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  • 軟件大小:406kb
  • 資料等級:☆☆☆☆☆
  • 更新時間:2015-04-08
  • 文件類型:rar 格式
  • 下載次數(shù):4718
  • 資料來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
  • 資料性質(zhì):免費資料
  • 附件說明


  1. Your Work or Your Studies

  · Do you work or are you a student?

  Well, I am a senior in Zhejiang University and I’m planning to pursue my

  master’s degree in the U.K after my graduation. That’s why I take this test.

  1a) Your Work

  General Description of Your Job

  · What job (or, what work) do you do?

  I’m a teacher at an English training center. I’ve been working there for

  several years. It’s my pleasure to see my students make progress, so I think

  this job is very suitable for me.

  · What is the nature of that work?

  It’s a teaching job. I help the students improve their English language skills

  and most of them are planning to take IELTS.

  · What do you do in that job?

  I teach English, both productive and receptive skills. My job is to help my

  students succeed in their studies and pass exams if they need to.

  · Would you say your job (or, your work) is very important? 、

  I think so. I think the world will be much worse if there’re no teachers,

  especially good ones. I think my job is very important to the society.

  · How do you think your subject will help you (or, benefit you) in the future?

  I’m planning to be a teacher. Now I major in TESOL, which can help me

  learn teaching skills and I’m sure in the future I’ll be a qualified teacher

  because of my educational background. However, experience is also

  important, so I can’t stop learning even after I start working.



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