It's nearly summer, and it's getting balmier by the day. You could splay out on the beach or cannonball into a community pool -- but you also don't want to bring home coronavirus.
We asked two infectious disease experts about how to have coronavirus-free fun at your favorite waterfronts. Here's their advice for a sunny, safer summer.
Basics of social distancing
· Keep at least six feet of distance from other people if you can.
· Wear a cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose if you're able to, and don't take it off while you're out.
· Wash your hands -- 20 seconds, with soap and water -- before, during and after your trip to a public place.
· Don't go out if you feel sick or have come in contact with someone who's sick. Older adults and people with chronic illnesses should stay home, too.
Before you go
The risk of infection is thought to be lower outside, where wind can blow the virus away.
But like anything in the age of coronavirus, there's risk in recreation, said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and longtime adviser to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"You can do all these things," he told CNN."You just have to keep yourself distant."
Find out the pool or beach's safety protocol. Is the pool or beach restricting the number of people who have access at one time? Some facilities may ask patrons to leave after their allotted time is up to limit capacity.
In the water
Coronavirus is not likely to spread in water, the CDC says. Disinfecting chemicals such as chlorine and bromine can "inactivate" the virus in the water. The CDC doesn't specify how long it takes the virus to inactivate, though.
The same guidance doesn't exist for saltwater or freshwater. There's still a lot we don't know about Covid-19, so the safest thing to do is maintain ample distance from others.
Don't wear a mask in the water. It's just not practical! A wet mask can be dangerous if it obstructs your breathing. Save the mask for when you're back on land.
Keep your distance. Remember, people spread coronavirus, not water. Don't swim close enough to other people that you'll come in contact with their spit or breath.
Practice good hygiene. Please, don't blow your nose or spit in the pool or near another person. If you can, exit the water and use a tissue to cough or sneeze, then wash your hands. Frequent hand washing is a must, too, even if you're swimming. Odds are you'll come near other people, anyway.