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The Trump administration is seeking to convince the EU and Japan to join its efforts to tackle China over Beijing’s intellectual property regime as it tries to address one of the top concerns of foreign businesses operating in China.


The move follows Washington’s launch in the summer of an investigation into Chinese IP theft and forced technology transfer rules that some fear could lead to US tariffs and a trade war between the world’s two largest economies. It also marks the administration’s first major attempt to co-operate with traditional trade allies in taking on China.


However, European and Japanese officials are wary and point to what they see as the risk in co-operating with a bellicose and mercurial US president who has vowed to pursue an “America First” foreign and trade policy.


Their reluctance follows battles over the administration’s now-stalled push to impose tariffs on imports of steel and aluminium that would have hit allies such as Germany, Japan and South Korea hard. It also highlights how Donald Trump’s presidency has rewritten US relationships, making it harder for Washington to assemble the sort of diplomatic coalitions that presidents have traditionally used to tackle issues of mutual economic interest.

此前,美國政府采取的現(xiàn)已停滯的對鋼鐵和鋁進(jìn)口征收關(guān)稅的舉措引發(fā)爭議,此舉將嚴(yán)重?fù)p害德國、日本和韓國等盟友。這還突顯出,唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)擔(dān)任總統(tǒng)改寫了美國關(guān)系,這加大了美國政府召集外交聯(lián)盟的難度,美國總統(tǒng)一直利用這種外交聯(lián)盟解決經(jīng)濟(jì)互利的問題。

According to senior officials familiar with the discussions, the US began approaching European Commission officials and EU member states as well as officials in Japan over the summer. The first approaches came just before Mr Trump signed an executive memorandum ordering US trade representative Robert Lighthizer to launch an investigation into China’s IP practice.

據(jù)了解相關(guān)會談的高級官員稱,美國從今年夏季開始接觸歐盟委員會(European Commission)官員和歐盟成員國以及日本官員。首批接觸就在特朗普簽署行政備忘錄命令美國貿(mào)易代表羅伯特•萊特希澤(Robert Lighthizer)針對中國知識產(chǎn)權(quán)慣例展開調(diào)查之前。

The “Section 301” investigation is controversial because it would give Mr Trump powers to impose unilateral tariffs and take other measures against China that could spark a trade war. The probe is expected to take up to a year, although some administration officials are pushing for it to be completed by the end of this year.

這次“301條款”(Section 301)調(diào)查備受爭議,因?yàn)檫@將讓特朗普有權(quán)征收單邊關(guān)稅并針對中國采取其他措施,這將引發(fā)貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)。預(yù)計(jì)調(diào)查將耗時一年,不過美國政府一些官員正推動其在今年年底之前完成。

According to one person briefed on the talks, US trade officials suggested during a visit to Tokyo last month that Japan could take its own unilateral measures. However, Japanese officials pointed out there were no statutes on their books to allow this.


European and Japanese officials have told US counterparts that they would not join any action that would result in the US flouting World Trade Organisation rules, something that some nationalist members of the administration are keen to see.


“I don’t think we would be ready to support the US if at the end of the investigation they decide to go unilateral,” said one senior EU official.


The EU and Japan have, however, indicated that they might be willing to work with the US if Mr Trump’s China fight results in one or more cases being brought against Beijing at the WTO.


Through a spokeswoman, Mr Lighthizer declined to confirm the approaches to the EU and Japan.


Companies from Europe, Japan and the US have increasingly complained about Chinese IP theft, hacking and industrial espionage in recent years. They have also raised growing concerns about rules that force them to take Chinese joint venture partners and transfer sensitive technologies in order to do business in China.


During a rare public appearance in Washington this week Mr Lighthizer, a longtime China hawk, also sent mixed signals on whether the administration would be willing to take its fight to the WTO.


He said the US did not want to “prejudge” the outcome of the IP probe or what actions it might take. “If we turn up WTO violations, we’ll bring them to the WTO,” said Mr Lighthizer. “We’re not precluded from doing that, by any means.”


But he also separately argued that the WTO was not equipped to deal with China, calling Beijing’s economic model state-backed “mercantilism” and “a threat to the world trading system that is unprecedented”.


“The WTO and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, were not designed to successfully manage mercantilism on this scale,” he added. “We must find other ways to defend our companies, workers, farmers, and indeed our economic system.”



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