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3.跟外教練習(xí),練的其實(shí)并不僅僅是輸出,其實(shí)兼有輸入。因?yàn)?,?tīng)老外在進(jìn)行表達(dá)的時(shí)候,你會(huì)無(wú)意識(shí)的吸收對(duì)方的表達(dá)。比如,對(duì)方說(shuō)了一句:I have no idea。你就又學(xué)到了I don't know的另一種表達(dá)形式,豐富了你自己的語(yǔ)料。

英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)8000句第1課 01 在家中


早晨好!Good morning.

Good morning, John. (早晨好,約翰。)

Good morning, mom. (早晨好,媽媽。)

鬧鐘響了嗎?Did the alarm clock go off?(*go off是鬧鐘“響”的意思。 )

Did the alarm clock buzz?

Did the alarm clock ring?

該起床了!It's time to get up!

It's time to get up! (該起床了!)

I don't want to get up. (我真不想起。)

It's time to wake up!

It's time to get out of bed.

It's time to get ready.

快點(diǎn)兒起床!Get up soon.

Get up soon. (快點(diǎn)兒起床!)

I don't want to. (我真不想起。)

你醒了嗎?Are you awake?(*get up是動(dòng)詞,表示“起床”、“起”的動(dòng)作。awake是形容詞,表示“醒了”、“沒(méi)睡”的狀態(tài)。 )

Are you awake? (你醒了嗎?)

I am now. (我剛醒。)

你不舒服嗎?Are you feeling sick?

Are you feeling sick? (你不舒服嗎?)

No, I'm just tired. (沒(méi)有,只是有點(diǎn)兒累。)

睡得好嗎?Did you sleep well?

Did you sleep well? (睡得好嗎?)

Yes, I slept very well. (嗯,睡得挺好。)

Did you sleep well? (睡得好嗎?)

No, I couldn't fall asleep. (哪兒啊,幾乎沒(méi)睡著。)

能幫我關(guān)掉鬧鐘嗎?Would you turn off the alarm clock?(*turn off的原意是“關(guān)”,多用于收音機(jī)、電視、照明等類的東西。雖然有許多東西無(wú)需用按鈕開(kāi)關(guān),但一般也用turn off表示。 )

Please turn off the alarm clock. (請(qǐng)把鬧鐘關(guān)了。)

你終于起來(lái)了。You finally got up.

You finally got up. (你終于起來(lái)了。)

I'm still sleepy. (我還困著呢!)

今天是個(gè)好天!It's a nice day!

It's a nice day! (今天是個(gè)好天!)

It sure is. (是不錯(cuò)啊。)

It's a beautiful day!

It's a wonderful day!

It's a great day!

昨晚你熬夜了?Did you stay up late last night?(*stay up late“睡得晚”、“熬夜”。 )

Did you go to bed late last night?


Let's fold up the futon.( *fold意為“折疊”,fold up意為“疊好”、“疊整齊”;futon原本是日文,如今英文中也逐漸使用,意為“被子”。 )

Let's put the futon away. (把被子收起來(lái)吧。)

昨天晚上你打呼嚕了。You were snoring last night.(*snore“打呼嚕”。 )

You were snoring last night. (昨天晚上你打呼嚕了。)

Did I keep you up? (影響你睡覺(jué)了嗎?)

You were sawing logs last night.( *saw logs原意為“鋸木頭”,在此用來(lái)表示“打呼嚕”。)

我做了個(gè)可怕的夢(mèng)。I had a nightmare.

I had a nightmare. (我做了個(gè)可怕的夢(mèng)。)

It's all right now. (已經(jīng)沒(méi)事了。)

你一直沒(méi)關(guān)燈啊。You left the light on.(*left (leave)是“保持某種樣子”、“保持某種狀態(tài)”的意思,表達(dá)“電燈一直開(kāi)著”、“發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)一直開(kāi)著”、“窗戶一直開(kāi)著”也可以用這種句型。 )

You forgot to turn off the light. (你忘了關(guān)燈了。)

我得洗臉了。I have to go wash my face.(*go wash是go和wash兩個(gè)動(dòng)詞連用,口語(yǔ)中常用??梢园阉醋魇莋o and wash的縮略形式。 )

該吃早飯了。It's time to eat breakfast.

It's time to have breakfast.


I'm still sleepy.

I'm still drowsy.


I'm still yawning.


I have a hangover.

我是個(gè)夜貓子。I'm a night person.(*“早上起不來(lái)”的意思。)

I'm a night person. (我是個(gè)夜貓子。)

I'm not. (我可不是。)

I'm a morning person. (我喜歡早起。)


Coffee wakes me up.

Coffee gets me going.


Did you brush your teeth?

Have you brushed your teeth?


I have to comb my hair.

穿什么好呢?What should I wear?

What should I wear? (穿什么好呢?)

The red one. (穿紅的吧!)

Which dress should I wear?

Which one should I wear?

What should I put on?

快換衣服。Hurry up and get dressed.

Hurry up and get dressed. (快換衣服。)

Why? (干嘛?)

把睡衣收好。Put those pajamas away!

Put those pajamas away! (把睡衣收好。)

Oh, I'm washing those. (啊,我正要洗呢。)

我走了,媽媽。I'm leaving. Bye mom!

I'm leaving. Bye mom! (我走了。媽媽再見(jiàn)!)

Study hard. (好好學(xué)習(xí)啊!)

I'll see you when I get back.

I'm taking off now.

See you.

See you later.

今天我們逃學(xué)吧。Let's play hooky today!(*play hooky為俚語(yǔ)“逃學(xué)”。 )

Let's play hooky today! (今天我們逃學(xué)吧。)

Yeah, let's. (好哇,走吧!)


You're wearing your sweater inside out.

You have your sweater on inside out.


It's upside down.

別忘了扔垃圾呀。Don't forget to take out the garbage.

Don't forget to take out the garbage. (可別忘了扔垃圾!)

I won't. (忘不了!)


It's your turn to take out the garbage.( *garbage也可以用trash和rubbish替代。)

今天你干什么?What are you doing today?

What are you doing today? (今天你們干嘛?)

We're having a track and field meet. (今天我們開(kāi)運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)。)

你快點(diǎn)兒,我們?cè)撨t到了。If you don't hurry, we'll be late.

If you don't hurry, we'll be late. (你快點(diǎn)兒,我們?cè)撨t到了!)

Okay, Okay. (知道了,知道了。)

Hurry up or we'll be late.

快點(diǎn)兒,上學(xué)該遲到了。Hurry or you'll be late for school.

Hurry or you'll be late for school. (快點(diǎn)兒,上學(xué)該遲到了。)

What time is it? (現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)?)


Did you lock the door?

Have you locked the door?

沒(méi)忘了什么東西吧?Aren't you forgetting something?

Aren't you forgetting something? (沒(méi)忘了什么東西吧?)

I don't think so. (我想沒(méi)有。)


It's already 8:00.

It's 8:00 already.

我晚了!I'm late!

I'm late! (我晚了!)

Hurry up! (快點(diǎn)兒吧!)


I have to rush!

I have to hurry (up)!

I have to get going!

I have to get moving.


你今天會(huì)回來(lái)得晚嗎?Are you gonna be late today?

Are you gonna be late today? (你今天會(huì)回來(lái)得晚嗎?)

No, I'll be home at the usual time. (不,和平常一樣。)

幾點(diǎn)回來(lái)?What time are you coming home?

What time are you coming home? (幾點(diǎn)回來(lái)?)

Around seven o'clock. (大概7點(diǎn)左右吧。)

飯盒帶了嗎?Have you got your lunch box?

Have you got your lunch box? (飯盒帶了嗎?)

Yes, right here. (嗯,帶了。)

今天好像要下雨。It might rain today.

It might rain today. (今天好像要下雨。)

Take your umbrella with you. (帶上傘吧!)


Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.


我回來(lái)了。I'm home.

I'm home. (我回來(lái)了。)

Welcome back. (你回來(lái)了。)

I'm back!


Welcome home!

Welcome back!


Did you have a good time?


How did it go today?

How was your day?

我可以出去玩兒會(huì)兒?jiǎn)?Can I go out to play?

Can I go out to play? (我可以出去玩兒會(huì)兒?jiǎn)?)

After you finish your homework. (寫完作業(yè)再去吧。)

我餓了。I'm hungry.

I'm hungry. (我餓了。)

We have some snacks. (吃點(diǎn)兒點(diǎn)心吧。)

點(diǎn)心在哪兒?Where are the snacks?

Where are the snacks? (點(diǎn)心在哪兒?)

They're in the cupboard. (在碗櫥里。)

我去學(xué)校補(bǔ)習(xí)了啊。I'm going to cram school now.(*cram意為“填鴨式補(bǔ)習(xí)”。)

I'm going to cram school now. (我去補(bǔ)習(xí)學(xué)校了啊。)

Call when you finish. (下課后來(lái)個(gè)電話。)

能給我點(diǎn)兒零花錢嗎?May I have my allowance?

May I have my allowance? (能給我點(diǎn)兒零花錢嗎?)

What do you want to buy? (你要買什么呀?)

真累啊!I'm tired.

I'm exhausted. (我精疲力盡了)

I'm pooped.( *俚語(yǔ) )

晚飯你想吃什么?What would you like for dinner?

What would you like for dinner? (晚飯你想吃什么?)

How about steak? (吃牛排怎么樣?)

What do you want for dinner? (晚飯吃什么?)

What do you want to eat for dinner? (晚飯你想吃點(diǎn)什么?)

你能幫我準(zhǔn)備餐具嗎?Would you help me set the table?(*set the table 是將刀、叉和杯子在桌子上擺好,準(zhǔn)備吃飯的意思。 )

Would you help me set the table? (你能幫我準(zhǔn)備餐具嗎?)

I'd be happy to. (樂(lè)意之至。)

Help me set up the table, will you? (你能幫我把餐具擺好嗎?)


What should I make for dinner?

What should I whip up for dinner?

What should I cook for dinner?

What should I fix for dinner?


It's good to be home.

There's no place like home.( *意為“哪兒也沒(méi)有自己家好”,是句常用的諺語(yǔ)。 )

It feels so good to be home.

你能不能趕緊去趟商店?Would you run to the store?(*不見(jiàn)得是“跑著去”,在這兒是“快點(diǎn)兒去”的意思。 )

Would you run to the store? (你能不能快點(diǎn)兒去趟商店?)

In just a minute. (稍等一下。)

洗澡水燒好了。The bath is ready.

It's been a long day. (今天真累呀!)

The bath is ready. (洗澡水燒好了。)


I'm taking a shower.

I'm going to take a shower.

晚飯做好了嗎?Is dinner ready?

Is dinner ready? (晚飯好了嗎?)

Not yet. (還沒(méi)呢。)

Is it time for dinner yet? (該吃晚飯了吧?)

Have you made dinner? (晚飯做好了嗎?)


Mom, what's for dinner tonight?

Mom, what did you make for dinner?

Mom, what did you fix for dinner?

晚飯吃什么?What's for dinner?

What's for dinner? (晚飯吃什么?)

Salisbury steak. (吃漢堡肉餅。)

Great! (太棒了。)


Today, we're having curry.

We're having curry today.

還要多久才能做好呀?How soon can you get it ready?

How soon can you get it ready? (還要多久才能做好呀?)

In about five more minutes. (再有5分鐘吧。)

When will it be ready?

How soon will it be done?


Let's eat.

Shall we begin? (可以吃了嗎?)


Please go ahead.

Please help yourself.

這把刀真快呀!This knife cuts well, doesn't it?

This knife cuts well, doesn't it? (這刀挺好使的,是不是?)

It sure does. (真挺快的。)

水開(kāi)啦!The water is boiling!

The water is boiling! (水開(kāi)啦!)

O.K. (知道啦!)

開(kāi)飯啦!Come and get it!(*這句直譯為“來(lái)端菜!”it是指“做好了的飯菜”,全句的意思是“飯做好了,來(lái)吃吧!”。是母親常說(shuō)的話。)

It's time for dinner! (該吃晚飯啦!)

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready! (早飯/午飯/晚飯好了啊!)

該吃飯啦!It's time to eat.

It's time to eat. (該吃飯啦!)

Finally. (終于吃上飯嘍!)


I'm coming.

I'll be right there. (我馬上就去。)

I'm on my way.

手洗干凈了嗎?Did you wash your hands well?

Did you wash your hands well? (手洗干凈了嗎?)

Yes. (洗干凈了。)


Don't spill it!

Don't tip it over.


Eat all of your vegetables.

Finish your vegetables.

Finish up your vegetables.

把飯吃光。Finish up your plate.

Finish up your plate. (把碗里的飯吃干凈。)

I'm trying to. (這不吃著呢嘛。)

我不喜歡吃蘆筍。I don't like asparagus.

I don't like asparagus. (我不喜歡吃蘆筍。)

Don't be picky. (不許挑食。)


It was very delicious. Thank you.

It was a wonderful dinner. (謝謝您豐盛的晚餐。)


Would you clear the table?

Would you put the dishes away?

把盤子洗了。Do the dishes!(*最好就這樣記住。 )

Do the dishes! (把盤子洗了。)

I will. (就去洗。)

Do the dishes! (把盤子洗了。)

It's not my turn. (今天不該我洗。)

Wash the dishes! (洗餐具)



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