Have you ever opened your own wardrobe and saw some of your old shoes that still fit but look a bit disgusting ( covered in dust, dirt and moldy). However, you still want to save those shoes and wear them on the daily basic. Well these life hacks are for you, here are 7 tips that will save your shoes that everyone recommended.
1. Use antibacterial wipes to clean your shoes.
Leather shoes can be washed by hand and very carefully. After washing the sole, use antibacterial wipes and get into each shoe crack well. It will help you to disinfect them before you start the restoring process.
I must say that after just cleaning the shoes with wipes, they looked much better already.
2. Try using baking soda to make your shoes white again.
That was a miracle! I didn’t expect this effect, but baking soda really works. You need to blend 2 tbsp of normal baking soda and 1 tbsp of water. Rub the shoes with this mixture by using a soft toothbrush and leave for 30 minutes.
I decided to take a risk and left it for 2 hours. And minute by minute the shoes were getting more and more white.
3. Use toilet paper to dry your shoes.
After washing your shoes you may face the problem of how to dry them properly without yellow stains. One good hack can be to use newspaper. But I decided to go further and used white toilet paper because it doesn’t leave any marks from the ink. Moreover, it is easy to return the shoes the right shape by filling them in with soft paper.
4. Rub suede leather with an eraser to get rid of spots.
5. Mix baking soda and white vinegar to make the soles white.
The problem with some sneakers is that their soles are ribbed and all the dirt and dust accumulates, which makes the sole start looking yellow.
You need to combine 1 tbsp of hot water, 1 tbsp of baking soda, and 1 tbsp of white vinegar. Then rub the sole with this mixture by using a soft toothbrush and leave for 15-30 min.
6. Use nail polish remover to get rid of black scratches on leather shoes.
This method really works. Just do it very carefully so you don’t wash out the color!
Dark scratches on your shoes can be easily removed by using acetone. Just wet a cotton pad with nail polish remover and carefully press each scratch. Don’t rub.
It helped me with a lot of small scratches, but couldn’t save a ripped area completely. But still, the difference is visible.