讀訓練營 1-2 DD 任務閱讀One possible version: 1. simple tools 2. American 3. faster 4. the moon5. summer 完形小測1-5 DDCBC 6-10 CCADC 第15期B2版Keys: (One possible version選擇題除外) 隨堂練 Section A I. 1-4 AACB II. 1. completely 2. excitedly 3. careful; carefully 4. heavily 5. fastest 6. angrily 7. quickly 8. good; well 9. late; late 10. strangely Section B I. 1. value 2. flat 3. respond 4. complain 5. receipts 6. apology 7. awfully 8. Cross; out 9. review 10. unusual II. 1-5 DABEC Section C1. The staff here are 2. is open 3. but not too expensive, either 4. My best buy; cost me 5. all kinds of 寫作訓練營 My favorite clothes shop My favorite clothes shop is No.1 Korean Fashion Shop. It's at No.33, Dongmeng Street. It's open from 10:00 am to 10:30 pm every day.
  筆試部分 I. One possible version: 1. army 2. square 3. main 4. celebrate 5. joke 6. succeeded 7. tales 8. Citizens 9. Greek 10. dragged II. One possible version:11. There is only a bed in the room.12. He didn't fail to win the game.13. Please go into the office.14. We hold a speech competition every year.15. The rain was too heavy for us to go out.16. Outside stood an elephant.17. The bus has just left.18. The Greeks haven't gone far away.19. Did you win the football match?20. How long have the Greeks tried to capture Troy?III. 21-25 EDACB 26-30 CEAFB IV. 31-35 CDCBC 36-40 BADAD V. 41-45 CBAAC 46-50 DBDDA VI. 51-55 BACDB 56-60 CBACC VII. One possible version:When he was 6 years old, George Washington got a new hatchet. He was very happy and wanted to try it. He saw a cheery tree in the garden and started to chop it. The hatchet was very good and George succeeded in chopping the tree down. Later George's fath...筆試部分 I. One possible version: 1. army 2. square 3. main 4. celebrate 5. joke 6. succeeded 7. tales 8. Citizens 9. Greek 10. dragged II. One possible version:11. There is only a bed in the room.12. He didn't fail to win the game.13. Please go into the office.14. We hold a speech competition every year.15. The rain was too heavy for us to go out.16. Outside stood an elephant.17. The bus has just left.18. The Greeks haven't gone far away.19. Did you win the football match?20. How long have the Greeks tried to capture Troy?III. 21-25 EDACB 26-30 CEAFB IV. 31-35 CDCBC 36-40 BADAD V. 41-45 CBAAC 46-50 DBDDA VI. 51-55 BACDB 56-60 CBACC VII. One possible version:When he was 6 years old, George Washington got a new hatchet. He was very happy and wanted to try it. He saw a cheery tree in the garden and started to chop it. The hatchet was very good and George succeeded in chopping the tree down. Later George's father saw the tree and was very angry. He asked George who did it. George said, “I cannot tell a lie. I chopped it with my hatchet.” George's father didn't punish him but praised him because he was honest.第12期B4版Keys: One possible version: 詞語點將臺a. to celebrate b. celebrate National Day c. 她從屋子里跑出來。
  d. 誰經營這家公司?e. except for f. except 語法運用 I. 1. have gone 2. has been 3. haven't talked 4. have seen II. 1. not eaten anything 2. Have; heard; yet; haven't 3. How long have; known 4 have spent; building 第12期B1版Keys: (One possible version選擇題除外) 快樂新詞1. jokes 2. running 3. are rushing 4. dragged 5. cried 6. tale 7. square 8. captured 9. main 10. orders 課本鏈接1-2 BC 課文理解 走進課文1-2 BB 語篇結構1. horse 2. ordered 3. celebrate 4. seized 5. Troy 句式仿寫 succeed in passing 第12期B2版Keys: (One possible version選擇題除外) 隨堂練 短語大聚會 I. 1. stupid 2. tales 3. order 4. main 5. Greeks II. 1. including 2. dragged 3. to celebrate 4. wooden5. entered III. 1. rushed down 2. run a competition on 3. succeeded in 4. except for 5. to make jokes about IV. 1. make sure 2. go to bed 3. Seconds later 4. on wheels 5. too; to 考點突破 I. 1-5 ABADA 6-10 BCBDB II. 1. How long 2. When did 3. How often 4. How soon 5. What time III. 1. The river is too deep for them to cross.2. My father pulled the goods with ropes.3. They played tricks on the disabled people.4. Let's wait for another hour.5. There was nothing but a horse on the square.回歸課文1. competition 2. history 3. capture 4. found 5. outside 6. pull 7. citizens 8. midnight 9. secret 10. trick
  1. elderly 2:My favorite teacherMy favorite teacher is Miss Li. bamboo 5. swallow 6. bamboo 2. rest 6. playing 7, about twenty years old. require 7. tie 8. dive 9. net 10. traditional 11. fisherman 12. swallow 13. remove課本鏈接1-2 BC課文理解走進課文1-4 BCCD語篇結構1. were brought back 5. is interested in考點突破I. 1-7 DADBBDAII. 1. does well in 2. needs another 3. for up to 4. taken out of 5. no longerIII. 1. Although she is more than 50, the woman looks young.2. The man was so strong that he could lift the heavy bag.3. This book makes it possible for us to know about cormorants.4. My friend gave the CD to me.5. The man went to the river very early.IV.1. The dog was tied to the tree by that man.2. An egg was swallowed by the boy. 3. Some nice seashells were brought to me by my aunt.4. The big fish was quickly caught by the bird.5. The boat was pushed into the sea by them.6. Dogs are used to look after sheep by the farmers.回歸課本1-5 DFACB. divided; between 7. She is tall and thin. swallow 8. remove 9. up to 4. dive down 5. elderly 4. diving 3. remove 4. cools down 2. attract 5, we make rapid progress in English. She is a good teacher. 31-35 DBCAB 36-40 CABDCV. 41-45 CBDDA 46-50 CBCABVI: One possible version. enables 19. there is 20. is tiedIII. 21-25 CEDAB 26-30 CEADBIV. require two years 2. us to finish 3. divided into 4. divides; between 5. have a rest 6. The old man is more than sixty years old. fisherman 3. is good at 6. Throw; into 8. I will no longer catch fish. 15. All of the people require sunlight. 16. How long 17. How soon 18. is no longer 4. She often tells us English stories. sets 10. enough to buy 3. the rest are 操練場1. up to 2. divide 3. are good at fishing 2. was removed from 3. be used to make 4. rest 4. attract 5. requires 3. tying 4. divided 5. traditionalIII. 1. elderly 6.13. Jill does well in playing basketball.14.第17期B4版Keys. fisherman 2. attracted II, our English teacher. She is very young. no longerIV. 1. She looks pretty and speaks English very well. She likes reading and dancing. remove. enablesII. One possible version11. The boy isn't old enough to go to school.12. One possible version, so we all like her very much. set off 3. is interested in 4. no longer 5. a piece of grass 4. removes 5. no longer句式仿寫1. careful enough 2. will no longer be第17期B2版Keys: (One possible version選擇題除外)隨堂練短語大聚會I. 1. to get第17期B1版Keys: (One possible version選擇題除外)快樂新詞 1. set off 3. traditional 2: 詞語點將臺運用1. cormorants 2. catching 3. Her class is very lively and interesting and she often helps us learn English. With her help. 51-55 BCDBC 56-60 CDBADVII. used to make 2; from 句子結構1筆試部分I. One possible version: 1

  1. ordinary 2. height 3. shower 4. poem 5. complete
  6. crowd 7. host 8. narrow 9. lively 10. superman
  11. career 12. groups 13. order 14. anybody 15. advice
  16. knowledge 17. shoot 18. achieve 19. training 20. alone
  21. feelings 22. seller 23. disagree 24. smiling 25. aloud
  26. planets 27. lasted 28. decided 29. sailing 30. is rushing
  31. a crowd of 32. rushed out 33. be worried about
  34. go outside 35. newspaper stand 36. go sailing
  37. grow up 38. look like 39. more and more 40. used to
  41. didn’ t; at all 42. In the future 43. find out
  44. is proud of 45. come true
  1. too young to 2. the tallest 3. What lively children
  4. is well known 5. is afraid of 6. Don’ t open
  7. didn’ t use to 8. saw; reading books
  9. more beautiful than 10. are hurrying to
  11. Let’ s do 12. Doing morning exercises; is
  13. time for me to 14. the beginning of
  15. spent; reading these books 16. decided to go on
  17. is training to be 18. From that day on
  19. dreamt of being 20. used; to tell
  1-5 BDCBB 6-10 BDABD
  11. What a busy teacher MissWang is!
  12. How sad the dog is!
  13. Lucy used to live in Shanghai, but now she lives in Shenzhen.
  14. The girl didn’ t use to get up very early in the morning.
  15. Did the twins use to play games with their friends?
  16. Hand in your homework on time.
  17. Be quiet when others are sleeping.
  18. Don’ t smoke in your room.
  19. Don’ t waste any food or water.
  20. Go back to the dormitories before 6:00 pm.
  21. When you come to 22. when you are crossing
  23. when someone knocked at 24. used to like
  25. didn’ t use to 26. When; comes into; Stand up
  27. when we called 28. used to 29. did not use to
  30. Did; use to
  第 14 期 B2 版 Keys:
  1-5 BCDCD 6-10 CBBDC
  1-5 CDABA 6-10 ACADD
  七年級(下)Units 7-8 綜合測試題聽力原文及參考答案
  I. 聽錄音,選出你聽到的句子。每小題念兩遍。
  1. Please give me some useful advice.2. Helen thinks she is just an ordinary person.
  3. Mr Green will host the welcome party tonight.
  4. I grew up in a small but beautiful village.
  5. No one can sail the ocean of life by himself.
  II. 聽句子,根據所聽內容選擇最佳應答語。每小題念兩遍。
  6. Did you go on a picnic last weekend?
  7. Would you like to play football with us?
  8. What’s your favorite kind of sport?
  9. You look more beautiful in this blue shirt.
  10. It will rain tomorrow, and we can’t go to climb the mountains.
  III. 聽對話,根據對話內容選擇最佳答案。對話念兩遍。
  11. W: What are you going to be when you grow up?
  M: I think I’ll be a singer. I like music and I can play the guitar quite well.
  12. W: Who is the woman in a red sweater over there?
  M: She is Mrs Green. She is my music teacher.
  13. W: Where were you yesterday, Bob? You didn’t come to school.
  M: Oh, I took care of my mother in the hospital.
  14. W: Dad, can I go to Jenny’s home to do my homework?
  M: Well, you’d better stay at home and do it on your own.
  15. W: Hi, David. What are you doing here?
  M: I’m looking for my favorite books. What about you, Cindy?
  W: I want to find some new poems. You know I love reading poems.
  IV. 聽獨白,根據所聽內容選擇最佳答案。獨白念兩遍。
  (M) Hello, I’m Abel. To be a teacher is my ideal career. When I was in the primary school, I wanted to be a teacher. My grandpa and grandma were teachers. I think teachers can also teach students how to be a good person. A teacher is the model for his students. Teachers will always love their students as though they were their own children. If I become a teacher, I can share many things with my students. To be a teacher should be fun. I must study hard to make my dream come true.
  I. 1-5 BCCAB
  II. 6-10 CBABA
  III. 11-15 AABCC
  IV. 16-20 BACAB
  I. 1-5 DACCD 6-10 DCBAC
  11-15 AADBB 16-20 ACCAB
  II. 21-25 BABAC 26-30 ACDBA
  31-35 BCDCD 36-40 ABDDB
  41-45 ABDCD 46-50 CDADA
  51-55 CAFBD 56-60 ECBDF
  IV. (One possibleversion)
  61. sailing 62. to sell
  63. is training 64. will host
  65. supermen 66. shot
  67. lasted 68. height
  69. lively 70. disagreed
  V. (One possible version)
  When Alice studied in the primary school, she used to get up at 7:00 am and go to bed at 9:30 pm. She walked to school and had English, maths and Chinese classes every day. After school, she spent less than 2 hours finishing her homework. But now in the middle school, she gets up at 6:20 am and goes to bed at 11:00 pm. She goes to school by bus. She has English, maths, Chinese, history, biology and geography classes every day. It takes her more than two hours to finish her homework after school.


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