UN Seeks $146 Million to Help Haiti Fight Cholera Crisis
聯(lián)合國尋求 1.46 億美元幫助海地抗擊霍亂危機
The United Nations and Haiti are seeking $146 million to help fight a cholera outbreak that has already killed at least 175 people.
聯(lián)合國和海地正在尋求 1.46 億美元幫助抗擊已經(jīng)造成至少 175 人死亡的霍亂疫情。
Health officials in Haiti say cholera cases have quickly been rising since life started returning to normal after a fuel blockade halted many forms of business and services.
The blockade forced gas stations to close, hospitals to reduce services and banks and stores to limit hours. The blockade was established in mid-September by a powerful Haitian gang. The gang recently lifted the blockade and gas stations reopened last weekend across Haiti.
封鎖迫使加油站關(guān)閉,醫(yī)院減少服務,銀行和商店限制營業(yè)時間。封鎖是在 9 月中旬由一個強大的海地幫派建立的。該團伙最近解除了封鎖,上周末海地各地的加油站重新開放。
Dr. Jeanty Fils is a spokesman for Haiti's Ministry of Health. He told The Associated Press that people are back on the streets and likely spreading cholera as the government struggles to contain the problem.
Jeanty Fils 博士是海地衛(wèi)生部的發(fā)言人。他告訴美聯(lián)社,隨著政府努力遏制這一問題,人們又回到街頭并可能傳播霍亂。
"We need more resources," Fils said. "Cholera cases continue to climb in Haiti."
“我們需要更多資源,”菲爾斯說。 “海地的霍亂病例繼續(xù)攀升。”
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) estimates at least 175 people have died from the latest Cholera outbreak and more than 7,600 have been hospitalized. The actual number of cases is likely much higher because of under-reporting of the disease.
泛美衛(wèi)生組織 (PAHO) 估計,至少有 175 人死于最近爆發(fā)的霍亂,超過 7,600 人住院。由于疾病報告不足,實際病例數(shù)可能要高得多。
The worsening situation in Haiti led the government, the U.N. and other partners to appeal for $146 million to help fight cholera. Health officials fear that at least half a million people in Haiti are at risk of becoming infected.
海地不斷惡化的局勢導致政府、聯(lián)合國和其他合作伙伴呼吁提供 1.46 億美元幫助抗擊霍亂。衛(wèi)生官員擔心,海地至少有 50 萬人面臨被感染的風險。
Ulrika Richardson is a Special U.N. Representative in Haiti. She called the rising case count and fast spread of the disease across the country "worrying."
烏爾麗卡·理查森 (Ulrika Richardson) 是聯(lián)合國駐海地特別代表。她稱不斷上升的病例數(shù)和這種疾病在全國范圍內(nèi)的快速傳播“令人擔憂”。
菲爾斯指出,由于加油站關(guān)閉,該國有超過 1100 萬人口的許多人留在家中,因此燃料封鎖期間可能控制住了霍亂病例。
The number of patients seeking help at Doctors Without Borders hospitals in the capital of Port-au-Prince greatly increased in recent weeks. So far, more than 6,500 patients have been admitted. Beds filled up so quickly that the aid group was forced to open a fifth center two weeks ago, said Doctors Without Borders official Alexandre Marcou.
斯蒂芬妮·梅龍 (Stephanie Mayronne) 是無國界醫(yī)生組織的醫(yī)療運營官員.她說,如果感染霍亂的人開始前往衛(wèi)生條件差和缺乏飲用水的地區(qū),病例數(shù)可能會繼續(xù)上升。 “這是一根可以點燃火焰的火柴,”Mayronne 補充道。
The PAHO told the AP it is supporting Haiti's government in preparing a request for cholera vaccines and planning to launch vaccination campaigns. But health experts say it remains unclear when those efforts will begin.
In October, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a worldwide cholera vaccine shortage that forced it to suspend its usual two-dose administration policy. Mayronne of Doctors Without Borders noted that a single dose can lower one's risk by only 40 percent.
10 月,世界衛(wèi)生組織 (WHO) 宣布全球霍亂疫苗短缺,迫使其暫停其通常的兩劑接種政策。無國界醫(yī)生組織的 Mayronne 指出,單次劑量只能將一個人的風險降低 40%。
The world health body said the shortage happened "at a time of unprecedented rise in cholera outbreaks worldwide." At least 29 countries have reported cholera cases this year, compared with fewer than 20 on average for the past five years, the WHO said.
世界衛(wèi)生組織表示,這種短缺發(fā)生在“全球霍亂疫情空前增加之際”。世界衛(wèi)生組織表示,今年至少有 29 個國家報告了霍亂病例,而過去五年平均不到 20 個。