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The viscountess had decided to downsize.


When Lady Hambleden, the former wife of the fourthViscount Hambleden, moved from her stately manorto a cottage in a village outside London, she had littleroom, and even less desire, for the Aubussoncarpets, Louis XV chairs, Regency girandoles andlesser English paintings that populated her estate.

第四任漢布爾頓子爵(Viscount Hambleden)的前妻漢布爾頓夫人從富麗堂皇的宅邸搬到倫敦郊外的鄉(xiāng)村小屋,屋子里地方不夠,她也沒什么興趣把原來(lái)大宅里的奧布松地毯、路易十五椅子、攝政王時(shí)代燭臺(tái)和那些不那么英國(guó)的油畫搬過來(lái)。



So, in 2013, she held a kind of “Downton Abbey” tag sale at Christie’s in London. Among the300-plus items she put up for auction was an oil sketch that copied “Salisbury Cathedral Fromthe Meadows,” one of the best-known works of the great 19th-century English landscapepainter John Constable.

于是,2013年,她在倫敦佳士得舉辦了一場(chǎng)“唐頓莊園”式的拍賣會(huì),拍賣300多件物品,其中有一幅油畫草圖,模仿《洼地那邊的塞利斯伯爾利教堂》(Salisbury Cathedral From the Meadows),那是19世紀(jì)偉大的英國(guó)風(fēng)景畫家約翰·康斯特布爾(John Constable)最著名的作品之一。

“The painting was so black, so somber and a little nightmarish, with dark clouds and a ghostlikecathedral, I never considered it as important,” Lady Hambleden said in a phone interview.


Listed as the work of a Constable follower, it sold for just £3,500 (around $5,200).


But the anonymous buyer, an art dealer, had a hunch. Real Constables were often paintedover during the 19th century, when their rough, seemingly unfinished quality put offprospective purchasers. So the dealer had it cleaned and took it to a leading Constable expert,Anne Lyles, a former curator at Tate Britain.

這位匿名買家是一個(gè)藝術(shù)商,他卻產(chǎn)生了一個(gè)預(yù)感。在19世紀(jì),康斯特布爾的真跡經(jīng)常被涂改,因?yàn)樵瓉?lái)畫面上那種粗糙,看似未完成的特質(zhì)會(huì)令可能的買家望而卻步。所以這位藝術(shù)商清理了畫面,把它拿給重要的康斯特布爾專家——安妮·萊爾斯(Anne Lyles),她曾是英國(guó)泰特美術(shù)館的策展人。

“When I first saw this sketch, newly cleaned, there was just something about the applicationof the paint, the texture in the sky and the expression of the light and shade — all lookedpromising,” she said recently in a phone interview.


In January, the painting, now deemed a true Constable by Ms. Lyles, was sold at Sotheby’s inNew York. It fetched $5.2 million.


At a time when the attribution of paintings can be so litigious that many experts haveretreated from the field, the startling reassessment of the “Cathedral,“ and its suddenexplosion in value, provides a rare window into the often imprecise, and debate-riddled, fieldof identifying the authorship of artworks.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art has twice changed its mind in the past four decades overwhether its portrait of Philip the IV is a masterpiece by Velázquez (the current view), or a finepainting by an also-ran. Sotheby’s was sued after it sold what it had determined to be a copyof Caravaggio’s “The Cardsharps” for £42,000 (about $83,000) in 2006, only to have a scholarlater declare it was actually by the master himself.


This time it is Christie’s that is facing questioning over whether it bungled the attribution of apainting. “We understand that there is no clear consensus of expertise on the newattribution,” the company said in a statement.


It then provided the name of an expert who holds a different view from Ms. Lyles. “I could seeno sign of Constable’s hand in the work,” said Conal Shields, an art historian and Constablescholar.

之后公司公布了一位不同意萊爾斯意見的專家的名字。“我在這幅作品中看不出康斯特布爾親手繪制的跡象,”藝術(shù)史學(xué)家與康斯特布爾專家康諾爾·西爾德斯(Conal Shields)說。

Nonetheless, some in Hambleden, an idyllic village of brick and flint cottages that was thebackdrop for movies like “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” and often fills on weekends withequestrians and shooting parties, say they feel aggrieved on behalf of the viscountess.

漢布爾頓小村莊風(fēng)景如畫,布滿磚石農(nóng)舍,《飛天萬(wàn)能車》(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)等影片曾在這里取景,周末常常有騎馬和狩獵活動(dòng)。不管怎么說,在這里,有人為子爵夫人感到憤憤不平。

“Lady Hambleden is a lovely person — very gracious, friendly and kind,” said Steve Skowron, aneighbor of the viscountess, who was Countess Maria Carmela Attolico di Adelfia when shemarried William Herbert Smith, the fourth viscount, in 1955.

“漢布爾頓女士是個(gè)好人,她慷慨、友好,善良,”子爵夫人的鄰居史蒂夫·斯科隆(Steve Skowron)說。子爵夫人于1955年與第四任子爵威廉·休伯特·史密斯(William Herbert Smith)結(jié)婚的,當(dāng)時(shí)是瑪利亞·卡梅拉·安托里克·德·阿德爾菲亞女伯爵(Countess Maria Carmela Attolico di Adelfia)。

“She’s very well liked in the village,” he said. “She has an annual Christmas party and inviteseveryone over. The case of the John Constable painting is a very strange one. How canChristie’s have missed it? I think the consensus of the village is that she should sue.”


Yes, admits Lady Hambleden, 84, when she first learned the painting was by Constable, “I feltlike a fool! I know it’s not my fault, but that was my first feeling.”


But she said she has no intention of suing over a work for which she had little affection andthat her mother-in-law had stuffed in a cupboard for 60 years.


“It was sold under my name,” she said, “but on behalf of my children. So it would be theirdecision whether or not to bring legal action.”


Her sons did not respond to a number of messages seeking comment.


In the 2006 case involving Sotheby’s and Caravaggio’s “The Cardsharps,” the reattribution alsocame after a scholar had the painting cleaned and restored.


The consignor sued, alleging negligence and breach of contract. But in January a judge ruledin Sotheby’s favor.


Karen Sanig, the head of art law at Mishcon de Reya in London, said the crux of the case wasn’twhether the painting was a Caravaggio or not.

倫敦Mishcon de Reya律師事務(wù)所藝術(shù)法部門的主管凱倫·薩尼格(Karen Sanig)說,此案的重點(diǎn)并不在于那幅油畫究竟是不是卡拉瓦喬的真跡。

“It all comes down to a question of whether the auction houses carried out their analysis withenough care and attention,” she said. “Which the court found they did in the circumstances.”


Ms. Lyles’s willingness to register an opinion on the Constable contrasts to the situation inthe United States, where scholars and artists’ foundations, like the Roy LichtensteinFoundation, are increasingly sitting out authentication battles because of fears of being sued.


“If you lower the reputation of an artwork incorrectly, then you’re liable for damages,” saidMs. Sanig, referring to the legal concept of slander of title to goods. “We don’t have lawsuitsinvolving artwork on the same basis in the U.K.”


Constable, who is known for his expressive brushwork, often done with a palette knife, andfor mixing colors on the canvas, is now viewed as a precursor to Impressionism. But fordecades after his death in 1837 his sketches were over-painted to make them more palatableto buyers who expected something more finished.


“He leaves bits of the primed canvas showing through a finished painting; he leaves thesevisible brush strokes; he doesn’t smooth out the tones of his colors so there’s an evengradation,” said Jonathan Clarkson, a senior lecturer in the history and theory of art at theCardiff School of Art and Design and the author of a monograph on Constable. “And at the timepeople just thought this was sloppy practice, that it was because he couldn’t paint betterrather than he was choosing to paint this way.”

“在完成的油畫中,他讓底層的畫布露出來(lái),讓筆觸清晰可見,他從不把色調(diào)弄得平順緩和,也沒有漸變效果,”卡迪夫藝術(shù)與設(shè)計(jì)學(xué)院的藝術(shù)史與藝術(shù)理論高級(jí)講師約拿森·克拉克森(Jonathan Clarkson)說,他還曾寫過一篇關(guān)于康斯特布爾的專著。“當(dāng)時(shí)人們覺得這只是隨意的練習(xí),覺得他沒法畫得更好,他們不明白他是故意這樣畫的。”

Complicating matters: as Constable’s reputation grew, forgers and imitators picked up theirpace. And one of his seven children was also an accomplished artist, whose work cansometimes be difficult to distinguish from that of his father.


So before Ms. Lyles would affix her name to a reattribution of the 18-inch-by-24-inchHambleden “Salisbury Cathedral,” she wanted to show it played a role in the evolution of thefinal work, rather than being someone’s imitation, albeit with brilliant brushwork. She foundseveral features that, to her, proved the link, including the striking way the light from thestormy sky falls on the Cathedral spire.


Sotheby’s later hired her to write the catalog entry for the sale, for an undisclosed fee. “Obviously,” she said, “I’m not going to risk putting my name to something that I don’t believein.”


With her imprimatur as the bedrock evidence, the painting was put up for sale as a Constableat Sotheby’s Jan. 29 sale. The bidding soon surged past the high estimate of $3 million andended light years from the high estimate that Christie’s in 2013 placed on the work — $1,200.


And even that value would have been excessive for Mr. Shields, the dissenting Constableexpert: “It’s a really crass, inept painting.”



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