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These ten habits of highly successful women range from maintaining your hormonal balance to letting go of the past—and they will positively affect your mind, body, and soul.


First, check out this quotation from writer Anais in:


“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.”


Taking action is a crucial habit of successful women…and so is dreaming! Don’t let go of your passions…


1. Maintain your hormonal balance. Are you moody, exhausted, irritable, or sad? Check your hormones. If they’re out of whack, then you’ll struggle to be successful! Make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamins, and decrease your refined sugars and carbohydrates.

1. 保持內(nèi)分泌平衡。你會時不時地感到郁郁寡歡、精疲力竭、急躁易怒嗎?如果有,那么請關注一下你的內(nèi)分泌。如果你內(nèi)分泌紊亂,那么想要成功就會難上加難。確保自己攝入足夠的蛋白質(zhì)和維生素,同時減少糖和碳水化合物的攝入,以此來調(diào)節(jié)內(nèi)分泌。

2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Highly successful women don’t obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they’ve learned to new situations.

2. 寬恕自己所犯的錯誤。成功的女人不會沉浸于過往,不會因為過去的選擇與失敗而倍感困擾和愧疚。她們會犯錯誤,但她們也會帶著從中吸取的經(jīng)驗教訓繼續(xù)前進,應對新的情況與問題。

3. Connect with who you are. Being a daughter, wife, or mother is one aspect of your Life. It doesn’t define who you are as a woman. To connect with who you are, find and express your authentic self. The more authentic you are, the more appealing you’ll be to others—and to yourself!

3. 了解自己存在的意義。身為女兒、妻子或母親只是你人生的一方面,這并不是你作為女人的全部意義。了解自己存在的意義,發(fā)現(xiàn)并展現(xiàn)真正的自我!你表現(xiàn)得越真實,對別人的吸引力就越大,自我滿足感就越大。

4. Avoid energy vampires. Do you feel drained or sad after spending time with a particular friend, coworker, or relative? Limit the time you spend with him or her. Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feel energized and happy, then you’re in good Company. Highly successful women choose their companions wisely.

4. 遠離讓你心力交瘁的人。你是否有過這樣的經(jīng)歷,當你和某個朋友、同事或親戚在一起之后,會感覺精疲力竭、情緒低落?那就不要過多地和他或她的相處。注意自己與某人交往后的感受;如果覺得精力充沛、心情愉悅,那么就選對人了。成功女人都能明智地選擇同伴。

5. Speak kindly to yourself! If you beat yourself up for being overweight, a “bad” mum, or not exercising enough, you just create a downward spiral. Highly successful women remindthemselves of their achievements and successes. They refuse to tell themselves negative things; they accept themselves.

5. 對自己好點!如果因為自己長胖了、沒有照顧好孩子或者鍛煉不夠而打擊自己,你就陷入了一個惡性循環(huán)。成功女人會時刻記住自己取得的成就。她們不會總是對自己灌輸一些負面的事情;她們正視自己的一切,不管是成功還是失敗。

6. Listen to your body. I heard Oprah Winfrey say this about 10 years ago: Listen to what your body is telling you. Are you emotionally hungry or physically hungry? Feed yourself properly. Are you sad, furious, or depressed? Follow your body’s cues.

6. 聆聽你的身體。十年前我就聽奧普拉•維弗瑞說過“聆聽身體對你說的話”,你渴望的是感情,還是欲望?明智地滿足自己。你感覺悲傷,憤怒或壓抑嗎?遵從身體的指示。

7. Volunteer your time. Find something that takes you out of your comfort zone or that you love to do. You’ll feel great that you’re helping others out—and volunteering directly improves your physical health. Highly successful women step out of their comfort zones and takes risks.

7. 貢獻你的時間。做一些你不擅長或者不喜歡的事情。幫助別人擺脫困境的同時,又直接改善了你的健康狀況,這會讓你感覺很好。成功女人會走出她們習慣的領域,并不畏承擔風險。

8. Let go of perfectionism. Strive to do your best, but let go of perfectionist Tendencies. Accepting that you’re doing the best you can is a habit of highly successful women. Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul!

8. 不要過于追崇完美主義。努力做到最好,但放棄完美主義者那一套。成功女人都會自己說已經(jīng)做到最好了。放棄完美主義是對靈魂的救濟。

9. Use your core strengths. Are you a natural mathematician, writer, or party planner? Discover your core strengths by trying different things until you find what fits. To take risks and try new things, take short-term volunteer positions or volunteer for new projects at work or in your community.

9. 好好利用你的天賦。你是天生的數(shù)學家、作家或者組織聚會的高手嗎?不斷嘗試不同的事情,不斷地發(fā)現(xiàn)你的長處,直到找到真正適合自己的事情。勇于冒險,勇于嘗試。自愿從事公司或社區(qū)中的短期職位或新項目

10. Take time for yourself. This habit for highly successful women is my favorite: take time to recharge your batteries and refuel your emotional, spiritual, and physical energy. Spend at least a few minutes alone each day—even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom to do it!

10. 留一些時間給自己。這是我最喜歡的成功女性習慣了。給自己充足的時間休息,養(yǎng)精蓄銳,重新獲得能量。即使把自己鎖到衛(wèi)生間一會兒,每天也要至少花幾分鐘獨處。


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