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Stand Up for Your Cats


TAYLOR SWIFT, I salute you.

泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),我要向你致敬。

Not for your snappy songs and sartorial flair, although these are all fine things. I applaud you for the fact that you have almost single-handedly skewered the myth of the owner of the feline as a tragic, rejected “crazy cat lady.”


Ms. Swift regularly poses with, and posts about, her two Scottish fold cats — Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson — with unabashed pride. She posts their pictures on Instagram and has been featured in commercials where she is swarmed by fluffy cats, all the while still managing to somehow remain desirable.

斯威夫特有兩只蘇格蘭折耳貓——梅瑞迪斯·格雷(Meredith Grey)和奧莉薇亞·本森(Olivia Benson),她經(jīng)常和她們合影,發(fā)與她們有關(guān)的文字,絲毫不去遮掩自己對她們的驕傲之情。她在Instagram上發(fā)她們的照片,還讓她們參演廣告,在廣告里,她被毛茸茸的貓簇?fù)碇?,卻依舊能顯得性感妖嬈。

“It is a daily struggle,” she tweeted, “to not buy more cats.”


The longstanding, irrational bias against cats stems from archaic views about women.


Their owners are more likely to be single women than single men — according to the American Pet Products Association, 11 percent of cats live with single women but only 2 percent live with single men — and so they have become addendums to the spinster stereotype.

養(yǎng)貓的人里,單身女性要比單身男性多得多——據(jù)美國寵物產(chǎn)品協(xié)會(American Pet Products Association)的數(shù)據(jù),11%的貓和單身女性生活在一起,只有2%是跟單身男性在一起——所以貓就成了“老處女”刻板印象的一個注腳。

We seem unable to contemplate the thought of a woman enjoying the sweet company of a cat, without assuming it is a hallmark of a sad single existence. The words woman and cat don’t conjure up thoughts of a glamorous fast life, but pajamas, Chinese takeout, bowls of Ben & Jerry’s, couches and DVDs.

一想到一個女人和一只貓親昵相處的樣子,我們總免不了要去假定,這是一種悲慘的單身生活的表征。把女人和貓放在一起,你不會想到容光煥發(fā)的快節(jié)奏生活,只有睡衣、中餐外賣、一盒盒Ben & Jerry冰激凌、沙發(fā)和DVD。

The words associated with cat lady on Urban Dictionary, for example, include: “lame,” “forever alone,” “spinster,” “ice cream” and “smelly.” Nice.

例如在Urban Dictionary上,與cat lady(貓婆子)相關(guān)的詞包括:“lame”(無聊)、“forever alone”(孤獨(dú)終老)、“spinster”(老處女)、“ice cream”(冰激凌)和“smelly”(有味兒)。嘖嘖。

A man and his dog, on the other hand, are icons of independence, freedom and adventure. Granted, this is partly because dogs tend to be happier accompanying you to places outside your own house. But Ms. Swift takes Meredith out in Manhattan and the singer Kesha takes her cat on airplane flights. Must female cat owners constantly have their sanity questioned simply because they like to coexist with purring fur balls?


This is not a tired cat-versus-dog debate. Everyone loves dogs. Even if they do, say, eat the feces of other animals, howl at ambulances, delight in bottom-sniffing and even — like my old Labrador — eat jellyfish until their faces are numb. (Is there anything a Labrador won’t eat?)


It should be pointed out that many men also love cats. Ernest Hemingway was mad about polydactyl, or six-toed cats, and kittens played with Winston Churchill’s newspaper as he read, and sat alongside him during meals.


Ricky Gervais frequently tweets about his cat, Ollie; he even aspires to the cat-lady life, telling HBO: “My evening usually consists of sitting on the couch in my pajamas from 6 p.m. with the cat on my lap watching trash TV.”

里奇·賈維斯(Ricky Gervais)經(jīng)常在Twitter上講他的貓奧利(Ollie);甚至渴望過上貓婆子的生活,他對HBO說:“晚上我通常是從6點(diǎn)開始穿著睡衣坐在沙發(fā)上看垃圾電視節(jié)目,腿上趴著貓。”

Ricky, you may join the sisterhood.


Cat men and women, we have the numbers. There are now roughly 95.6 million cats in America, compared to 83.3 million dogs.


We also have science on our side. Studies have shown that cat owners are less likely than those who have never owned a cat to die of cardiovascular disease, and pet owners have a decreased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


Researchers from Miami University and Saint Louis University found “pet owners had greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, were more extroverted, tended to be less fearful and tended to be less preoccupied than non-owners.” Less lonely, happier, fitter. Pets don’t indicate mental illness; they seem to aid in recovery from it.

邁阿密大學(xué)(Miami University)和圣路易斯大學(xué)(Saint Louis University)的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),“與不養(yǎng)寵物的人相比,養(yǎng)寵物的人更自重,身體更好,相對而言不那么孤獨(dú),更有良知,性格偏外向,不那么容易擔(dān)憂和執(zhí)著于某事。”少一些孤獨(dú),多一些快樂和健康。寵物不是心理疾病的標(biāo)志;倒是對心理疾病患者的康復(fù)有幫助。

Ms. Swift, who faces a constant barrage of questions about boyfriends and being single, mocked the cat lady stereotype to a reporter, joking that if she does not find a man by 30, she will naturally be scared, housebound and “surrounded by cats. So many cats, they’ve divided themselves up into armies and she wanders around lint-rolling the couch that no one’s going to sit on because she’s afraid to have people over...” Yeah, right.


This generation of young female celebrities is refusing to be portrayed as on a perpetual, sad manhunt. Asked at an event what she looked for in a man, Rihanna tartly and perfectly responded: “I’m not looking for a man. Let’s start there.” Katy Perry told Rolling Stone that she would happily have a child on her own: “I don’t need a dude.” Ms. Swift has become defined by her posse of female friends — as well as her feline companions.

這一代年輕女性名人拒絕被人當(dāng)成一群不斷在找男人的可憐蟲。一次有人問蕾哈娜(Rihanna)想找什么樣的男人,她做出了一個尖刻而完美的回答: “我沒在找男人。這一點(diǎn)得先明確。”凱蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)對《滾石》雜志(Rolling Stone)說,她完全可以自己養(yǎng)一個孩子:“我不需要男的。”身邊女性朋友如云,又有貓相伴,這已經(jīng)是斯威夫特的形象標(biāo)志。

Part of the appeal of cats is that they are independent and discerning. They have few needs. They come to you when they want; you can’t force them, or cajole them. They can be fiercely affectionate. They are gloriously indifferent. Cats don’t pretend to like you, and don’t care if you like them.


Let’s start there.



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