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2022年12月09日 VOA慢速英語:放寬限制后中國企業(yè)為 COVID 感染做準(zhǔn)備





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/10000/10569/放寬限制后,中國企業(yè)準(zhǔn)備應(yīng)對 COVID 感染.mp3
Chinese Businesses Prepare for COVID Infections after Easing Restrictions
放寬限制后中國企業(yè)為 COVID 感染做準(zhǔn)備

Manufacturers and businesses wanting to stay open in China are staying careful by keeping COVID-19 measures.
希望在中國繼續(xù)營業(yè)的制造商和企業(yè)通過采取 COVID-19 措施保持謹(jǐn)慎。
The Chinese government is beginning to ease its severe COVID-19 restrictions. But businesses are waiting before they lift measures meant to limit the spread of the virus.
中國政府開始放寬對 COVID-19 的嚴(yán)格限制。但企業(yè)在取消旨在限制病毒傳播的措施之前正在等待。
The world's second largest economy is preparing for an increase in the number of infections as it eases its "zero-COVID" policy. China is slowly stopping its campaign of finding and isolating infections. The government said it wants individuals to do more testing and treatment.
世界第二大經(jīng)濟(jì)體正在為感染數(shù)量的增加做準(zhǔn)備,因?yàn)樗艑捔?ldquo;零 COVID”政策.中國正在慢慢停止尋找和隔離感染者的行動。政府表示希望個人進(jìn)行更多的檢測和治療。
National health officials have urged that high-risk areas should be more clearly defined. And they added that production or business operations should continue in other places.
A representative from a leading steel factory in eastern China spoke with Reuters under the name Dai. Dai said they were still under "closed loop management" with workers not permitted to leave the factory. A "closed loop" system operates with little human interaction.
"It won't relax any time soon," Dai added, saying the factory wanted to hold down infections as much as possible with a system in which workers live where they work and have little contact with others.
The comments were reported as businesses told Reuters they were considering the unclear situation. They are expecting to have to deal with long periods without workers as sick workers leave. The lack of workers could affect operations for months.
Officials have ended the requirement of testing for many activities. But a restaurant company HaiDiLao said it would continue to require daily tests for workers in the capital, Beijing.
Many nations ending COVID restrictions faced similar difficulties in returning to usual business activity. But Chinese companies are struggling. China's "zero-COVID" policy was unusual in the world and its slowing economy is likely to face difficulties.
許多結(jié)束 COVID 限制的國家在恢復(fù)正常商業(yè)活動方面面臨著類似的困難。但中國企業(yè)正在苦苦掙扎。中國的“零 COVID”政策在世界上是不尋常的,其放緩的經(jīng)濟(jì)可能會面臨困難。
Yang Bingben heads a factory in the eastern city of Wenzhou that makes products for industrial use. Yang said many workers who have large home payments "want to earn more money to have a good Lunar New Year."
Lunar New Year is China's biggest holiday, and it falls in January next year. Yang added that officials did not give guidance on what to do if the factory, with a workforce of more than 30, was hit by a mass infection.
農(nóng)歷新年是中國最大的假期,明年一月。楊補(bǔ)充說,如果這家擁有 30 多名員工的工廠發(fā)生集體感染,官員們沒有給出如何應(yīng)對的指導(dǎo)。
Yang is keeping medicines and has told his staff to follow new rules to stay home and receive half their pay if they get infected.
To avoid possible problems from any infections, Yang first considered closing the factory ahead of the Lunar New Year. But, in the end, he decided not to.
In Beijing, some state businesses and banks are grouping workers into teams to ensure work continues even with any outbreak, people told Reuters.
Andy Chen, an employee of a state-owned company, said the move came after someone in his office was infected with the coronavirus. He added, "Staff are now divided into half and take weekly turns to work in the office."
一家國有企業(yè)的員工 Andy Chen 說,此舉是在他辦公室有人感染了冠狀病毒之后做出的。他補(bǔ)充說,“員工現(xiàn)在分成一半,每周輪流在辦公室工作。”

Foreign-owned Agilian Technology is based in the southern city of Dongguan and manufactures electronics. It will continue to require arriving workers to show their state of health. And it will create a larger plan against a big outbreak.

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