On Easter 2018, Marshmallow was rescued from an extremely neglective home in Hungary, together with his doggy family, and was brought to Animal Care Austria’s Hungarian care station. He was examined by ACA’s volunteer vet team and was diagnosed with severe heart problems and was clearly dying. To top his bad health, he was also found completely blind.
Marshmallow waiting to die, surrounded by his doggy family in the animal shelter
So (as I was there as well as a volunteer photographer) I just had to bring him home, to let him know what love is, in the hope of also saving his life. And we were lucky! Even though Marshmallow was on the verge of death and his days were numbered, the incredible vet team of Tierarzt am Spittelberg managed to save his life, with their special emergency treatment and their endless love and care.
Being examined in the shelter by the volunteer vet team of Animal Care Austria, who confirmed his critical state
This is the place to thank the two most amazing vets I have ever met, and their dedicated team, who save so many lives every day. The months of Marshmallow’s recovery were long and sleepless, but they were all worth it, as he got stronger and livelier every day.
Marshmallow and me, on our way home from the shelter
Marshmallow in one of his many infusion treatments at Tierarzt am Spittelberg vet clinique
Marshmallow learning about the good life!
Marshmallow is now the liveliest dog, he’s so energetic and so loving! I was right to call him Marshmallow when I took him, he is just the absolute sweetest and fluffiest. He loves leading the way on our walks, even though he cannot see where he’s going, he loves sleeping on soft beds and his most favorite thing in the world are belly rubs! And who can resist rubbing that fluffy belly? In the past 1.5 years since we foster him, he has made such a long way!
More info: animalcare-austria.at | Instagram | rippel.at
圖片來源:Shlomit Schatzmayr