Due to media and cultural stereotypes,most of us have assumptions about how someone behaves and looks if they’re struggling with depression.We imagine someone who rarely leaves their room,doesn’t dress themselves well,and constantly looks miserable,but people with depression do not all behave in the same way.
2.They may often seem exhausted or complain about always being tired
A prevalent side effect of depression is constant exhaustion.Not everyone with the disorder struggles with it,but it’s extremely common.For those who experience this symptom with their depression,it’s often one of the hardest side effects to cope with.
3.They can be unusually irritable
A depressed person’s behavior might be interpreted as melancholy even if that’s not what they’re really feeling.Irritability is a frequently overlooked symptom of depression that is also very common.This should be understandable,since depression is a health problem you can’t“see”or strictly measure,making it hard to combat.
4.They could have a tough time responding to affection and concern
The main misconception about depression,which has been hinted at in the paragraphs above,is that it’s about“feeling”sad.
5.They might frequently turn down activities they used to love or would otherwise enjoy
Unless other explanations could equally be possible,an uncharacteristic lack of interest in activities over an extended period of time could be a sign that someone has depression.As mentioned above,depression is just as physically draining as it is mentally draining,which makes enjoying all the things you usually do difficult.
6.They can develop abnormal eating habits
Abnormal eating habits mainly develop for two reasons:as a form of coping,or as a side effect of lack of self-care.Eating too little or too much is a common sign of depression.Overeating is often shamed the most,when food can be the one source of pleasure a depressed person is able to give themselves and thus causes them to eat excessively.