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清酒配漢堡 能拯救日本酒文化嗎




LONDON — Kensuke Shichida, the head of acenturies-old sake brewery in southern Japan, hadspent a dizzying week in London restaurants tastinga variety of exotic and confounding dishes: pubfood, gourmet burgers, French food, Angus beef,ceviche.

倫敦——日本南部一家有一百多年歷史的清酒廠的老板七田謙介(Kensuke Shichida),在倫敦的餐館里度過了頭暈?zāi)垦5囊恢堋K穱L了各種充滿異國(guó)風(fēng)情又令人費(fèi)解的菜式:酒吧餐、廚師漢堡、法式大餐、安格斯牛肉,還有檸汁腌魚生。

The experience left him slightly bewildered andslightly ill, he said, suffering from a food hangover.




But Mr. Shichida, 43, is on a mission, he said, to bring his family-brewed sake to Europeanrestaurants and pair it with Western cuisine, which means charting new territory. It is anexercise of necessity. Japan is proud of its sake heritage, but sales have been falling fordecades, and Mr. Shichida and a number of other brewers are trying to help reverse its declinebefore it is too late.


“I’d be lying if I said pairing sake with burgers didn’t hurt my pride as a Japanese,” he admittedat a recent dinner, hesitantly poking a piece of lamb kidney and sweetbreads — a first for him— with his fork. “But we need to be exploring this path to survive as a brewer.”


“Sake is surprisingly versatile,” he added. “I’ve discovered it goes well with many Westernrecipes, perhaps even better than wine or beer.”


Fresh oysters, for example, usually go pair well with Champagne or Chablis, which have a crispacidity. But Mr. Shichida, who runs the 140-year-old Tenzan brewery, says sake works better.The drink is mellower and less acidic, and its cleansing properties help remove the oysters’briny taste, he said. And sake’s umami — a savory sensation considered to be the “fifth taste” — helps improve their fleshiness.

例如,法國(guó)生蠔一般都以口感酸爽的香檳或夏布利酒搭配。但七田謙介卻說,清酒配生蠔效果更佳。他經(jīng)營(yíng)的天山酒造(Tenzan brewery)已有140年歷史。他說,這是因?yàn)榍寰聘愦?、沒那么酸,由于能去除邪味,它還可以消除生蠔的腥氣。此外,清酒的鮮味(umami)——經(jīng)常被稱為“第五種味道”——則提升了食物的質(zhì)感。

At a recent dinner at Hixter, a restaurant here, the head chef, Ronnie Murray, paired a plate ofLaunceston lamb and meaty girolle mushrooms with Mr. Shichida’s 75 Junmai, a full-bodiedsake that uses unpolished rice, a rarity even in Japan. The Japanese generally prize sake thatcontains highly polished rice, which produces a flowery and smooth taste. By contrast, Mr.Shichida’s sake had a round, woody flavor with a tempered acidity that complemented theearthy lamb.

最近在倫敦Hixter餐廳享用晚餐時(shí),主廚朗尼·莫瑞(Ronnie Murray)以一盤朗塞斯頓羔羊肉和有肉質(zhì)口感的雞油菌,來搭配七田謙介的“純米75”。這種清酒用糙米釀造,口味濃烈,即使在日本也很稀有。日本人一般喜歡用精米釀造的清酒,因?yàn)榫啄軒硪环N優(yōu)雅和柔滑的味道。相比之下,七田謙介的清酒則飽滿直接,酸味受到了抑制,與味道濃厚的羊肉相得益彰。

“Wine tends to be more acidic and cuts through the taste of meat,” said Gareth Groves, thehead of marketing at Bibendum Wine, a retailer that recently announced that it was stockingsake from Japan. “Sake is less about cutting through the food than sitting alongside it.”

“葡萄酒往往口感更酸,會(huì)蓋過肉的味道,”必比登葡萄酒(Bibendum Wine)市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷負(fù)責(zé)人加雷思·格羅夫斯(Gareth Groves)說。這家零售商最近宣布,從日本進(jìn)口了大量清酒。“清酒不太會(huì)蓋住食物的味道,能夠互不影響。”

Most Westerners generally view sake as a clear-colored liquor to be savored with sushi andsashimi, with an alcohol content of 15 to 20 percent. It is thought to have originated in theseventh century and is considered the drink of the gods in the Shinto religion.


There are 80 types of rice specially designed to produce sake, which is made from fermentedrice, water and koji — white rice imbued with a special kind of mold. While wine is typicallyserved only in glasses, sake can be poured into a variety of cups that alter its fragrance,including earthenware, lacquerware, glass, porcelain and box-shaped ones made fromJapanese cedar.


Sake ranges from sparkling, somewhat similar to Champagne, to namazake, which tastes beststraight from the vat, unpasteurized. Meaning “raw sake,” namazake offers a taste of theethereal, as it can sour within hours. Some other sake uses yuzu, a Japanese citrus, making thedrink a tangy cousin of the Italian limoncello, while umeshu is kind of a plummy version of theHungarian dessert wine Tokaj.


Some lesser-known koshu, or aged sake, sells for more than $300 a bottle for a 40-year-oldvintage. Shigeri Shiraki, whose family brewery in the mountainous region of Gifu was foundedin 1835, is exploring how to make her 20-year-old aged sake, Daruma Masamune, palatable toWesterners. It is brewed manually by a handful of employees, and only in the winter, a practiceamong koshu brewers that dates to the 17th century. Mrs. Shiraki said her brewery does notuse refrigerators.

還有一些不那么出名的古酒,即陳年清酒。一瓶40年的古酒售價(jià)在300美元以上。白木繁里(ShigeriShiraki,音)是岐阜市山區(qū)一座家族清酒廠的老板。這家酒廠創(chuàng)立于1835年。她正在探索如何讓自己釀造了20年的清酒——達(dá)摩正宗(Daruma Masamune)——適合西方人的口味。這種古酒是由幾名工人手工釀制的,而且只在冬天釀造,延續(xù)了17世紀(jì)釀造古酒時(shí)普遍采用的方法。白木說她的清酒廠不用冷庫。

On its own, her sake has a salty undertone reminiscent of soy sauce or Marmite, and it sharesnotes with port, sherry or the smoky-flavored Islay Scotch whisky. Mrs. Shiraki suggestedpairing it with a particularly rich dessert, pouring it over a slice of pecan pie and vanilla icecream, or trying it as a digestive.

白木繁里的清酒帶有一種咸味,能讓人聯(lián)想起醬油或馬麥醬,還有一絲波爾圖葡萄酒、雪利酒,或者煙熏味艾拉島威士忌(Islay Scotch)的口感。白木繁里建議搭配味道濃郁的甜品,在享用山核桃派和香草冰淇淋時(shí)倒上一杯,或者把它當(dāng)成一種餐后酒。

Some chefs and food lovers describe the experiment with sake as a shot in the dark, but forbrewers, the challenge is more urgent.


Sake consumption has fallen sharply in Japan since the 1970s because of a decreasing birthrateand a switch by many drinkers to wine, much of it imported, or other domestic drinks likebeer, whiskey or shochu, a Japanese spirit. Japan exported 5,000 tons of sake in 2012, butmostly to Japanese restaurants, limiting its audience. Overseas sales are still a small fraction oftotal sales.


The number of brewers — mostly old-fashioned and family-owned — has shrunk to around1,000 from around 4,600 in the earlier part of the 20th century.


“The sake industry won’t survive on its local market,” said Barry McCaughley, a food andbeverage consultant based in London. “Unless it makes changes now, it will be dead in 20 to 30years.”

“清酒行業(yè)單靠本地市場(chǎng)根本無法生存,”倫敦的餐飲行業(yè)咨詢師巴里·麥可利(Barry McCaughley)說。“除非現(xiàn)在就做出改變,否則二三十年后清酒業(yè)就會(huì)消亡。”

Restaurants and retailers are starting to push sake as the next drink fad, similar to craft beer,whose popularity has exploded in Britain. A Scottish brewer, Arran, plans to start producingBritain’s first sake on a commercial scale later this year, the second European brewer to do soafter Nogne O of Norway. Many bars are already using sake in their cocktails.

餐廳和零售商正開始把清酒包裝成新的時(shí)尚飲品,就像在英國(guó)人氣爆棚的手工釀制啤酒一樣。蘇格蘭的酒廠Arran計(jì)劃今年晚些時(shí)候,商業(yè)化生產(chǎn)英國(guó)的第一款國(guó)產(chǎn)清酒。它是繼挪威的納酷歐(Nogne O)之后,第二家采取這種做法的歐洲酒廠。許多酒吧已經(jīng)開始使用清酒調(diào)制雞尾酒。

For all the gambling on foreign sales, brewers say they have one ultimate aim: bringing sakeback in Japan as well.


“If we’re able to tell the Japanese, ‘Look how much foreigners are enjoying sake,’ that wouldgive them an opportunity to rediscover sake and revive demand,” Mr. Shichida said. “Wedon’t want our culture to disappear. We really don’t.”



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