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[雙語(yǔ)]遭遇背叛丑聞 卡恩之妻何去何從





Anne Sinclair comes from the old school of French political wives. When her husband admitted to an affair in 2008, she wrote on her blog: 'We love each other as much as on the very first day.' 
安妮•辛克萊(Anne Sinclair)是那種老派的法國(guó)政治人物的妻子。當(dāng)她的丈夫在2008年承認(rèn)自己有婚外情時(shí),辛克萊在她的博客上寫(xiě)道:我們彼此相愛(ài),就像初識(shí)那天一樣,熱情不曾衰退。
This time her husband, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is accused of sexually assaulting a chambermaid in a New York City hotel. On Tuesday he was being held in jail at Rikers Island in New York.
Charles Platiau/Reuters2010年3月,IMF前任總裁多米尼克•斯特勞斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)與他的妻子安妮•辛克萊(Anne Sinclair)在巴黎。這一次她的丈夫,國(guó)際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund,簡(jiǎn)稱:IMF)前任總裁多米尼克•斯特勞斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)被指控對(duì)紐約市一家酒店的客房女服務(wù)員實(shí)施性侵犯。周二,斯特勞斯-卡恩被收押在紐約里克斯島(Rikers Island)監(jiān)獄中。
Ms. Sinclair is standing by her husband, protesting his innocence. But commentators say the charges against him could trigger the decline of the age of tolerance and sexual secrecy for French politicians, something dubbed in France the 'sexual exception.'
辛克萊還是站在了丈夫這一邊,堅(jiān)稱他的清白。但有評(píng)論說(shuō)針對(duì)斯特勞斯-卡恩的指控可能引發(fā)一個(gè)年代的謝幕,在這個(gè)年代中,法國(guó)政界人士性秘密被公眾包容,這種現(xiàn)象在法國(guó)被稱作“婚外情無(wú)罪”(sexual exception)。
'People are now asking whether we should question this ideal,' says Eric Fassin, a French sociologist. 'This begs the question: is the French sexual exception over?'
法國(guó)社會(huì)學(xué)家法桑(Eric Fassin)說(shuō),人們現(xiàn)在想知道我們是否應(yīng)該質(zhì)疑這種標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。這引發(fā)了一個(gè)問(wèn)題,即法國(guó)人默認(rèn)的“婚外情無(wú)罪”是否應(yīng)該結(jié)束了?
Repeated efforts to reach Ms. Sinclair through advisers to her husband were unsuccessful. She is currently in New York.
French rulers' sexual indulgences go back centuries─the French president's current residence in Paris, the Élysée Palace, was bought by Louis XV to house his mistress the Marquise de Pompadour.
法國(guó)統(tǒng)治者沉溺于性愛(ài)的歷史可以追溯到幾個(gè)世紀(jì)之前。法國(guó)總統(tǒng)目前在巴黎居住的愛(ài)麗舍宮(Élysée Palace)就是當(dāng)年路易十五(Louis XV)買(mǎi)下給情婦蓬巴杜侯爵夫人(Marquise de Pompadour)居住的。
The republics of the 20th century codified the separation between church and state, which led to a broader distinction between private and public life.
Though postwar presidents such as Charles de Gaulle are thought to have been restrained in their private lives, in the 1970s French politicians enthusiastically embraced the sexual revolution─while exercising their right to privacy.
 雖然人們普遍認(rèn)為戴高樂(lè)(Charles de Gaulle)等戰(zhàn)后上臺(tái)的幾位法國(guó)總統(tǒng)在私生活方面比較節(jié)制,但到了上世紀(jì)70年代,法國(guó)政界人士在開(kāi)始熱情擁抱性革命的同時(shí)也正在維護(hù)自己的隱私權(quán)。
Former President François Mitterrand had a child out of wedlock, which the press kept quiet about until after his death. His successor Jacques Chirac was widely known for his fondness for women. When asked about his love life during a recent documentary Mr. Chirac paused for several seconds before describing it as 'reasonable.'
法國(guó)前總統(tǒng)密特朗(François Mitterrand)有一個(gè)私生子,但法國(guó)媒體對(duì)此卻一直緘默,直到密特朗去世。他的繼任者希拉克(Jacques Chirac)對(duì)女色的喜好眾人皆知。在最近一部紀(jì)錄片中,當(dāng)被問(wèn)及他的愛(ài)情生活如何時(shí),希拉克停頓了幾秒鐘,然后說(shuō):合情合理。
Women are gaining prominence in French public life: Around a third of the current cabinet members are women; a greater proportion of managerial staff are women in France than in any other big economy, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; and the government recently ordered big companies to have at least 40% women on their boards of directors by 2017.
與此同時(shí),女性在法國(guó)公共生活中的重要性越來(lái)越突出:目前內(nèi)閣成員中大約有三分之一是女性;據(jù)經(jīng)濟(jì)合作與發(fā)展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)透露,相比其它任何一個(gè)大型經(jīng)濟(jì)體,法國(guó)公司管理層中女性所占比例更高;法國(guó)政府最近下令,到2017年之前,大企業(yè)董事會(huì)中至少40%的董事應(yīng)為女性。
Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency also has signaled a more open style. When his second wife left him shortly after he was elected in 2007, he took Carla Bruni, now his third wife, on dates to Disneyland, surrounded by media cameras. He discussed these dates at news conferences and released photos of her diamond engagement ring.
現(xiàn)任總統(tǒng)薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)的執(zhí)政風(fēng)格也更加開(kāi)放。薩科奇的第二任妻子在他2007年當(dāng)選總統(tǒng)后不久和他離異。但很快薩科奇就帶著現(xiàn)已成為其第三任妻子的布呂尼(Carla Bruni)在一眾媒體攝影機(jī)的夾擊下同游迪士尼樂(lè)園。后來(lái)他還在新聞發(fā)布會(huì)上談?wù)撨^(guò)和布呂尼的這些約會(huì),并公布了送給布呂尼的訂婚鉆戒的照片。
'It's clear that the barriers between private and public life are falling,' Pascal Perrineau, a political analyst at French university Sciences Po. 'Politicians in France realize that there are political advantages in inviting the press into their private lives.'
 巴黎政治學(xué)院(French university Sciences Po)的政治分析家佩里諾(Pascal Perrineau)說(shuō),很顯然,公共生活和私人生活之間的壁壘正在消失。法國(guó)政界人士意識(shí)到邀請(qǐng)媒體進(jìn)入他們的私人生活會(huì)獲得某些政治優(yōu)勢(shì)。
Ms. Sinclair, 62 years old, married Mr. Strauss-Kahn in 1991 and is credited with helping her husband's career progress beyond France. At the time she anchored one of France's most popular news programs, but later shelved her TV career when Mr. Strauss-Kahn became finance minister to avoid a conflict of interest. Recently she helped her husband navigate the tricky path between IMF director and Socialist Party campaigner. Her blog entitled 'Two or three things seen from America' ostensibly talks about the U.S.
But it was also studied for signs that Mr. Strauss-Kahn might quit the IMF to run for president: In February she said in an interview with French magazine Le Point that one term at the IMF would be enough for him.
但也有跡象表明斯特勞斯-卡恩辭去IMF總裁一職是為了競(jìng)選總統(tǒng):今年2月在接受法國(guó)《觀點(diǎn)》(Le Point)雜志采訪時(shí),她曾說(shuō)卡恩擔(dān)任一屆IMF總裁就足夠了。


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