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2022年11月29日 VOA慢速英語(yǔ):法國(guó)考慮禁止斗牛





France Considers a Ban on Bullfighting
Supporters and opponents of bullfighting recently marched on the streets of several cities in southern France.
Earlier this month, an opinion study said about 75 percent of the French public want to ban bullfighting. But a small group of supporters say it is a tradition that should continue.
本月早些時(shí)候,一項(xiàng)民意調(diào)查顯示,大約 75% 的法國(guó)公眾希望禁止斗牛。但一小群支持者表示,這是一個(gè)應(yīng)該延續(xù)的傳統(tǒng)。
Baptiste is a 16-year-old boy training to be a bullfighter in southern France. He lives in Arles, a town close to the Mediterranean Sea.
Baptiste 是一名 16 歲的男孩,正在法國(guó)南部接受斗牛士培訓(xùn)。他住在靠近地中海的小鎮(zhèn)阿爾勒。
Baptiste says the people who want to ban bullfighting do not understand Corrida, another name for bullfighting.
"Corrida is a tradition, an art, a dance with the bull," Baptiste said. He is one of about 12 students in Arles learning how to fight bulls.
“斗牛是一種傳統(tǒng),一種藝術(shù),一種與公牛的舞蹈,”巴蒂斯特說(shuō)。他是阿爾勒大約 12 名學(xué)習(xí)如何斗牛的學(xué)生之一。
The people in France who do not like bullfighting wonder how it can be called an "art" when an innocent animal is killed at the end.
During a recent protest march, one sign read: "Corrida is not a fight, it's the execution of a tortured innocent."
在最近的一次抗議游行中,一個(gè)標(biāo)語(yǔ)上寫著:“Corrida 不是一場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)斗,它是處決一個(gè)受折磨的無(wú)辜者。”
Aymeric Caron is a French lawmaker who sent a bill to parliament that would ban bullfighting. It is currently being debated.
Aymeric Caron 是一位法國(guó)議員,他向議會(huì)提交了一項(xiàng)禁止斗牛的法案.目前正在辯論中。
He said some parts of France permit bullfighting as long as fewer than 1,000 bulls are killed each year. Just because it is a tradition, he said, does not "morally justify a practice."
他說(shuō),只要每年屠宰的公牛少于 1,000 頭,法國(guó)的一些地區(qū)就允許斗牛。他說(shuō),僅僅因?yàn)檫@是一種傳統(tǒng),并不能“在道德上為這種做法辯護(hù)”。
Other lawmakers in Caron's party are not supporting his bill, so it is not likely to pass. But the news of the anti-bullfighting proposal started a discussion in France.
Frederic Pastor oversees the bullfights in the city of Nimes. He said the bull is "glorified" during the fight although it is killed.
Nimes is home to 14 bullfighting shows each year. They bring in over $60 million to the city, which is just northwest of Arles.
尼姆每年舉辦 14 場(chǎng)斗牛表演。他們?yōu)檫@座位于阿爾勒西北部的城市帶來(lái)了超過(guò) 6000 萬(wàn)美元的收入。
Tiphanie Senmartin Laurent is one of the protesters. She said most people are against bullfighting. "Torture is not a show," she said.
Tiphanie Senmartin Laurent 是抗議者之一。她說(shuō)大多數(shù)人都反對(duì)斗牛。她說(shuō):“酷刑不是表演。”
Spain is considered the place where bullfighting began. People there are also questioning the practice. Bullfighting was banned in the Spanish province of Catalonia in 2010 but later brought back. A major court in Spain called the practice a "cultural asset." That means it is considered a tradition that has value. A new proposal on animal safety in Spain does not discuss bulls.
西班牙被認(rèn)為是斗牛的發(fā)源地。那里的人也質(zhì)疑這種做法。 2010 年,西班牙加泰羅尼亞省禁止斗牛,但后來(lái)又恢復(fù)了斗牛。西班牙的一個(gè)主要法院稱這種做法為“文化資產(chǎn)”。這意味著它被認(rèn)為是有價(jià)值的傳統(tǒng)。西班牙一項(xiàng)關(guān)于動(dòng)物安全的新提案沒有討論公牛。
Yves Lebas runs the bullfighting school in Arles. He said some have wanted to ban bullfighting forever. "But they never managed, because people said ‘no.'"
伊夫·勒巴斯 (Yves Lebas) 在阿爾勒 (Arles) 經(jīng)營(yíng)斗牛學(xué)校。他說(shuō)有些人想永遠(yuǎn)禁止斗牛。 “但他們從未成功過(guò),因?yàn)槿藗冋f(shuō)‘不’。”

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