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Some chief executives rescue a company from the brink of collapse. Others lead already good companies to greatness. But few, like Jorgen Vig Knudstorp at Lego in the past 12 years, do both.

有的首席執(zhí)行官將公司從崩潰邊緣拯救出來(lái),有的首席執(zhí)行官帶領(lǐng)著已經(jīng)很優(yōu)秀的公司走向偉大,但很少有人兩樣都能達(dá)成,而約爾根•維格•克努斯托普(Jørgen Vig Knudstorp)過(guò)去12年在樂(lè)高(Lego)就做到了。

In a valedictory interview before stepping down as chief executive to become chairman at the year’s end, Mr Knudstorp details how he revived the maker of plastic bricks and turned it into the most profitable toymaker in the world — and how his management challenges have shifted over time.


Sitting in his office in Lego’s home town of Billund in the heart of rural, central Denmark — surrounded by sets that include a gigantic Disney castle — the spiky-haired 48-year-old retains a boyish air. He was introduced to the toymaker as a child by his teacher and engineer parents when initially all he wanted was a racing car.


But Mr Knudstorp is no wide-eyed romantic. He also brought to Lego much of his professional background as a McKinsey consultant. He gives each of the five phases he has led Lego through since 2004 a pithy description — survive, purpose, let growth loose, step up, leap — before adding: “I apologise for the management lingo.”


The first person outside the founding family to run Lego, his initial task was to staunch the bleeding, as journalists prepared obituaries for the lossmaking and over-extended toymaker. Mr Knudstorp adopted a strict focus on cash, selling off peripheral businesses such as theme parks and video games, and cutting the number of parts Lego made. Foreign outposts were scaled back or closed down. Tiny Billund again became the heart of the group.


In a second phase, he worked on productivity and identity by moving much of Lego’s production to countries such as Hungary and Mexico, and boosting the brand. Only in the third period — 2009-11 — did he feel the toymaker could look to growth again. “Every time you grow, you are hiding your problems. Growth is like sugar-coating your problems,” he adds.


As Lego became more successful, so the problems changed. By 2012, the issue was responding to growth rates that have seen Lego’s revenues increase by an average 17 per cent a year under Mr Knudstorp. He decided to create what he calls “a circular management team” in which the 20 people who reported to the top handful of managers on the executive committee met once a month. The idea was to allow Lego’s supply chain to continue humming even as it expanded into the likes of Asia. “If you make a decision in product design, you need to mirror it in manufacturing,” says Mr Knudstorp.


The latest phase, beginning last year, was born out of the difficulties of becoming so big. Small problems developed: Lego was fined €130,000 for preventing German stores from offering discounts; employee satisfaction levels were flat, and the number of staff increased by a quarter in just one year.


Mr Knudstorp says he worries about what consultants at Bain call the “westward winds”, forces that push bigger companies away from what made them successful in the first place. “It is bureaucracy, it is because you are getting bigger, the pressure of scaling, of finding the right talent, of having the entrepreneurial spirit despite being a very big company,” Mr Knudstorp adds.


As Lego opens a new factory in China to service its rapidly growing Asian business, Mr Knudstorp and his successor Bali Padda — the current chief operating officer — work hard to ensure it has the same culture and values as its other factories, as well as a good supply chain. Under its “two in a box” principle, an experienced Lego general manager works alongside a new Chinese general manager.

隨著樂(lè)高在中國(guó)建設(shè)新工廠以滿足公司快速增長(zhǎng)的亞洲業(yè)務(wù),克努斯托普及其繼任者、現(xiàn)任樂(lè)高首席運(yùn)營(yíng)官巴利•帕達(dá)(Bali Padda)正全力以赴,確保中國(guó)工廠與其他工廠保持相同的文化和價(jià)值觀,同時(shí)也保持良好的供應(yīng)鏈。根據(jù)“雙重管理”的原則,一名經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的樂(lè)高總經(jīng)理將與一名新的中國(guó)總經(jīng)理并肩工作。

Some of the same issues that confronted Mr Knudstorp in 2004 are creeping back in. The number of parts used by Lego has increased, but he stresses that so has turnover. Offices have been opened in London, Singapore and Shanghai but Billund remains the company’s centre. A new headquarters is being built, and an architecturally impressive Lego House to show off the brand. “We are careful about not losing our soul,” Mr Knudstorp says.

克努斯托普2004年遭遇過(guò)的一些問(wèn)題正在悄然再現(xiàn)。樂(lè)高使用的零件數(shù)量增加了,但他強(qiáng)調(diào),銷售額也增加了。樂(lè)高在倫敦、新加坡、上海設(shè)立了辦事處,但仍以比隆為中心。一座新的總部正在建設(shè),還有一座展示樂(lè)高品牌的、建筑風(fēng)格令人印象深刻的Lego House。“我們小心翼翼避免丟失自己的靈魂,”克努斯托普說(shuō)。

He also stresses humility, saying Lego has learnt that it cannot do everything.


“It is a wonderful thing to have Legoland [the theme park]. But Lego wasn’t a great owner,” Mr Knudstorp says. Films and video games have followed the same model of having another company better suited to those fields using the Lego brand.


With scale has come the potential to attack Lego in various ways. In recent years, it has faced controversy for not supplying Chinese artist Ai Weiwei (the company later agreed to the request, blaming a misinterpretation of company policy on political neutrality for the “mistake”); has been the butt of gender protests over pink toys for girls in the Lego Friends range, and stopped collaborations with Royal Dutch Shell and the Daily Mail newspaper after those companies faced public protests.

伴隨規(guī)模的擴(kuò)大,樂(lè)高開始受到各種各樣的攻擊。近年來(lái),樂(lè)高曾因拒絕向中國(guó)藝術(shù)家艾未未供貨而面臨爭(zhēng)議(公司后來(lái)同意了艾未未的要求,并將這一“錯(cuò)誤”歸咎于對(duì)公司政治中立政策的曲解);因在樂(lè)高好朋友(Lego Friends)系列中為女孩推出粉紅色玩具而成為性別抗議人士攻擊的對(duì)象,并被迫停止與遭到公眾抗議的荷蘭皇家殼牌(Royal Dutch Shell)、《每日郵報(bào)》(Daily Mail)等公司的合作。

Mr Knudstorp says: “There is no doubt that being such a popular brand we are a good target for so-called brand hijacking.” Lego now follows popular opinion closely on Twitter and Mr Knudstorp personally answers some letters sent in by children and parents. “It’s really important to listen. Twitter and social media give us the possibility to gauge the issue. Sometimes we are caught off guard,” he adds.


Stepping back from the day-to-day business will allow Mr Knudstorp to focus on new business areas. As well as being chairman of the toymaker, he will head the new Lego Brand Group, an entity that pools all the founding family’s Lego-related interests.

從日常事務(wù)中退下來(lái)可以讓克努斯托普專注于新的業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域。在擔(dān)任這家玩具制造商董事長(zhǎng)的同時(shí),他將執(zhí)掌新成立的Lego Brand Group——匯集創(chuàng)始家族與樂(lè)高相關(guān)的所有利益的一個(gè)實(shí)體。

Mr Knudstorp says it will ensure the family is an “active owner, one who smells the roses, who knows what the business, the culture are like”. The crucial balance for him will be between “brand protection and brand development”. The split will allow Lego to concentrate purely on plastic bricks.

克努斯托普表示,Lego Brand Group將確保整個(gè)家族成為一個(gè)“活躍的所有者,一個(gè)能欣賞平凡事物、熟悉公司業(yè)務(wù)和文化的家族”。對(duì)克努斯托普而言,關(guān)鍵是要在“品牌保護(hù)與品牌發(fā)展”之間實(shí)現(xiàn)平衡。新成立Lego Brand Group可以讓樂(lè)高完全專注塑料積木業(yè)務(wù)。


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