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After high school in Nanjing, Queenie Ren followed a familiar path for young Chinese students. She moved to the US for higher education, studying economics at Brown University.

在南京上完高中以后,Queenie Ren走上了一條年輕中國學生熟悉的道路。她去了美國上大學,在布朗大學(Brown University)學習經(jīng)濟學。

Five years later, she is back in China working for consultancies and investment banks. Now Ms Ren is considering applying to business school. But this time, she will stay close to home, planning only to apply to the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) in Beijing. She wants to remain in China because the opportunity to build Chinese contacts is more important than the prestige of a western MBA.

5年后,她回到中國,在咨詢公司和投行工作。現(xiàn)在Queenie Ren正考慮申請商學院。但這次,她將會離家近一些,僅僅計劃申請北京的長江商學院(CKGSB)。她之所以想留在中國,是因為打造中國人脈的機遇比西方MBA的名望更重要。

“Networking gets more and more important for your career,” Ms Ren says. “It is important to be local to do that.”

Queenie Ren表示:“人脈對你的職業(yè)生涯越來越重要。而要培養(yǎng)人脈,留在國內(nèi)很重要。”

China has long provided a large proportion of the international students on MBA courses in western business schools. According to new data from the Graduate Management Admission Council, the country accounts for the greatest number of international applications in the US and Canada, and is second only to India as a provider of foreign students in Europe.

在西方商學院攻讀MBA課程的國際學生當中,中國學生長期占據(jù)很高的比例。美國管理學研究生招生理事會(Graduate Management Admission Council)最新發(fā)布的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,在申請美國和加拿大商學院的國際學生當中,中國學生是最多的,在申請歐洲商學院的國際學生當中,中國排名第二,僅次于印度。

Historically, the Chinese student diaspora has headed abroad to study, guided by a belief that European or American MBAs were superior to those from Chinese institutions. But the qualitative difference between local and overseas schools is narrowing for Chinese students, as increasing numbers of domestic institutions have gained international accreditation that qualifies them for global rankings.


The Shanghai-based China Europe International Business School (Ceibs) MBA course was ranked 11th best in the world by the Financial Times this year, up from 17th in 2016 and the highest of five Chinese schools in the top 100. It became the first Chinese institution to receive European Foundation for Management Development accreditation in 1994. Now 20 Chinese schools have achieved the standard, according to David Asch, EFMD’s director of quality services.

上海中歐國際工商學院(CEIBS)的MBA課程在英國《金融時報》今年編制的排行榜上排名第11位,去年排名第17位,它是進入全球100強的5所中國商學院中排名最高的。中歐國際工商學院在1994年獲得了歐洲管理發(fā)展基金會(European Foundation for Management Development)的認證,為中國首家。該基金會品質(zhì)服務(wù)總監(jiān)戴維•阿施(David Asch)表示,現(xiàn)在中國有20家學院達到了該基金會的標準。

“The west has had a good run with Chinese students for the last 15 to 20 years, but it’s going to come to an end,” Mr Asch says. “The jobs network is key.”


Ms Ren’s choice of school, CKGSB, was founded in 2002. According to its marketing material, its extensive Chinese business connections are a good reason for students to choose its degree programmes. Of CKGSB’s 10,000 alumni, more than half are company chairs or chief executives. About 40 per cent of the 50 to 60 students CKGSB takes for its MBA course each year are returning Chinese nationals, according to Li Haitao, the associate dean responsible for the 14-month course. “All these students get a good education overseas but they come back to China for their career development,” he says.

Queenie Ren選擇的長江商學院創(chuàng)建于2002年。據(jù)該商學院營銷資料介紹,其廣泛的中國商界聯(lián)系是學生選擇其學位項目的一個重要原因。在長江商學院的1萬名校友中,逾半數(shù)是公司董事長或者首席執(zhí)行官。長江商學院負責14個月課程的副院長李海濤表示,在其英文MBA課程每年招收的50至60名學員當中,大約40%是海外留學回來的中國公民。他說:“這些學生全都有良好的海外教育背景,但他們?yōu)榱寺殬I(yè)發(fā)展而回國。”

Chinese business schools’ increasing presence on global MBA ranking lists means greater competition for those returning home to seek work. The professional networks MBA students build during their time at Chinese business school can give them a considerable advantage over those who have spent up to two years studying overseas.


For now, the sheer size of the Chinese population and the capacity limits on domestic MBA courses means the numbers of Chinese students studying in western business schools continues to climb even as demand at home grows.


But most of these students return home, putting pressure on western schools to build stronger connections with Chinese employers. Half of the Chinese MBA students who graduated from London Business School in the past three years returned to China seeking work. LBS co-hosts with Insead, HEC Paris, Rotterdam School of Management and Iese, an Asian careers fair where students can meet Chinese companies looking for MBA graduates, on its campus in London.

但大部分學生會在畢業(yè)后回國,這讓西方商學院不得不構(gòu)建與中國雇主更緊密的聯(lián)系。在過去3年里畢業(yè)于倫敦商學院(London Business School)的中國MBA學員當中,有一半回國找工作。倫敦商學院與歐洲工商管理學院(Insead)、巴黎高等商學院(HEC Paris)、鹿特丹管理學院(Rotterdam School of Management)和Iese商學院在其位于倫敦的校園里聯(lián)合主辦了一個亞洲職業(yè)展覽會,在那里學員們可以與招募MBA畢業(yè)生的中國公司見面。

Some western schools secure a local presence in China by recruiting alumni. Eric Xu, an MBA graduate from the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School, organises alumni events in Shanghai, where he now runs a career coaching business. He aims to build connections with Judge alumni in senior roles in companies in the city to develop a pipeline for hiring MBAs.

一些西方商學院借助校友來建立在中國的存在。Eric Xu是劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)佳奇管理學院(Judge Business School)的MBA畢業(yè)生,他在上海組織了校友活動——他在上海經(jīng)營著一家就業(yè)指導(dǎo)企業(yè)。他的目的是通過與在上海擔任公司高管的佳奇校友建立聯(lián)系,開發(fā)出招聘MBA的通道。

A recent success involved a real estate investment company in Shanghai whose head of human resources was a Judge graduate who now plans to recruit an MBA and a masters graduate from the school. “Ninety per cent of the Chinese students on my course are back in China,” Mr Xu says. “Our alumni can be mentors to the freshly graduated students that come home.”

最近的成功案例包括上海一家房地產(chǎn)投資公司。該公司的人力資源負責人是佳奇學院的畢業(yè)生,現(xiàn)在計劃招聘來自該校的一名MBA學員和一名碩士畢業(yè)生。Eric Xu表示:“我所學習課程的90%中國學員都回國了。我們的校友可以指導(dǎo)那些剛剛畢業(yè)回國的學生。”

Yingshan Shi has been a news anchor for the Xinhua News Agency in Washington and Beijing. She is preparing to study for the one-year MBA at Insead, where she intends to plan her next career move.

Yingshan Shi是新華社(Xinhua News Agency)在華盛頓和北京的新聞主持人。她現(xiàn)在正準備在歐洲工商管理學院攻讀一年制的MBA,并打算在那里規(guī)劃下一步職業(yè)發(fā)展。

“In China, people are in a rush to get things done,” she says. “Studying in Europe gives you a chance to think about what you are doing.”


Insead is recognised as a prestigious school in China, which should make her job search easy after graduation, Ms Shi hopes. Just in case, she has a back-up plan in that her course offers an optional two-month study exchange at the Ceibs campus in Shanghai, where she can start building local business contacts.



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