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Are You Programmed to Enjoy Exercise?


It’s possible that some of us are born not to run. According to an eye-opening new genetics study of lab rats, published in The Journal of Physiology, the motivation to exercise — or not — may be at least partly inherited.

很可能,我們中的一些人不擅長(zhǎng)跑步純屬“自然災(zāi)害”。最近在《生理學(xué)雜志》(The Journal of Physiology)上發(fā)表的一項(xiàng)研究令人大開眼界:這項(xiàng)在實(shí)驗(yàn)室大鼠身上進(jìn)行的新型遺傳學(xué)研究表明,鍛煉(或不鍛煉)的動(dòng)機(jī)至少有一部分是由遺傳決定的。

For years, scientists have been bedeviled by the question of why so few people regularly exercise when we know that we should. There are obvious reasons, including poor health and jammed schedules. But researchers have begun to speculate that genetics might also play a role, as some recent experiments suggest. In one, published last year, sets of fraternal and identical adult twins wore activity monitors to track their movements. The results indicated that the twins were more alike in their exercise habits than a shared upbringing alone would explain. Their willingness to work out or sit all day depended to a large extent on genetics, the researchers concluded.


But which genes might be involved and how any differences in the activity of those genes might play out inside the body were mysteries. So scientists at the University of Missouri recently decided to delve into those issues by creating their own avid- or anti-exercising animals.

然而,究竟有哪些基因參與其中,它們的活性差異又是如何在體內(nèi)發(fā)揮作用的,這些都仍是未解之謎。因此,最近,密蘇里大學(xué)(University of Missouri)的科學(xué)家們決定自己培養(yǎng)出喜歡和討厭運(yùn)動(dòng)的動(dòng)物品系,進(jìn)而對(duì)上述問題進(jìn)行深入探討。

They accomplished this task by inter-breeding normal rats that had voluntarily run on wheels in the lab. The male rats that had run the most were bred with the female rats that also had run the most; those that had run the least were likewise mated. This scheme continued through many generations, until the scientists had two distinct groups of rats, some of which would willingly spend hours on running wheels, while the others would skitter on them only briefly, if at all.


In their first experiments with these rats, the researchers found some intriguing differences in the activity of certain genes in their brains. In normal circumstances, these genes create proteins that tell young cells to grow up and join the working world. But if the genes don’t function normally, the cells don’t receive the necessary chemical messages and remain in a prolonged, feckless cellular adolescence. Such immature cells cannot join the neural network and don’t contribute to healthy brain function.


In general, these genes worked normally in the brains of the rats bred to run. But their expression was quite different in the non-runners’ brains, particularly in a portion of the brain called the nucleus accumbens, which is involved in reward processing. In humans and many animals, the nucleus accumbens lights up when we engage in activities that we enjoy and seek out.


Presumably as a result, when the scientists closely examined the brains of the two types of rats, they found that by young adulthood the animals bred to run had more mature neurons in the nucleus accumbus than did the non-runners, even if neither group had actually done much running. In practical terms, that finding would seem to indicate that the brains of pups born to the running line are innately primed to find running rewarding; all those mature neurons in the reward center of the brain could be expected to fire robustly in response to exercise.

或許正是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)原因,在科學(xué)家們仔細(xì)檢查了這兩組大鼠的腦部后,他們發(fā)現(xiàn):同樣是處于年輕成年期,“跑步愛好者”大鼠伏隔核中的成熟神經(jīng)元要多于 “非跑步愛好者”大鼠,即使在兩組大鼠實(shí)際上都未進(jìn)行過大量跑動(dòng)時(shí)依然如此。從實(shí)際角度而言,這一研究結(jié)果表明,“跑步愛好者”大鼠品系的幼崽在頭腦里天生就覺得奔跑是一大快事;可以想見,在運(yùn)動(dòng)的刺激下,它們腦部獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)中心的所有成熟神經(jīng)元都將強(qiáng)烈地興奮起來。

Conversely, the rats from the reluctant-running line, with their skimpier complement of mature neurons, would presumably have a weaker innate motivation to move.


Those results would be disheartening, except that in the final portion of the experiment the scientists had reluctant runners exercise by setting them on running wheels, while also providing some born-to-run animals with wheels. After six days, the unwilling runners had accumulated far less mileage, about 3.5 kilometers (two miles) per rat, compared to almost 34 kilometers each by the enthusiasts.

乍一看來,這些研究結(jié)果頗令人沮喪,但實(shí)驗(yàn)的最后部分重又燃起了人們的希望。在這一階段的實(shí)驗(yàn)中,科學(xué)家們把“跑步愛好者”大鼠與“非跑步愛好者” 大鼠一起放在跑輪上,這樣,當(dāng)前者歡快地奔跑時(shí),后者也被迫要跟著走幾步。六天后,它們的累積奔跑里程約為平均每只大鼠3.5千米(兩英里),遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)少于 “跑步愛好者”大鼠(平均每只大鼠近34千米)。

But the halfhearted runners’ brains were changing. Compared to others in their family line that had remained sedentary, they now showed more mature neurons in their nucleus accumbens. That part of their brain remained less well developed than among the naturally avid rat runners, but they were responding to exercise in ways that would seem likely to make it more rewarding.


What, if anything, these findings mean for people is “impossible to know at this point,” said Frank Booth, a professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Missouri who oversaw the study. Rat brains are not human brains, and rat motivations are at best opaque.

這些研究結(jié)果對(duì)人類意味著什么——是說,如果它們的確具有一定意義的話——“尚未可知,”該研究的負(fù)責(zé)人,密蘇里大學(xué)的生物醫(yī)學(xué)教授弗蘭克·布思(Frank Booth)說。大鼠的腦并不能等同于人類的腦,況且,現(xiàn)在人們對(duì)于大鼠的動(dòng)機(jī)充其量也只是一知半解的狀態(tài)。

Even so, Dr. Booth said, his group’s data would seem to suggest “that humans may have genes for motivation to exercise and other genes for motivation to sit on the couch,” and over generations, one set of these genes could begin to predominate within a family. But predispositions are never dictatorial.


“People can decide to exercise,” whatever their inheritance, Dr. Booth said, and, as his study’s final experiment suggests, they could rewire their brains so that moving becomes a pleasure.



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