The more your child's elementary school teacher uses praise instead of punishment, the more your child will stay focused on their schoolwork and lessons in the classroom, according to a new study published in the journal Educational Psychology.
"As elementary teachers' praise over punishment ratio increases, students' on-task behavior increases as well," said lead author Paul Caldarella, a professor in the Brigham Young University's counseling, psychology and special education department.
Not only that, he added, but the higher the ratio between the two -- the more a teacher praised and the less they scolded -- the better kids stayed focused on their lessons.
Praise is the key
Prior research has consistently shown praise is the simplest classroom behavior strategy a teacher can use to both reinforce and acknowledge good student behavior. That, studies show, is then directly linked to better academic scores and social outcomes.
Teacher reprimands, on the other hand, have been found to predict -- even increase -- student misbehavior and an unwillingness to comply with instruction.
Despite the clear connections, classrooms studies over the years have not seen a high use of praise in the classroom. In fact, teacher praise tends to decline as children age, while use of reprimands increase.
How much praise?
To test that, Caldarella's team spent three years counting teacher praise and reprimands in 151 classrooms in 19 elementary schools across the states of Missouri, Tennessee and Utah.
The team observed teacher interactions with a total of 2.536 students between the ages of 5 and 12. attending kindergarten through sixth grade.
Half of those classrooms were controls, where teachers were told to teach as they typically did. In the other half, teachers were required to follow a behavioral intervention program called CW-FIT. That stands for "Class-Wide Function-related Intervention Teams," a program that has been providing teachers with alternate methods for handling student behavior since 2005.
In CW-FIT teachers first teach children social skills through through repetition, discussion, and role plays. Then, the teachers form student teams, praising the students when they follow those good social behaviors. When the team meets a pre-set goal, the teacher then rewards the team while also praising. If students fail to respond to this first tier of training, there are advanced levels as well.
Two large studies of CW-FIT previously done by Caldarella's team have shown that children in those programs were more engaged. At the same time, disruptive behavior dropped.
The more praise the better
The more praise, the more improvement in student cooperation and attention to tasks. Those who provided the most praise saw up to 30% more positive student behavior.