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2022年11月17日 VOA慢速英語(yǔ):研究:車輛警告和制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)可將撞車事故減少 50%





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/0008/8394/研究:車輛警告和制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)可將撞車事故減少 50%.mp3
Study: Vehicle Warning and Braking Systems Cut Crashes by 50 percent
研究:車輛警告和制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)可將撞車事故減少 50%

A new study has found that tools designed to warn drivers and automatically stop vehicles in emergency situations helped reduce crashes by about 50 percent.
一項(xiàng)新研究發(fā)現(xiàn),旨在警告駕駛員并在緊急情況下自動(dòng)停車的工具有助于將撞車事故減少約 50%。
The study is one of the largest of its kind to examine the effectiveness of driver assistance systems.
The research was carried out by the Partnership for Analytics Research in Traffic Safety (PARTS). The organization is a partnership between automakers and the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
該研究由交通安全分析研究合作組織 (PARTS) 進(jìn)行。該組織是汽車制造商與美國(guó)交通部國(guó)家公路交通安全管理局的合作伙伴。
For the study, numerous automobile manufacturers supplied vehicle equipment data on 93 different vehicle models from 2015 to 2020. This information was combined with data collected on more than 12 million police-reported crashes in 13 American states.
為了這項(xiàng)研究,許多汽車制造商提供了 2015 年至 2020 年 93 種不同車型的車輛設(shè)備數(shù)據(jù)。該信息結(jié)合美國(guó) 13 個(gè)州超過(guò) 1200 萬(wàn)起警方報(bào)告的車禍數(shù)據(jù)。
One of the technologies studied is called forward collision warning. Collison is another word for crash. This system uses cameras, radar and other technology tools to gather information on safe driving distances. It warns drivers if their vehicle is getting too close to other vehicles ahead.
Another related driver assistance tool is known as automatic emergency braking. This system is designed to identify possible crash dangers involving vehicles ahead. The tool can automatically slow or stop a vehicle if it senses the immediate danger of a crash.
The PARTS group's study found that front to rear crashes were reduced by 49 percent when the striking vehicle had both forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking. The systems also reduced crashes resulting in injuries by 53 percent.
PARTS 小組的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),當(dāng)撞擊車輛同時(shí)具有前方碰撞警告和自動(dòng)緊急制動(dòng)功能時(shí),前后碰撞減少了 49%。該系統(tǒng)還將導(dǎo)致傷害的撞車事故減少了 53%。
The research also suggested automatic braking systems perform well in many situations, including poor weather and low light conditions.
The study also found that vehicles equipped with technologies designed to keep vehicles in their driving lane "are effective in reducing single-vehicle crashes that lead to serious injuries."
Many carmakers now include this kind of technology on some vehicle models. It is designed to automatically keep a vehicle centered in lanes of traffic. The study found these tools reduced crashes involving vehicles leaving the roadway by eight percent.
許多汽車制造商現(xiàn)在都將這種技術(shù)納入其中一些車型。它旨在自動(dòng)使車輛保持在交通車道的中央。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),這些工具將車輛離開(kāi)道路的事故減少了 8%。
Tim Czapp is an industry representative on the PARTS board. He also serves as a top executive at the Europe-based auto group Stellantis. He said in a statement that the latest study shows the driver assist technologies "can substantially reduce the number of crashes and improve safety outcomes."
Tim Czapp 是 PARTS 委員會(huì)的行業(yè)代表。他還擔(dān)任總部位于歐洲的汽車集團(tuán) Stellantis 的高級(jí)管理人員。他在一份聲明中說(shuō),最新的研究表明駕駛員輔助技術(shù)“可以大大減少碰撞次數(shù)并提高安全結(jié)果。”
Czapp added that the results demonstrate "real-world effectiveness" that can help prevent injuries and loss of life.
Czapp 補(bǔ)充說(shuō),結(jié)果證明了“現(xiàn)實(shí)世界的有效性”可以有助于防止傷害和生命損失。
A separate study recently provided similar results. That study centered on crashes involving pickup trucks. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) carried out the study. It found that automatic emergency braking systems reduced rear crash rates for pickups by 43 percent.
最近的一項(xiàng)單獨(dú)研究提供了類似的結(jié)果。該研究集中在涉及皮卡車的撞車事故上。公路安全保險(xiǎn)協(xié)會(huì) (IIHS) 開(kāi)展了這項(xiàng)研究。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),自動(dòng)緊急制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)可將皮卡的追尾事故率降低 43%。
The study involved numerous pickup truck models and data from police-reported crashes in 25 states from 2017 to 2020.
該研究涉及 2017 年至 2020 年 25 個(gè)州警方報(bào)告的眾多皮卡車型號(hào)和數(shù)據(jù)。
Jessica Cicchino led the IIHS research. She noted in a statement that pickups currently make up 1 of every 5 passenger vehicles on U.S. roads.
Jessica Cicchino 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了 IIHS 的研究。她在一份聲明中指出,目前美國(guó)道路上每 5 輛乘用車中就有 1 輛是皮卡。
Since these vehicles are larger and heavier, it can "make them dangerous to people in smaller vehicles or on foot," Cicchino said. She added that even though pickup trucks present more danger, "manufacturers have been slow to equip them with automatic emergency braking and other crash avoidance systems."
Cicchino advised that "the faster automakers can make sure that every pickup they sell has this important safety feature, the better."
Cicchino 建議:“汽車制造商越快,越能確保他們銷售的每輛皮卡都具有這一重要的安全功能,就越好。”

Both new studies confirm the effectiveness of some of the latest driver assistance systems. They followed another recent study suggesting that many drivers using such tools often treat their vehicles like they are fully self-driving.
That study, also carried out by the IIHS, warned that drivers who put too much trust in driver assist technologies are putting themselves at risk for serious accidents. A majority of drivers in the study said they were more likely to perform non-driving related activities, like eating or texting, while using the tools.
這項(xiàng)同樣由 IIHS 開(kāi)展的研究警告說(shuō),過(guò)分信任駕駛員輔助技術(shù)的駕駛員會(huì)將自己置于發(fā)生嚴(yán)重事故的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)之中。研究中的大多數(shù)司機(jī)表示,他們更有可能在使用這些工具時(shí)進(jìn)行與駕駛無(wú)關(guān)的活動(dòng),比如吃飯或發(fā)短信。

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