AIG and Prudential are on the verge of sealing a deal for the sale of AIA, the US life company’s Asian business, to the UK’s biggest insurer for up to $35bn, with a deal expected to be announced this week. |
美國壽險公司美國國際集團(AIG)即將達成交易,將旗下亞洲業(yè)務(wù)友邦保險(AIA)以至多350億美元的價格出售給英國最大保險公司保誠集團(Prudential)。預(yù)計雙方將于本周宣布此項交易。 |
The board of AIG held talks this weekend to decide whether to sell its huge Asian business or proceed with a planned listing of the unit after a presentation by Tidjane Thiam, Pru chief executive, on Friday. |
在保誠集團首席執(zhí)行官迪德簡•蒂亞姆(Tidjane Thiam)上周五提交了收購方案后,AIG董事會上周末舉行了磋商,以決定是否出售其龐大的亞洲業(yè)務(wù),還是推進這塊業(yè)務(wù)的上市計劃。 |
According to people familiar with the situation, a deal is at an advanced stage and has been agreed in principle, while others say that the stricken US insurer and its owners could still plump for the $15bn-$20bn initial public offering that AIA has been preparing for almost a year. |
據(jù)知情人士介紹,談判已進入深入階段,并已得到雙方原則同意。但也有人表示,身處困境的AIG及其股東,仍可能選擇推進友邦保險150億至200億美元的首次公開發(fā)行(IPO)。近一年來,友邦保險一直為此做著準(zhǔn)備。 |
Prudential declined to comment. |
保誠集團拒絕置評。 |
Buying AIA would represent a stunning coup by Prudential and enable the UK group – which already books a third of its global sales in Asia – to become an insurance powerhouse in the region. A deal would more than double the size of the company and mean that its business would be dominated by Asian sales and profits. |
收購友邦保險可謂是保誠集團的一個神來之筆,這家英國集團將因此成為亞洲地區(qū)的保險業(yè)龍頭——保誠集團在亞洲的銷售額現(xiàn)已占其全球銷售額的三分之一。此項交易將使該集團規(guī)模擴大一倍以上,并意味著亞洲的銷售額和利潤將在其業(yè)務(wù)中占據(jù)首要地位。 |
However, it could also stretch its finances and face opposition from shareholders. |
但此項交易也可能導(dǎo)致其財務(wù)狀況趨于緊張,并因此受到股東們的反對。 |
However, people familiar with the matter said on Saturday that there was a strong chance that a sale announcement could be made before the opening today of the London market, where Prudential is listed. |
不過,知情人士上周六表示,此項交易很可能會在本周一倫敦股市開盤前宣布。保誠集團是倫敦上市公司。 |
“There are still a few issues to iron out which could scupper a deal but this [sale] could be announced soon,” said one person familiar with the matter. |
“目前仍有幾個有礙交易的問題有待解決,但此項[交易]可能很快就會宣布,”一位知情人士表示。 |
The US Treasury and the New York Federal Reserve, which have an 80 per cent stake in AIG following repeated bail-outs of the insurer, were also being consulted, AIG insiders said. |
AIG內(nèi)部人士表示,他們也征詢了美國財政部與紐約聯(lián)儲(New York Fed)的意見。在多次對AIG進行紓困后,美國財政部與紐約聯(lián)儲持有這家保險公司80%的股份。 |
An outright sale of AIA to Prudential could enable AIG to raise more funds than by listing a stake in the unit. |
相對于讓友邦保險上市,把友邦保險全盤出售給保誠集團可使AIG籌得更多的資金。 |
Mr Thiam was in New York last week in an effort to persuade AIG’s management that his company had both the desire and the ability to buy AIA. |
蒂亞姆上周就呆在紐約,力圖勸說AIG管理層相信:他的公司既有意愿、也有能力收購友邦保險。 |
If the sale goes ahead, the UK group would have to raise at least part of the funds through a large equity issue. |
如果此項交易得以執(zhí)行,這家英國集團肯定會通過一次大規(guī)模發(fā)股來籌得至少一部分收購資金。 |
People familiar with the matter said that Prudential had lined up financing options with JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and Credit Suisse, among others. |
知情人士表示,保誠集團已與摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、匯豐(HSBC)和瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)等機構(gòu)安排了多項融資方案。 |
AIG is already in advanced talks with its US rival MetLife over the $15bn-$20bn sale of Alico, its international insurance arm. |
AIG與美國競爭對手大都會人壽保險(MetLife)就出售旗下跨國保險子公司——美國人壽保險(Alico)的談判已近尾聲。美國人壽保險的售價為150億至200億美元。 |
AIA is the leading pan-Asian foreign insurer, followed by Prudential. It boasts 20m policyholders across 13 countries, employs 250,000 tied agents and makes aggregate operating profits of about $2bn a year. |
友邦保險是位居首位的泛亞洲外資保險公司,保誠集團緊隨其后。友邦保險的投保人有2000萬、遍布13個國家,聘用的固定代理人(tied agent)有25萬,年總營業(yè)利潤約為20億美元。 |
英國《金融時報》記者弗朗西斯科•格雷拉(Francesco Guerrera)紐約、森迪普•塔克(Sundeep Tucker)香港、保羅•J•戴維斯(Paul J Davies)倫敦報道 |
譯者/汪洋 |