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The US House of Representatives passed legislation that would punish China for undervaluing its currency and harming the competitiveness of US manufacturers and exporters, in a move that could heighten trade tensions between the two countries.


China quickly attacked the legislation on Thursday as contrary to WTO rules and “a new move of the US’ rising trade protectionism.” In a statement distributed through state media, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce said China “has never undervalued the yuan exchange rate to gain a competitive edge.”


Although the bill’s fate remains unclear, since it still needs to move through the Senate and be approved by Barack Obama, US president, its bipartisan passage in the House by a wide 348-79 margin reflects growing frustration with China’s economic policies.

雖然該法案的最終結(jié)局仍不明朗——因為它仍需要得到參議院的通過,并得到美國總統(tǒng)巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)的簽署——但該法案在眾議院以348票對79票的大比例獲得通過的事實,反映了美國對中國經(jīng)濟(jì)政策日益高漲的失望情緒。

“They cheat to steal our jobs,” said Mike Rogers, a Republican representative from Michigan, as debate opened in the House ahead of the vote later on Wednesday. “We can no longer stand by and let the Chinese government manipulate its currency.” Don Manzullo, also a Republican, from Illinois, said: “We want to stop Chinese imports coming in at predatory prices.”

“他們用作弊手段偷走了我們的就業(yè),”來自密西根州的共和黨眾議員麥克•羅杰斯(Mike Rogers)周三在辯論開始時表示(當(dāng)日稍后將舉行投票表決)。“我們再也不能無動于衷,任由中國政府操縱人民幣匯率。”來自伊利諾伊州的共和黨眾議員唐•曼祖羅(Don Manzullo)表示:“我們要阻止中國商品以掠奪性的價格流入美國。”

The Obama administration, which has not taken a position on the legislation, has preferred to pursue a policy of engagement with China in an effort to persuade it to allow the renminbi to strengthen, and could see its negotiating position enhanced by mounting congressional pressure.


But critics have warned that the more aggressive measures in the legislation may not be effective in reducing the US’s trade deficit with China and a more confrontational stance may be counterproductive, since it could lead to retaliation.


The legislation would allow the US to use estimates of currency undervaluation to calculate countervailing duties on imports from China and other countries.


An amendment by Sander Levin, Democratic chairman of the ways and means committee, who shepherded the bill through the House, watered down the bill recently to make it more like to survive a challenge at the World Trade Organisation, helping it garner more support. Republicans had been concerned that the bill might be inconsistent with global trade rules.

眾議院籌款委員會(ways and means committee)主席、民主黨人桑德爾•萊文(Sander Levin)指引該法案通過眾議院的審議程序。他提出的修正案最近弱化了該法案,使其更有可能經(jīng)得住外國在世貿(mào)組織(WTO)提起的挑戰(zhàn),此舉幫助該法案得到更多支持。此前一些共和黨人擔(dān)心,該法案可能與全球貿(mào)易規(guī)則不符。

This week, Chuck Schumer, the New York senator who has been leading congressional efforts to pass China currency legislation since 2005, vowed to push forward with a bill in the upper chamber during the “lame-duck” session between the November midterm elections and the seating of new members in January.

自2005年以來一直帶頭推動國會針對中國匯率政策采取立法對策的紐約州參議員查克•舒默(Chuck Schumer),本周誓言在11月中期選舉和明年1月新議員到位之間的“跛腳鴨”會期,在參議院推動通過一份法案。

“This issue cannot wait for another year for a new Congress,” he said. “China’s currency manipulation would be unacceptable even in good times. At a time of almost 10 per cent unemployment, we simply will no longer stand for it,” added Mr Schumer.


Currency is only one of the trade disputes between China and the US. They have recently been sparring over poultry exports, with China this week upholding steep tariffs on US chicken imports, and the WTO ruling on Wednesday against the US in a fight over a ban on Chinese chicken that followed the outbreak of bird flu in Asia and has since been lifted.


The vote on China currency was one of the last items on the congressional agenda before the midterm elections.


Other issues, such as the expiry of more than $3,000bn of Bush-era tax cuts, proved too contentious for any bipartisan consensus to emerge.





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