Digging is the most well-known habit to dog and that's natural. Some people aren't bother about the habit but to the others the habit is quite irritating as it would destroys their garden. So here are 5 reasons dogs do that and 4 ways to stop it.
Why do dogs dig?
1. To get cool and comfortable
In the summer months when your pup gets hot, a nice cool hole might be the only solace they can find. Not only is a hole a great method of cooling your dog down, it’s also fun to dig!
2. To escape their confines/Because they are bored
High energy dogs who spend a great deal of time cooped up may dig to escape. Bored dogs are bad dogs. They know there’s a whole world out there that’s perfect for exploring and running around and something little like a fence isn’t going to stand in their way.
3. For entertainment
Unfortunately for you, some dogs just love to dig for the sake of digging.
4. To hunt
Some dogs are natural hunters. They will dig when they smell bunnies, moles, or other ground dwelling animals.
5. Separation anxiety
Unfortunately, your dog might be suffering from separation anxiety. Dogs who experience this dig because they are nervous and need to deal with this energy. Some dogs who destroy things in your house (shoes, furniture, etc.) suffer from the same thing.
If you believe your pup is digging or destroying things in your home due to anxiety, we recommend discussing with your vet during your next visit.
4 Tips to Stop your Pup from Digging
1. Give your dog more exercise
The first solution is to give your dog more exercise. If your dog is bored or trying to escape from your yard, then this could be the simple solution for you.
Take your pup to the dog park a few times a week and let them run. Not only will it help socialize your dog, but it will also wear them out so that they no longer feel like digging.
You can also try getting them some new toys and other things to play with to help entertain them.
2. Get a sandbox - bury toys, treats in there to inspire them
If your pup is digging because they are bored or they have separation anxiety then giving them a specific place to dig freely could help.
3. Fill the hole with poop
If you’re trying to discourage digging in a specific area, then try filling the holes with your dog’s feces. Dogs won’t dig where they poop, so just shovel the poop from your yard into the hole, and put some dirt over top of it. Your pup will go elsewhere.
4. Cayenne pepper
Another way to prevent them from digging in certain areas is to sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the ground. This also helps to keep away wild animals like rabbits and squirrels.
This is a great solution if your dog is digging in your flower or vegetable gardens, but it will also work well for discouraging the digging in any area of your yard.
A final tip: Do not bring your dog over to previously dug hole and yell at them about it. They won’t understand and the only take away will be you yelling at them which doesn’t help. You will feel frustrated and your dog will be upset or scared.