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2022年11月16日 VOA慢速英語:FTX 加密貨幣交易所正在發(fā)生什么





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/0008/8394/FTX 加密貨幣交易所正在發(fā)生什么.mp3
What Is Happening at FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange
FTX 加密貨幣交易所正在發(fā)生什么

FTX was one of the world's largest exchanges for digital money called cryptocurrency. FTX's problems worsened over the weekend and threatened the entire industry.
FTX 是世界上最大的數(shù)字貨幣(稱為加密貨幣)交易所之一。FTX 的問題在周末惡化并威脅到整個行業(yè)。
Sam Bankman-Fried founded FTX in 2019. He grew the trading firm quickly by attracting the biggest investors in Silicon Valley.
Sam Bankman-Fried 于 2019 年創(chuàng)立了 FTX。他通過吸引硅谷最大的投資者迅速發(fā)展了這家貿(mào)易公司。
Last week, FTX declared bankruptcy. Bankman-Fried resigned. The firm said some money had disappeared. And experts say hundreds of millions of dollars may have been lost.
上周,F(xiàn)TX宣布破產(chǎn)。Bankman-Fried 辭職了。該公司表示,一些錢不見了。專家表示,可能損失了數(shù)億美元。
The collapse of FTX is a shock to the cryptocurrency industry, which has seen a fair number of problems this year.
FTX 的崩潰對加密貨幣行業(yè)造成了沖擊,該行業(yè)今年出現(xiàn)了很多問題。
Bitcoin, the world's biggest cryptocurrency, has dropped about 65 percent in value for the year. And Ether, the world's second most valuable cryptocurrency, lost 20 percent over the last weekend, CoinDesk data showed on Monday.
比特幣是世界上最大的加密貨幣,今年價值下跌了約 65%。CoinDesk周一的數(shù)據(jù)顯示 ,世界上第二大最有價值的加密貨幣以太幣在上周末下跌了 20% 。
Why did FTX go bankrupt?
Investors fled FTX last week over fears about whether the firm had enough money. And FTX agreed to sell itself to another crypto exchange Binance. But the deal collapsed while Binance was researching FTX's finances.
由于擔(dān)心該公司是否有足夠的資金,投資者上周逃離了 FTX。FTX 同意將自己出售給另一家加密貨幣交易所 Binance。但在 Binance 研究 FTX 的財務(wù)狀況時,交易破裂了。
Last Friday, FTX and several connected companies filed for bankruptcy. The firm had valued itself between $10 billion to $50 billion. It listed more than 130 partner companies around the world, its bankruptcy filing said.
上周五,F(xiàn)TX 和幾家關(guān)聯(lián)公司申請破產(chǎn)。該公司對自己的估值在 100 億至 500 億美元之間。其破產(chǎn)申請稱,它在全球列出了 130 多家合作伙伴公司。
And Bankman-Fried who had rescued several cryptocurrency companies also resigned as chief executive of FTX.
Was it hacked?
On Saturday, FTX said there had been "unauthorized access" to its accounts, just hours after the bankruptcy filing. A debate started on social media about whether the exchange was hacked or a company member had stolen money.
周六,F(xiàn)TX 表示,在申請破產(chǎn)保護僅幾個小時后,其賬戶就出現(xiàn)了“未經(jīng)授權(quán)的 訪問”。社交媒體上開始了一場關(guān)于交易所是否遭到黑客攻擊或公司成員偷錢的辯論。
Exactly how much money involved is unclear. But analytics company Elliptic estimated Saturday that $477 million was missing from the exchange. FTX's new chief John Ray III said it was stopping any trade or withdrawal and taking steps to secure investors' money.
具體涉及多少錢尚不清楚。但分析公司 Elliptic 周六估計,交易所損失了 4.77 億美元。FTX 的新任首席執(zhí)行官 John Ray III 表示將停止任何交易或提款,并采取措施確保投資者的資金安全。
Is my bitcoin safe?
Cory Klippsten is the head of financial services company Swan Bitcoin. He said people who own bitcoin should be fine if they keep them off exchanges like FTX. He said they work like a crypto "gambling website."
Cory Klippsten 是金融服務(wù)公司 Swan Bitcoin 的負責(zé)人。他說擁有比特幣的人如果不讓比特幣進入像 FTX 這樣的交易所就應(yīng)該沒事。他說他們的工作就像一個加密“賭博網(wǎng)站”。
"Any exchange is a security risk," said Klippsten. Some operate better than others, but he said a better choice is to take control of your digital assets. With bitcoin, it is possible to take coins off the exchange, he said.
“任何交換都是安全風(fēng)險,”Klippsten 說。有些人比其他人運作得更好,但他說更好的選擇是控制你的數(shù)字資產(chǎn)。他說,有了比特幣,就有可能將硬幣從交易所拿走。
Is FTX under investigation?
FTX 正在接受調(diào)查嗎?
On Sunday, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said it is investigating FTX, adding to the company's problems. The company had moved its headquarters to the Caribbean country last year.
周日,巴哈馬皇家警察部隊表示正在調(diào)查 FTX,這加劇了該公司的問題。該公司去年將總部遷至加勒比海國家。
Even before the bankruptcy filing and missing money, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission began examining FTX. The agencies were looking into whether any criminal activity or financial crimes were committed, a person familiar with issue told The Associated Press.
甚至在申請破產(chǎn)和資金丟失之前,美國司法部和證券交易委員會就開始審查 FTX。一位知情人士告訴美聯(lián)社,這些機構(gòu)正在調(diào)查是否存在任何犯罪活動或金融犯罪。
What will happen next?
The outcome of FTX's bankruptcy is uncertain. But its failure will likely result in the destruction of billions of dollars of wealth and create even more doubts about cryptocurrencies.
Sequoia Capital has invested in several successful companies that became Apple, Cisco, Google, Airbnb and YouTube. It described its meeting with Bankman-Fried as "talking to the world's first trillionaire" and decided to invest in FTX.
紅杉資本投資了幾家成功的公司,如蘋果、思科、谷歌、Airbnb 和 YouTube。它將與 Bankman-Fried 的會面描述為“與世界上第一位萬億富翁的談話”,并決定投資 FTX。
After FTX filed bankruptcy, Sequoia has since written down its $213 million in investments to zero. And a pension fund in Ontario, Canada also wrote down its investment to zero.
FTX 申請破產(chǎn)保護后,紅杉資本將其 2.13 億美元的投資減記為零。加拿大安大略省的一家養(yǎng)老基金也將其投資減記為零。
Bankman-Fried had been the subject of some criticism before FTX collapsed. He largely operated FTX out of U.S. oversight from his headquarters in The Bahamas. But Bankman-Fried spoke about the need for more regulation of the cryptocurrency industry.
在 FTX 倒閉之前,Bankman-Fried 一直是一些批評的對象。他在巴哈馬總部的美國監(jiān)督下主要經(jīng)營 FTX。但 Bankman-Fried 談到需要對加密貨幣行業(yè)進行更多監(jiān)管。
Many supporters of crypto oppose government oversight. Now, FTX's collapse may have helped make the case for closer regulation.
許多加密貨幣的支持者反對政府監(jiān)督?,F(xiàn)在,F(xiàn)TX 的崩潰可能有助于加強監(jiān)管。

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