High in an uninhabited region of the Himalayan mountains of India lies a lake with a dark secret.
Known officially as Roopkund Lake, its notoriety has given rise to darker nicknames like Mystery Lake or Skeleton Lake. Covered in thick ice and snow for much of the year, Roopkund gives up its ghosts for only a few warm weeks of the year. It's then, in its clear blue-green waters and around its shores, when the remains of a disaster are revealed.
Roopkund Lake, the scene of what was once believed to be one of the world's deadliest hailstorms, is located at an altitude of 16,500 feet in India. (Photo: Vishwas Krishnamurthy/Shutterstock)
When a British park ranger happened upon the scene in 1942, he came across hundreds upon hundreds of skulls and bones. The lake sits at 16,500 feet (roughly 5,000 meters) above sea level. Because of the frigid cold of the region, many of the bodies still had hair, clothing and even flesh. The site of what appeared to be a relatively recent massacre was enough for the British government — which was in the thick of World War II — to assume a Japanese land invasion had gone awry.
The slopes leading down to the lake are littered with human bones, some of which have been arranged like this. (Photo: Awanish Tirkey/Shutterstock)
An investigation calmed fears of an invasion after it was determined that the bones were of ancient origin, but the bigger mystery of what had killed hundreds of people remained. In 2004, a team sent by National Geographic discovered that not only were the remains from 850 A.D., but that the victims had all died the same way: severe blows to the head and shoulders.
But new research published in Nature Communications adds a dramatic twist to the story. Looking at the DNA of 38 of the bodies, scientists now say those who perished didn't die in one horrific moment. There are at least three genetically distinct groups represented in their research — a fraction of the hundreds of bodies discovered there — and they died in events that played out over more than 1,000 years.
But what about the hailstorm theory?
The hailstorm theory had weight for such a long time because it made sense based on what scientists first found. With no shelter to speak of and to avoid the stinging ice, dozens may have began climbing back up the steep incline surrounding Roopkund. Anthropologists studying the impressions left on skulls and bones say the hail quickly became deadly, with the killer blows coming from bowling-ball hail as large as 9 inches in diameter.
Legend has it
Hikers make their way around Roopkund. (Photo: Akash Dhyan/Shutterstock)
Based on a legend handed down by locals over the centuries, it's possible there may have been survivors who passed along the horror of what took place at Roopkund. The story goes that a medieval monarch named King Jasdhawal, on pilgrimage with his queen and royal entourage, disobeyed the Hindu goddess Mata.
"So furious was the Mata, that she enlisted Latu a local deity," Dinesh Kuniyal, a local Hindu priest told IndiaHikes. "With Latu's help she created thunderstorms and avalanches. Huge hailstones rained down on the king's army. The army of Kannauj didn’t have a chance. All of them perished in Mata’s fury. It is their skeletons at the Roopkund lake."
More work to be done
Interestingly, the new team's work doesn't rule out the hailstorm theory completely.
"Our study deepens the Roopkund mystery in many ways," study co-author Niraj Rai, head of the Ancient DNA Lab at Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences in India, told Vice in an email.
“我們的研究在很多方面加深了魯普昆德之謎,”研究合著者、印度Birbal Sahni古科學(xué)研究所古DNA實驗室主任Niraj Rai在一封電子郵件中告訴Vice。
In fact, the team will continue to study more of the human remains in an effort to find more clues to this ongoing mystery.