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  1、 (河南省開(kāi)封市10-11學(xué)年高一月考)

  Today is Sunday. I have been studying all day long. On the morning, 1.

  I had a dry breakfast. We have no water to drink because 2.

  the water supply had cut off. The water had come back in 3.

  the evening, I did maths then. I didn't stop after 12 o’clock. 4 .

  After a short lunch I had the break. Then I went to my 5.

  Sunday English Class.

  After a long and tired class for more than two hours, I got 6.

  to home. Some work had been done but some hadn’t, I must 7.

  review all my subject such as the Science, the Humanities, 8.

  which include Chinese, English, Politics and History as 9.

  well. That’s terribly! Especially when there was no water. 10.


  2、 黑龍江省鶴北林業(yè)局高級(jí)中學(xué)09-10學(xué)年高一下學(xué)期期末考試(英語(yǔ))

  One day I told Mr Wang,our math teacher,was ill. 61.________

  I was worried about him and went to see him after the school. 62.________

  When I enter his room,he struggled up to welcome 63.________

  me.I let him lay down again.Mr Wang looked pale. 64.________

  I asked about his trouble.He said he was having 65.________

  a bad cold.Then he had a bad cough.After take some 66.________

  medicine he was getting better.He asked me that we 67.________

  liked the teacher who took place.When he heard 68.________

  everything was all right,I could see he was pleasing. 69.________

  Finally I asked him don’t to worry about the work 70.________

  and have a good rest.






  65.答案:√6.解析:taking是現(xiàn)在分詞。after taking相當(dāng)于after he took...答案:take→taking


  68.解析:take his place代替他。答案:place前加his


  70.解析:ask sb. not to do sth. 要求某人別做某事。答案:don’t→not

  3、 (河南省方城縣月考)

  Dear Mary,

  I receive your E-mail just now. Don’t worry about me. I’m getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interests. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with you . I know it is difficulty to learn English, and English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will be succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. I’ m looking forward to hearing good news from you.


  Li Hua


  work . Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you


  will be succe ed. Do remember that where there is a will there is a way. I’ am looking forward to


  hearing good news from you.

  4、 (河南省鄭州市第47中學(xué)高一第一次月考)

  71. You will go somewhere quietly to calm your friend down. 71.__________

  72. She and her family hid away for nearly 25 months after they were discovered.72.__________

  73. I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with the nature. 73.__________

  74. End your friendship with this boy would be a stupid thing to do. 74.__________

  75. As we know, there are more than one kind of English. 75.__________

  76. English is one of the official language used in India. 76.__________

  77. Although I still smile, but I’m not that happy. 77.__________

  78. Why not join discussions and show interest in other people’s ideas. 78.___________

  79. He wonders that the Smiths will come to his party. 79.___________

  80. I have many hobbies, such as play basketball and so on. 80.__________


  71 quietly改為quiet

  72. after改為before

  73. 去掉the

  74. End改為Ending

  75. are改為is

  76. language改為languages

  77. 去掉but

  78. join后加in

  79. that改為if/whether

  80. play改為playing

  5、 (河南省鄭州市盛同學(xué)校高一第一次月考)

  English is the most wide used language in the world. 76. ______

  Methods of learning English has been improved greatly 77. ______

  since the begin of this century. Learning English is 78. ______

  not just a matter of knowing a lots of grammar rules 79. ______

  or words. English is not a “subject” like the geography 80. ______

  or history, but a “skill” like swimming and football. 81. ______

  You learn to swim by getting on the water and swimming. 82. ______

  You learn to play football by going and kick a ball. 83. ______

  And you learn English by using it, without by knowing 84. _______

  about it. A student’s mastery of a language is measured by 85. ______


  6、 •(河南省鄭州市智林學(xué)校高一第 一次月考)

  Every morning John goes to work by trains. He always 76.________

  buys a newspaper, it helps to make the time pass more quickly. 77.________

  One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports page. He wanted 78.________

  to see the report about an important football match the night 79.________

  before. The repot was such interesting that he forgot to get off 80.________

  at his station. He didn’t know it when he saw the sea. He got 81.________

  off at the next station, and have to wait a long time for a train to 82.________

  go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. 83.________

  His boss were very angry when John told him why he was late. 84.________

  “Work is very more important than football!” 85.________


  76.trains → train 77. it → which 78. on → to 79. see → read 80. such → so 81. when →until 82. wait 后加a 83. √ 84. were → was 85. very → much

  7、 浙江省余姚中學(xué)10-11學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期第一次質(zhì)量檢測(cè)(英語(yǔ))

  I have just got some good news to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I went to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying there for half a month, visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. We’ve been often writing to each for a year and a half now. I have often dreamed of talk face to face with you. I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time.

  Perhaps we could go out to do some sightseeing together.

  答案:改錯(cuò)I have just got some good news to tell to (去掉to)you. I win(won) a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing(pleased) that he suggested I went(go) to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying(stay) there for half a month, visiting place(places) of interest or(and) practicing my English as well. We’ve been often writing to each (加other) for a year and a half now. I have often dreamed of talk(talking) face to face with you. I imagine you’ll be at(on) vacation yourself by that time.

  Perhaps we could go out to do some sightseeing together.

  8、 浙江省溫州市任巖松中學(xué)10-11學(xué)年高一第一次月考(英語(yǔ))

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  May I have your attentions, please? In Saturday, July 27th, there will have a few visits to different places. Everyone is welcomed. All the visitors will be divided into four groups. Each group of visitors can visit one of the place – a factory, a farm, a school or a hospital. Please you sign your name at the Service Desk before 9: 00 a.m. and say what place you wish to visit. We’ll set out after the breakfast at 8 and we will return in the afternoon. We will have lunch at place of visit.

  We hope you a pleasant journey. That’ s all.

  Thank you.


  Attentions改為 attention

  In 改為 On

  Have 改為 be

  welcomed改為 welcome

  place 改為 places

  Please you改為Please

  say what place 改為say which place

  after the breakfast 改為after breakfast

  at place 改為 at one place

  We hope改為We wish

  9、 浙江省南馬高級(jí)中學(xué)10-11學(xué)年高一9月月考(英語(yǔ))

  Some students don’t like talking about their parents often as if their parents love them very much. Are you going on well with your parents? You and your parents will be very happily if you can be friends. Here are some way to have a good talk with them. Find a good time to talk, like when you’re eating dinner, going out for walk and watching TV. Tell them something you’re interested in, or ask them about their lives when they are young. They love to talk about our past! Meet them face to face and listen to them carefully. Be honesty, and your parents will trust you more.


  Some students don’t like talking about their parents often as if their parents love them very much. Are you going on well with your parents? You and your parents will be very happily if you can be friends. Here are some way to have a good talk with them. Find a goo d time to talk, like when you’re eating dinner, going out for walk and watching TV. Tell them something you’re interested in, or ask them about their lives when they are young. They love to talk about our past! Meet them face to face and listen to them carefully. Be honesty, and your parents will trust you more.

  10、 浙江省嘉興一中10-11學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期10月月考(英語(yǔ))

  My interest has been in books instead in food since I went to high school. In the past I was real

  interested in all kinds of food. In summer day I liked to buy ice cream and cold drinks, while in winter I

  like to buy sweets and some another food. Whenever I went for a walk with my parents I would ask them

  buy me something. However, after I went to high school, I found I was putting on weight. So, I gave up

  habit of eating and began to spend money on all kinds of books, and my parents are always complaining

  that I am a money spender!


  1instead∧--of 2real--really 3day--days 4like—liked

  5another--other 6∧buy--to 7∧habit--the 8and--but

  11、 四川省南充高中順慶校區(qū)10-11學(xué)年高一第一次階段性考試 (英語(yǔ))


  I’d love to tell you something about my vacation. I’ve been 86. __________

  looking forward to visit the East Lake for a long time. 87. __________

  Yesterday, with my friends, I paid a visit it. We set off at 88. __________

  7:00 am by bus. It is 8 kilometers far away from our city, and 89. __________

  when we got there, it was 7:20 am. There we have a wonderful 90. __________

  time. We spent the whole morning boating and fished on the lake. 91. __________

  Then we had a picnic in the lake. In the afternoon, we climbed 92. __________

  the Snake Island, picking the beautiful flowers and took a lot of pictures. 93. __________

  Time passed very quick. Before we knew it, it was already 16:00, 94. __________

  but we had to go back. How about your vacation? Please write 95. __________

  me as soon as possible.


  86. 正確 87. visit 改為 visiting 88. visit 后加to 89. 去掉far 90. have改為had

  91. fished改為fishing 92. in 改為by 93. piking改為picked 94. quick改為quickly

  95. but改為and

  12、 山西省孝義三中10-11學(xué)年高一單元測(cè)試(一)(英語(yǔ))


  1 .My hometown is ten miles far away from here.______________________

  2. I am amazing at what you have told me .___________________________

  3. Senior High teachers are not similar with Junior High teachers .________

  4. It is a great fun to swim in the river on a hot day._________________

  5. There are four times as many girls than boys in our class.___________

  6. What’s your attitude of the problem?_______________________

  7. The words appeared on the special screen.______________

  8. A man calling John Smith is asking to see you.____________________

  9. The climate here is warmer than it in my hometown. _______________

  10. I’m looking forward to have a chance to go abroad.____________


  13、 遼寧省沈陽(yáng)二中10-11學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期10月月考(英語(yǔ))

  I often dream of being a teacher. I dream of standing in the platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys and girls. I teach them, play with them, watch them growing up. I am always young when I was staying with them. I know there is not easy to be a teacher. Without eno ugh knowledges, you can never teach good. Besides, you have to make friends with your pupils and take good care of him. Though I am a student now, but I will work very hard to make my dream comes true.


  I often dream of being a teacher. I dream o f standing in(改成on) the platform in the classroom and give(改成giving) lessons to lovely boys and girls. I teach them, play with them, (此處添加and) watch them growing up. I am always young when I was (改成am)staying with them. I know there(改成it) is not easy to be a teacher. Without enough knowledges(改成knowledge), you can never teach good(改成well). Besides, you have to make friends with your pupils and take good care of him(改為them). Though I am a student now, but (but去掉)I will work very hard to make my dream comes (改為come) true.

  14、 遼寧省大連市二十三中學(xué)10-11學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期第一次月考(英語(yǔ))

  Jim arrived at home and discovered that he has forgotten his door key. He rang the bell, but nobody came to open the door. He rang again and waiting, but still there was not reply. He walked round the house to s ee if he could find a open window, but they were all locked. It was beginning to rain, he did not know how to do. Kate, his wife, had obvious gone out. He didn’t know where she had been or when she’d return. Finally, he picked up a stone and threw them at the kitchen window. Just then, his wife came back.


  15、 吉林省扶余一中10-11學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期第一次月考(英語(yǔ))


  76.We mus t make use every minute to study.

  77.The football match was put off because the bad weather.

  78. More than one student have failed in the examination.

  79.The teacher is concerning about his students’ health.

  80.We’re going to do some shopping. Will you join in us?

  81.There is no such a thing as standard English.

  82.A number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

  83.While he walking the dog in the park,he happened to meet an old friend.

  84.How are you getting along well with them?

  85.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I dreamed about taking a great bike trip.


  16、 吉林省東北師大附中10-11學(xué)年高一第一次月考(英語(yǔ))

  81. Last night, his father came back late as usually.

  82. At the end of 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English.

  83. The Mekong River becomes rapids as it passes across deep valleys.

  84. This is the reason why she explained to me just now.

  85. The boss requested that all the work must be finished as soon as possible.


  81 usually 改成 usual


  83across改成 through

  84why改成which, that 或去掉

  85must改成should /去掉must


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