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2022年11月07日 VOA慢速英語:阿拉斯加島上的人口面臨“可怕”的情況





Population on Alaskan Island Faces ‘Dire’ Situation

The Alaska Native village of Shishmaref sits on the sinking barrier island Sarichef in the Chukchi Sea near the Bering Strait. The island lies between the United States and Russia, where it is increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change.
阿拉斯加原住民村莊 Shishmaref 坐落在白令海峽附近楚科奇海下沉的屏障島 Sarichef 上。該島位于美國和俄羅斯之間,日益受到氣候變化影響的威脅。
The village is home to about 600 members of the Inupiat People. They live simply, without running water and other modern technology.
該村居住著約 600 名因紐特人。他們生活簡樸,沒有自來水和其他現(xiàn)代科技。
Rising sea levels, flooding, increased erosion and loss of protective sea ice and land is a huge concern for the villagers. Some want to leave.
In fact, the community has voted in support of proposals to resettle elsewhere. Yet, more than six years after the last vote, Shishmaref remains in place. The planned move costs more than the village can pay.
So, the community carries on toward a troubling future.
The villagers continue their traditions. They celebrate birthdays, baptisms and school graduations. Their lives center on their homes, the local school and one of the world's northernmost Christian churches.
Aaron Silco leads the local Lutheran Church. He called the concern about the shrinking land and floods "too much of a burden" for the community. He said if the villagers think about climate change too often, it will hurt their ability to live their lives. It will take away from things such as birthday parties, funerals and sporting events.
Aaron Silco 領導當?shù)氐穆返陆虝?。他稱對土地萎縮和洪水的擔憂對社區(qū)來說“負擔過大”。他說,如果村民們過于頻繁地考慮氣候變化,就會損害他們的生活能力。它將帶走諸如生日聚會、葬禮和體育賽事等活動。
"There is still life happening," Silco said.
“仍然有生命在發(fā)生,”Silco 說。
Rich Stasenko agrees. He moved to Shishmaref in the 1970s. He calls the community "resourceful" and "resilient."
Rich Stasenko 表示同意。他在 1970 年代搬到了 Shishmaref。他稱這個社區(qū)“足智多謀”和“有彈性”。
"I don't see victims here," he said.
The problem
In the 30 years since 1992, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says temperatures in Alaska have gone up by 1.4 degrees Celsius.
美國國家海洋和大氣協(xié)會表示,自 1992 年以來的 30 年間,阿拉斯加的氣溫上升了 1.4 攝氏度。
That area of the Arctic had been warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. Now it is warming three times faster.
The island already does not have much space where people can live. It is only about five kilometers long and 400 meters wide. It used to be protected by a large layer of ice that is melting. The lack of ice means more flooding and more problems from storms. The sea is reclaiming the coast. About 14 homes had to be moved inland in 2002.
島上已經沒有太多可供人們居住的空間。它只有大約五公里長,四百米寬。它曾經受到一大層正在融化的冰的保護。冰的缺乏意味著更多的洪水和風暴帶來的更多問題。大海正在收復海岸。2002 年,約有 14 所房屋不得不搬到內陸。
There are many towns in Alaska like Shishmaref that are having problems due to warming weather. Most of the people that live in the small towns are native people who are related to the first people to live on the islands.
由于天氣變暖,阿拉斯加有許多城鎮(zhèn)(如 Shishmaref)遇到了問題。大多數(shù)住在小城鎮(zhèn)的人都是與第一批住在島上的人有關的土著人。
The U.S government's accountability office says climate change is expected to make their problems worse.
Lloyd Kiyutelluk is president of the local tribal council.
Lloyd Kiyutelluk 是當?shù)夭柯湮瘑T會的主席。
"I'm scared that we will have to move …" he said. He does not want the government to say the situation is "an emergency … but the way things are, we're getting storms that we've never seen before."
Government leaders warned that the island would have a problem during a storm in September. Officials said it could bring the worst flooding in 50 years. As the storm moved through the Bering Strait, it cut electricity, destroyed an important road and flooded a human waste treatment center.
政府領導人警告說,該島將在 9 月的暴風雨中出現(xiàn)問題。官員們表示,這可能會帶來 50 年來最嚴重的洪水。當風暴穿過白令海峽時,它切斷了電力,摧毀了一條重要的道路,并淹沒了一個人類廢物處理中心。
Molly Snell, 35, talked about the storm. She said she hoped the village would not be forced to evacuate.
35 歲的莫莉·斯內爾談到了這場風暴。她說她希望村里不會被迫撤離。
"The right storm, with the right wind could take out the whole island," she said. She said the island is more "vulnerable" due to climate change.
Who is to blame?
Over time, the community has changed its ways. However, the people of Shishmaref have not contributed much to climate change. Most of the greenhouse gases to blame are produced by populations in Europe and continental North America.
Elizabeth Marino calls that situation an example of "climate injustice."
Marino is an anthropologist, or an expert on humans and their communities. She studied the people of Shishmaref and wrote a book about her findings.
Marino 是人類學家,或者是人類及其社區(qū)方面的專家。她研究了希什馬里夫的人,并寫了一本關于她的發(fā)現(xiàn)的書。

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