As an Australian who has travelled quite a bit andbeen part of many different expat communities, Ifind that Americans more than people from othercountries do this one particular thing that annoysme.
When I am speaking, really about anything, just in general conversation, I hate beinginterrupted so that someone can impersonate my accent to me.
This is how it goes:
Me: "...so then I'd probably add just a little butter..."
American: "Buttah! Buttah...you say Buttah. Australian accents are so funny!"
Me: "Uh yeah, so as I was saying..."
So I have a different accent. I get that. But people not from Australia have a very differentaccent from me. I don't stop them midway through a conversation to repeat back to themwhat they said because, well, it's just rude.
Disclaimer: I love the U S of A. I spent some of the best years of my life there. I love mostAmericans that I have met (except for the jackasses).
So...this is not exactly an annoyance. But one thing I notice about some (many?) Americansthat I don't see that much elsewhere is, they are eating or drinking something all the time.Like, if they go to the movies they're munching on a huge bucket of popcorn or sipping on abucket of soda through the entire movie. If they're walking down the street they have aStarbucks latte or a Snapple bottle or something in one hand and a phone in the other. Or theyare chewing gum. They eat in the car all the time too. The excuse I've heard for this is it'sbecause Americans are so busy all the time that they have to eat on the run anywhere they can.But still...aren't people in other countries busy too? It's a bit of a puzzle.
I get worried about Americans' response if I criticize something about the US. Europeans andAsians are used to criticism from outsiders more due to multicultural geography and not takethat criticism as hate. Every now and then, when I criticize something about the US online,even when I'm very careful with my words to not offend anyone, I still receive some responseslike, "First look at your own country!", "You're not from here, you have no right to sayanything." "Foreigners hate America."
Americans have a lot of behaviors that while not being actually bad things, seem rude toforeigners.
Americans are loud.
It seems to be the norm here in the US, so you don't notice it a lot, but in other countrieswhere people speak "normally", it sounds very rude/uneducated.
Especially in restaurants, where all the locals speak softly and politely to each other, and agroup of people is like "OH MY GAWD, THIS FOOD IS SO GOOD, BWAHAHAHA, THAT'S THESH*T DUDE!"
Everyone else in the restaurant is immediately thinking "Rude Americans".