Two days after President Trump instituted a ban on travelers from Europe, our daughter Rhea was on a flight home from Madrid.
Her college study abroad program had come to an abrupt end. At the airport, she was surprised and annoyed I wouldn't give her the usual tight hug and kiss.
And when we pulled up to our porch, my husband was waiting with a mask and gloves, hand sanitizer, and a disinfecting spray for her luggage. She started laughing incredulously: "Wait, what?"
Two days later, though, no one was laughing when she started complaining of chills and aches.I thawed a Cornish hen and made my children's favorite soup. Worry etched our minds as her temperature reached 100 degrees. We knew it was the start of a strict 14-day quarantine.
My husband drove her the next day to our local hospital. A nurse came out to the car to take a swab. Three days later, we got a call that Rhea had tested positive for COVID-19.
She just turned 20 and is healthy and athletic, but it's still frightening when your child comes down with a disease that has killed nearly 150.000 people.
Her symptoms were mild, but we were still scared, given how little people knowabout the disease. The quarantined are lonely and my daughter was no exception. None of us could comfort her in person when she had to go into solitary confinement in her room.
But all of us — my husband, our son and I — were determined to make it less frightening for Rhea. That meant turning to food. It's how the family bonds.
In celebrations, we spend days planning and making a vast array of dishes that could include lamb, pulled pork, roast chicken and pasta, all in one meal to accommodate their many desires. And in sickness we turn to soup. So we got started on a menu. After all, for 14 days she would have at least three meals a day plus a snack. Thankfully, my husband and I both love to cook.
Below are just a few of Rhea's quarantine meals. It wasn't haute cuisine, but we tried. And more importantly, we tried to keep the mood light.
My husband made some of her best breakfasts. Here's her first one: sunny-side up eggs with toasted croissant, sliced avocado, a wedge of watermelon.
Small bowls of almond and grapes, served with iced coffee topped with almond milk, all nicely arranged on a tray. My husband stood outside her room and announced: "Room Service." She giggled.
I don't drink coffee but my Gen Z daughter loves it, so I learned to make cold brew in a French press.
The breakfasts I made for her were less elaborate than my husband's. Yogurt and honey, topped with granola and sliced strawberries. Or avocado toast, or just plain rice crackers smeared with peanut butter and a banana.
Now, it's been more than 14 days and she's out of quarantine. She's healthy. And we are, too.