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  定語從句講解:從句缺主語時,引導(dǎo)詞都可以用什么,which 和that 在什么時候可以互換,什么時候不 定語從句從句缺主語時,引導(dǎo)詞都可以用什么,which

  和that 在什么時候可以互換,什么時候不可以

  1.當(dāng)先行詞是everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代詞時,或當(dāng)先行詞受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代詞修飾時。如:

  Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said? 李老師講的你都記下來了嗎?

  There seems to be nothing that is impossible to him in the world. 對他來說似乎世界上沒有什么不可能的事。

  All that can be done has been done. 所有能做的都做好了。

  There is little that I can do for you. 我不能為你干什么。

  He stayed in the library and looked up any information that they needed. 他呆在圖書館查找所需的資料。


  Any man that / who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing. 任何有責(zé)任感的人都不會做這樣的事。

  All the guests that / who were invited to her wedding were important people. 所有應(yīng)邀來參加她婚禮的客人都是重要人物。


  The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 在倫敦他們參觀的第一個地方是大本鐘。


  This is the best film that I have ever seen. 這是我看過的最好的電影。

  4.當(dāng)先行詞被the very, the only修飾時。如:

  This is the very dictionary that I want to buy. 這正是我要買的詞典。

  After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owns. 家里發(fā)生了火災(zāi)過后,那輛舊車成了他的唯一擁有。注意:當(dāng)先行詞指人時,偶爾也可用關(guān)系代詞who。如:

  Wang Hua is the only person in our school who will attend the meeting. 王華是我校唯一出席會議的人。

  5.當(dāng)先行詞前面有who, which等疑問代詞時。如:

  Who is the man that is standing by the gate? 站在門口的那個人是誰?

  Which is the T-shirt that fits me most? 哪件T恤衫最合我的身?


  They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school 他們談?wù)撝麄兯苡浧鸬脑谛r的人和事。

  Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street. 瞧瞧那個沿街走來的人和他的毛驢





  (A)The computer which(=that) I bought yesterday is home made.

  (B)Yesterday I asked him to go to the cinema with me, which agreed(昨天我要他同我一道去看電影,他同意了)。

  He wishes to get quick rich without any labour, which we think only Wishful thinking (他想不勞而獲,迅速致富,我們認(rèn)為這是想入非非)。

  (C)The sun heats the earth,Which is very important to living things(太陽曬熱地球,這對于萬物是十分重要的)。


  Football, which is very interesting, is played all over the world.

  I never give up learning foreign languages. Which I fink to de a bridged to the world(我從沒有放棄過外語學(xué)習(xí),因為我發(fā)現(xiàn)外語是通向世界的橋梁)。

  (比較下一句關(guān)系代詞作賓語可省去的限定性定語從句。二者在這一點上的區(qū)別一目了然:It is the computer (that /which) I bought last week.)



  The pencil with he was writing broke.

  無The pencil with that he was writing broke;也無The pencil with he was writing broke.

  (注:當(dāng)介詞后置于定語從句動詞后面,并且從句是定性的,關(guān)系代詞which, that可互換,能省略。This is the room which/that the great man once worked in.)


  We’ll never forget the day on which (-when )we visited the Great wall.

  They went to the village where(-at which )the oil well was located定位)。


  On the crowded bus were school children, many of whom were from Beijing.


  He borrowed from the library novels and magazines, among which some are in English.


  He lives in the house the doors of which face the south,=He lives in the house whose doors face the south.




  A Jew. Albert Einstein had to flee Germany. Which then was ruled by Hitler(愛因斯坦只得逃離德國,因為當(dāng)時的德國是在希特勒的統(tǒng)治之下)。

  NMET’99:Cory Luxmoore arrived from England to deliver the diary of his ancester to the Library Company,____he and his wife considered to be the best home for the diary (Cory Luxmoore(千里迢迢)從英國趕來把祖先的日記交給(費(fèi)城)圖收館公司,是因為他和妻子認(rèn)為該圖書館才是此日記最好的歸宿處)。


  The Southern States set up a separate state of their own, in which they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves(南方各州卻反叛建立一個獨立王國,以便好繼續(xù)維持奴隸制度)。


  Einstein, who could have been very rich, cared for little money(愛因斯坦原本可以是非常富有的,但他卻不愛錢)。

  He gave up his cause in which he had been very successful and joined in our project(他的事業(yè)盡管干得很出色,他還是放棄了,加入到我們的課題研究中來)。






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