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2022年11月13日 VOA慢速英語(yǔ):亞馬遜地區(qū)的受控捕撈有助于拯救巨大的瀕危魚(yú)類(lèi)





Controlled Fishing in Amazon Area Helps Save Huge Endangered Fish

A controlled fishing system in Brazil's Amazon River area is helping to save an endangered fish.

The fish is the pirarucú. It is also known in Brazil as arapaima. The pirarucú is believed to be the largest of 2,300 different kinds of fish known to live in the Amazon Basin. It can grow to be three meters long and weigh up to 200 kilograms.
這種魚(yú)就是巨骨舌魚(yú)。它在巴西也被稱為巨骨舌魚(yú)。巨骨舌魚(yú)被認(rèn)為是已知生活在亞馬遜盆地的 2,300 種不同魚(yú)類(lèi)中最大的一種。它可以長(zhǎng)到三米長(zhǎng),重達(dá) 200 公斤。

The fish mostly live in lakes across large areas of the Brazilian Amazon. They are carnivores, meaning they feed on other fish.

The pirarucú is considered endangered because of overfishing. Illegal fishing activities left many communities struggling to find the fish, which traditionally is an important food.
In recent years, however, illegal fishing of the pirarucú has been sharply reduced. And the fish has increasingly been recovering. The Associated Press (AP) reports the improvements came after efforts that included close cooperation between communities and complex logistics.
然而,近年來(lái),空腹魚(yú)的非法捕撈急劇減少。魚(yú)越來(lái)越多地恢復(fù)。美聯(lián)社 (AP) 報(bào)道說(shuō),這些改進(jìn)是在社區(qū)之間的密切合作和復(fù)雜的物流等努力之后實(shí)現(xiàn)的。

One of the unusual things about pirarucú is that they need to breathe air to survive. The fish need to take at least one breath every 20 minutes. They rise to the surface to do so.
關(guān)于 pirarucú 的一個(gè)不尋常的事情是它們需要呼吸空氣才能生存。魚(yú)需要每 20 分鐘至少呼吸一次。它們會(huì)浮出水面這樣做。

This behavior by the fish makes it easier to count how many pirarucú are active in an area. A count of the fish is now carried out once a year by fishermen trained to use the method. By law, only 30 percent of pirarucú in a certain area can be fished the following year.
魚(yú)的這種行為可以更容易地計(jì)算一個(gè)區(qū)域內(nèi)有多少個(gè)食人魚(yú)活躍?,F(xiàn)在,受過(guò)使用該方法培訓(xùn)的漁民每年都會(huì)對(duì)魚(yú)進(jìn)行一次計(jì)數(shù)。根據(jù)法律規(guī)定,在某個(gè)地區(qū),次年只能捕撈 30% 的 pirarucú。

Pirarucú fishing is now done once a year, around September, the period when water levels are lowest.
現(xiàn)在每年進(jìn)行一次 pirarucú 捕撈,大約在 9 月左右,即 perio
Efforts have led to increases in the pirarucú population in areas where it is used. In the Sao Raimundo area, there were 1,335 pirarucús in nearby lakes in 2011, when controlled fishing began. Last year, records showed there were 4,092.
努力導(dǎo)致使用地區(qū)的巨骨舌魚(yú)數(shù)量增加。在 Sao Raimundo 地區(qū),2011 年附近的湖泊中有 1,335 條巨骨舌魚(yú),當(dāng)時(shí)開(kāi)始進(jìn)行受控捕撈。去年,記錄顯示有 4,092 只。

In the Carauari area, the number of pirarucú rose from 4,916 to 46,839 between 2011 and 2021.
2011 年至 2021 年間,在 Carauari 地區(qū),巨骨舌魚(yú)的數(shù)量從 4,916 只增加到 46,839 只。

Manoel Cunha leads a group of workers involved in the rubber trade in Sao Raimundo. He told the AP the controlled fishing efforts have greatly reduced illegal catch operations in the area. "You have been on this river for days now, and you have not seen any fishing boats except the ones from our organizations," Cunha said. "There is no more room for them here."
Manoel Cunha 帶領(lǐng)一群在圣雷蒙多從事橡膠貿(mào)易的工人。他告訴美聯(lián)社,受控的捕魚(yú)活動(dòng)大大減少了該地區(qū)的非法捕撈活動(dòng)。 “你已經(jīng)在這條河上呆了好幾天了,除了我們組織的漁船,你沒(méi)有看到任何漁船,”庫(kù)尼亞說(shuō)。 “這里容不下他們了。”

A sister of Cunha, Rosilda, said the pirarucú bring money into the community. "Our pirarucú is so tasty, everybody that eats it falls in love with it and wants more," she said.
Cunha 的姐姐 Rosilda 說(shuō),皮拉魯庫(kù)人給社區(qū)帶來(lái)了收入。 “我們的 pirarucú 太好吃了
In the Amazon, the fish is generally salted, sun dried and sold in local markets. It is also exported to the United States and Mexico.

Processing of the fish is completed by members of the Association of Rural Producers of Carauari, known as Asproc. It is an organization created by local rubber workers who wanted to free themselves from slave-like working conditions.
魚(yú)的加工由 Carauari 農(nóng)村生產(chǎn)者協(xié)會(huì)(稱為 Asproc)的成員完成。這是一個(gè)由當(dāng)?shù)叵鹉z工人創(chuàng)建的組織,他們希望擺脫奴隸般的工作條件。

The organization permits community members to share in the profits of harvesting the fish.
Asproc currently runs other programs on everything from waste control to community markets to higher education. The organization sells pirarucú to Brazil's main cities including Sao Paulo and Brasília. This is a complex process that involves several days of transportation by boat and road, taking up to two weeks.
Asproc 目前還開(kāi)展其他項(xiàng)目,涉及從廢物控制到社區(qū)市場(chǎng)再到高等教育的方方面面。該組織向包括圣保羅和巴西利亞在內(nèi)的巴西主要城市銷(xiāo)售巨骨舌魚(yú)。這是一個(gè)復(fù)雜的過(guò)程,涉及數(shù)天的水路運(yùn)輸,最多需要兩周時(shí)間。
Asproc has formed partnerships with two American government agencies, the U.S. Forest Service and the Agency for International Development (USAID). Both have supported the area's controlled fishing and processing operations.
Asproc 與兩個(gè)美國(guó)政府機(jī)構(gòu)——美國(guó)林務(wù)局和國(guó)際開(kāi)發(fā)署 (USAID) 建立了合作伙伴關(guān)系。兩者都支持該地區(qū)的受控捕魚(yú)和加工作業(yè)。
"This project is unique as it requires a strong governance structure," said Ted Gehr, USAID's mission director in Brazil. "Everybody is in agreement that they may have to sacrifice and not be able to fish all of the pirarucú that are available… but knowing that they'll reproduce more, and that in the long run they will be more valuable," Gehr added.
“這個(gè)項(xiàng)目是獨(dú)一無(wú)二的,因?yàn)樗枰粋€(gè)強(qiáng)有力的治理結(jié)構(gòu),”美國(guó)國(guó)際開(kāi)發(fā)署巴西任務(wù)主任泰德格爾說(shuō)。 “每個(gè)人都同意,他們可能不得不犧牲,無(wú)法捕撈所有可用的巨骨舌魚(yú)……但知道它們會(huì)繁殖更多,而且從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來(lái)看,它們會(huì)更有價(jià)值,”蓋爾補(bǔ)充道。

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