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2022年12月21日 VOA慢速英語(yǔ):烏克蘭志愿者組織為女兵生產(chǎn)服裝





Volunteer Group in Ukraine Produces Clothes for Women Soldiers

A volunteer organization in Ukraine is producing much-needed clothes for women soldiers fighting in the country's war against Russia.
The group, called Zemliachky, is now serving many of the 57,000 women serving in Ukraine's military. It provides things like uniforms, boots, underwear and personal care materials.這個(gè)名為 Zemliachky 的組織現(xiàn)在為在烏克蘭軍隊(duì)服役的 57,000 名女性中的許多人提供服務(wù)。它提供制服、靴子、內(nèi)衣和個(gè)人護(hù)理材料等物品。
The nonprofit group was co-founded by Kseniia Drahaniuk. She is related to 25-year-old female soldier Anastasia Mokhina. Mokhina volunteered along with her husband to fight against Russia to help defend Ukraine. After joining the war effort, however, Mokhina learned that Ukraine's military was not well prepared to supply clothes and equipment to female soldiers.該非營(yíng)利組織由 Kseniia Drahaniuk 共同創(chuàng)立。她與 25 歲的女兵 Anastasia Mokhina 有親戚關(guān)系。Mokhina 自愿與她的丈夫一起對(duì)抗俄羅斯以幫助保衛(wèi)烏克蘭。然而,在參戰(zhàn)后,莫希娜得知烏克蘭軍隊(duì)沒(méi)有做好為女兵提供衣服和裝備的準(zhǔn)備。
This led Drahaniuk to start collecting necessary materials to send to Mokhina. Drahaniuk later decided to create a homegrown supply operation for other women soldiers.這導(dǎo)致 Drahaniuk 開(kāi)始收集必要的材料發(fā)送給 Mokhina。德拉哈紐克后來(lái)決定為其他女兵創(chuàng)建一個(gè)本土供應(yīng)業(yè)務(wù)。
"Our army was not prepared for the fact that so many women would appear in the army," said Drahaniuk.
Drahaniuk 說(shuō):“我們的軍隊(duì)沒(méi)有為這么多女性參軍做好準(zhǔn)備。”
Today, at least 6,000 Ukrainian women have been deployed on or near the front lines in the war against Russia. Some serve in positions such as medics or intelligence officers. Others take part in more traditional fighting activities.
今天,至少有 6,000 名烏克蘭婦女被部署在對(duì)俄戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的前線(xiàn)或附近。有些人擔(dān)任醫(yī)務(wù)人員或情報(bào)官員等職位。其他人參加更傳統(tǒng)的戰(zhàn)斗活動(dòng)。
They have joined the fight in a country where nearly all men aged 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving Ukraine under martial law enacted after Russia's invasion.
他們加入了這個(gè)國(guó)家的戰(zhàn)斗,根據(jù)俄羅斯入侵后頒布的戒嚴(yán)令,幾乎所有 18 至 60 歲的男性都被禁止離開(kāi)烏克蘭。
When Drahaniuk's group got started, it outsourced the manufacturing of uniforms for women. But it has since designed and produced them from its own factory in the northeastern city of Kharkiv.
當(dāng) Drahaniuk 的團(tuán)隊(duì)起步時(shí),它把女式制服的制造外包出去。但它已經(jīng)在東北部城市哈爾科夫的自己的工廠(chǎng)設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)了它們。
The organization has helped give out more than $1 million worth of military support. About one-fifth of the money comes from direct donations. The rest is provided in goods or services. Corporate donors include medical supply companies, beauty centers and companies in the gaming industry, Drahaniuk said.
該組織幫助提供了價(jià)值超過(guò) 100 萬(wàn)美元的軍事支持。大約五分之一的錢(qián)來(lái)自直接捐款。其余的以商品或服務(wù)的形式提供。Drahaniuk 說(shuō),企業(yè)捐助者包括醫(yī)療用品公司、美容中心和游戲行業(yè)的公司。
Mokhina has worked as a signals and communications specialist and with territorial defense troops in Kyiv.
Mokhina 曾擔(dān)任信號(hào)和通信專(zhuān)家,并在基輔的領(lǐng)土防御部隊(duì)工作。
"We just wanted to fight back," Mokhina said. "So my father and I said, ‘We will go' — and went straight to the nearby army post."
“我們只是想反擊,”Mokhina 說(shuō)。“所以我父親和我說(shuō),‘我們會(huì)去’——然后直接去了附近的軍隊(duì)哨所。”
After Russia's invasion, Ukraine's military outfitted many women with small-sized men's uniforms or boots. In recent months, Zemliachky has created designs meant to fit women's bodies, sizes and needs.
俄羅斯入侵后,烏克蘭軍隊(duì)為許多女性配備了小型男式制服或靴子。近幾個(gè)月來(lái),Zemliachky 創(chuàng)造了適合女性身材、體型和需求的設(shè)計(jì)。
Numerous orders come in and go out by truck, train and other transportation services daily. The group established a space in northeastern Kyiv where women on leave can come to pick up what they need. All materials are provided at no cost.
"Ksyusha gave us everything we wear. ... She is our savior," said Maria Stalynska. She joined the military in August and has been fighting on front lines. Ksyusha is another name some people use for Drahaniuk. "There are even cases when we need medicine or a hospital. We immediately go to Ksyusha," Stalynska added.
“Ksyusha 給了我們我們穿的一切……她是我們的救世主,”Maria Stalynska 說(shuō)。她于8月參軍,一直戰(zhàn)斗在前線(xiàn)。Ksyusha 是一些人對(duì) Drahaniuk 的另一個(gè)稱(chēng)呼。“有時(shí)我們甚至需要藥物或醫(yī)院。我們立即前往 Ksyusha,”Stalynska 補(bǔ)充道。
Drahaniuk said she once got a call saying that an order of 10 uniforms and pairs of shoes needed to be reduced to five – after a Russian attack took five women's lives.
Drahaniuk 說(shuō)她曾經(jīng)接到一個(gè)電話(huà),說(shuō) 10 件制服和鞋子的訂單需要減少到 5 件——在俄羅斯的一次襲擊奪走了 5 名婦女的生命之后。
"They really give their lives for the freedom of our country," Drahaniuk said.

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