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書蟲入門級(jí) 雪中的柑橘





Oranges in the Snow

1 The night is cold and windy. Outside the laboratory a dog howls. You are Mary Durie, the famous scientist. In your hand is a small flower. It grows in Alaska and it is very special. It can help people to see in the dark, you think.

Joe, your assistant, tells you, 'Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment.' He points to the flower.

You are a little afraid but you say, 'OK, let's start.'

■ You begin the experiment. Go to 18.

2 You go to the red plane. It is full of fish. A man with a beard gets on the plane. Is he the man you want?

■ You talk to the man on the plane. Go to 29.

3 You telephone your boss. She is not there – she is playing tennis.

■ Go back to 10.

4 You go to talk to the man. 'What are you doing here? This is private.' He runs away but he drops something. It is a ticket. 'Stop,' you say. But he runs faster.

■ You run after the man. Go to 12.

■ You look at the ticket. Go to 20.

5 You drink the liquid and go out of the laboratory. You can see in the dark! You walk away from the building and see a dog running after a seal. There is a man behind a car. 'What is he doing there?' you think.

■ You telephone your boss and tell her about the flower. Go to 22.

■ You go back to the laboratory and talk to Joe. Go to 10.

■ You talk to the man behind the car. Go to 4.

6 You go to Joe's room. He is not there. You hear someone outside. 'Joe! Is that you?' Suddenly, the door closes and you can't get out.

■ Go to 1 and start again.

7 The dog drinks the liquid. After a minute, he smiles and runs away.

■ Go back to 18.

8 You talk to the man with the long hair. 'We're looking for a passenger with a beard,' you say to him.

Sorry, I can't help you. Are you looking for a watch? I have lots of watches. They are not expensive. £3? £2?'

No, thank you. I have a watch.'

I want a watch,' says Joe.

We haven't time, Joe!' you say.

■ You talk to the pilot. Go to 30.

9 You go to the men's table. Just then, they see you. 'Run!' says the man with the hat. 'Let's go.'

The thieves leave the restaurant fast. You and Joe run after them.

The police arrive. 'Where are they?' says a policewoman. 'It's dark and we can't see them.'

But you can see in the dark. 'They are over there,' you tell the police.

■ Go to 24.

10 You go back into the laboratory. Something is very, very wrong. There is liquid on the table and floor. The table is usually next to the window. Now it is next to the door. And where is Joe? You cannot see him. His white coat is not there – and where is the bottle?

■ You go to Joe's room. Go to 6.

■ You look in this room. Go to 33.

■ You telephone your boss. Go to 3.

11 You go up to him. 'Can we talk to you?' Joe says. 'Of course. Do you want some oranges?' the man asks. You see his face. He hasn't got a beard – but he smells of oranges.

You say, 'No. I'm sorry. You are not the right man.'

■ You ask him some more questions. Go to 15.

■ You go back and follow the tracks on the right. Go to 37.

12 You run after the man. It is not easy to run in the snow. He runs faster than you run. In front of him is a Jet-sled. 'Come back here!' you cry. 'Stop him, someone!' But the man gets on the Jet-sled – and drives away.

You walk slowly back to the laboratory. You want to talk to Joe but you cannot see him.

■ You go back to the laboratory. Go to 10.

13 You follow the tracks on the left. In front of you is a delivery man. He has a box of oranges.

Look, Joe – oranges. Is that the man?' you ask.

I don't know,' says Joe. 'Has he got a beard?'

■ You go up to him. Go to 11.

14 There is nobody in the waiting room, but there are two more doors.

■ You go to the shop door. Go to 35.

■ You go to the restaurant door. Go to 23.

15 You ask him some more questions.

Where do your oranges come from?' you ask.

He says, 'There is a plane at the airport. It is full of oranges from Spain.'

Is the plane there now?' asks Joe.

Yes – but it goes soon,' the man says.

Are you driving back to the airport?' you ask.

Yes. Do you want to come?'

■ You get in his lorry. Go to 19.

■ You run to the airport. Go to 27.

■ You follow different tracks. Go to 34.

16 Joe takes the small bottle and drinks the liquid. 'Something is happening,' he says. 'I feel different. My legs and my hands hurt, but...' Joe goes to the window and opens the curtains. 'Mary! What's the time?'

7 o'clock at night,' you tell him.

It's daytime for me!' he says. Joe opens the door and looks outside.

■ You drink the liquid too. Go to 5.

■ You look outside with Joe. Go to 25.

17 You look under the table and see the dog. He is eating a shoe. 'Get out!' you say. The dog goes outside with the shoe.

■ You look in the cupboard. Go to 31.

18 You walk to the window. 'What are you doing?' Joe asks.

We must be careful,' you say, and you hold up the flower. 'This is very valuable.' You look out of the window, then close the curtains. Joe locks the door.

You put the flower in a little bottle. 'OK. We are ready.'

Joe gives you a bigger bottle. It has liquid in it. You pour some liquid on the flower. It turns green. You heat the little bottle. Slowly, the liquid turns yellow. You see some red smoke. You write in your notebook, fast. Then you smile and say, 'That's it!'

■ You give the small bottle to Joe. Go to 16.

■ You drink the yellow liquid. Go to 5.

■ You drop the liquid and the dog drinks it. Go to 7.

19 You get in his lorry. He talks a lot. He talks about his mother... about football... about his new trousers...

Please,' you say. 'We must get to the airport fast.'

Oh dear!' he says. 'I can't find my keys.'

■ You are very slow. The thief gets away.

Go to 1 and start again.

20 You look at the ticket. It is a plane ticket to Alaska. 'Very interesting,' you think.

■ You go back to the laboratory. Go to 10.

21 You go to the yellow plane. It begins to move. A minute later the plane is in the air. Is the thief on it? Perhaps he is getting away.

■ Go to 26.

22 You use your mobile phone and call your boss. She says, 'Good. This can help lots of people – but don't tell anyone. Remember, there are bad men out there. Be very careful, Mary.'

■ You go back into the building. Go to 10.

23 You go into the restaurant. There are lots of people there. One is wearing a white coat. Joe says, 'That's my coat!'

■ You walk across the restaurant. Go to 28.

24 The police arrest the men and give the notebook, the flower and the small bottle to Joe. You and Joe can now help lots of people with the liquid.

Why are these important?' the policewoman asks.

Wait – and see!' you say. You look at Joe and laugh.

25 You look outside with Joe. He says, 'I can see a dog looking in the dustbins. A seal eating a fish. There's a man driving a car with no lights. This is very exciting!'

■ You drink the liquid. Go to 5.

26 There are only two planes left. Is the thief on the red or the blue one? You want to go to the blue plane. Joe wants to go to the red plane.

■ You go to the blue plane. Go to 36.

■ You go to the red plane. Go to 2.

27 You run to the airport and see three planes. They are all different colours – blue, yellow and red. 'Which one?' you ask Joe.

I don't know. Can you see a man with a beard?'

No. We haven't got much time. Let's go.'

■ You go to the yellow plane. Go to 21.

■ You go to the blue plane. Go to 36.

■ You go to the red plane. Go to 2.

28 You and Joe walk across the restaurant. The man in the white coat has a beard. You can see it now. He is wearing only one shoe. The man with the beard talks to a man with a hat. 'I have it,' he says and puts a notebook on the table. You look and see it is your notebook!

The man with the hat says, 'Good! Now we can make lots of money.'

■ You go to the men's table. Go to 9.

29 You talk to the man. He does not want to talk to you. He says, 'Go away. I must work.'

■ He is the thief, you think. You get the police. Go to 32.

■ You leave him and go to the blue plane. Go to 36.

30 You talk to the pilot. 'I am looking for someone,' you say. 'A man with a beard who smells of oranges.'

The pilot says, 'Everyone on my plane smells of oranges. There is a man with a beard. He is in that building.' The pilot points to a building with three doors. 'Why do you want him?'

He is a thief, I think. Can you phone the police?' you ask. Then you and Joe run to the building.

■ You go in the restaurant door. Go to 23.

■ You go in the waiting room door. Go to 14.

■ You go in the shop door. Go to 35.

31 You look in the cupboard and you find Joe. There is a scarf over his mouth and sticky tape on his hands. 'Are you OK?' you ask, and take the scarf away.

Yes, I'm OK,' he says.

What can you remember?' you ask.

A man... with a beard. A smell of... oranges. A fight. His shoe in my hand...'

Where is the thief?' you ask.

Joe looks at the sticky tape and says, 'The airport, perhaps?'

You go outside. 'Look!'

There are three tracks in the snow.

■ You follow the tracks on the left. Go to 13.

■ You follow the tracks on the right. Go to 37.

■ You follow the tracks straight on. Go to 34.

32 You get the police. They ask the man lots of questions. After a long time they tell you, 'He works on the plane and he is not the man you want.' It is now very late – the thief is far away.

■ You must begin again. Go back to 1.

33 You look in the room. You can't see your notebook. Or the flower. Or the small bottle with the liquid in. This is very bad. And where is Joe? Can he be a thief?

Just then you hear a noise. At first you think it is the wind.

You hear it again. It is not the wind. Where is the noise coming from?

■ You look under the table. Go to 17.

■ You look in the cupboard. Go to 31.

34 You follow the tracks straight on. These tracks are yours. They take you back to the building, so you follow the tracks on the right.

■ Go to 37.

35 You go to the shop door but the shop is closed.

■ You go to the restaurant. Go to 23.

■ You go to the waiting room. Go to 14.

36 You go to the blue plane. There are lots of boxes of oranges. A man with long hair is putting the boxes in a lorry. Next to him is the pilot. Some passengers are next to the plane, but nobody has a beard.

Do we talk to the man with the long hair or the pilot?' you ask Joe.

■ You talk to the pilot. Go to 30.

■ You talk to the man with long hair. Go to 8.

37 These tracks go to the airport.

■ Go to 27.

Oranges in the Snow


1 這是個(gè)寒冷、刮著風(fēng)的夜晚,實(shí)驗(yàn)室外有只狗在嚎叫。你是著名的科學(xué)家瑪麗·迪里。你手中拿著一朵小花。它長在阿拉斯加州,十分特別。你認(rèn)為它可以幫助人們?cè)诤诎抵锌吹綎|西。



■ 你開始做實(shí)驗(yàn)。跳到18。

2 你走向紅色的飛機(jī)。飛機(jī)里裝滿了魚。一個(gè)有胡子的男人上了飛機(jī)。他是你要找的人嗎?

■ 你和飛機(jī)上的男人交談。跳到29。

3 你給你的老板打電話,她不在——她在打網(wǎng)球。

■ 回到10。

4 你走過去和那個(gè)男人交談。“你在這里做什么?這里是私人地方。”他逃跑了,但掉了一件東西。那是一張票?!罢咀?。”你說。但是他跑得更快了。

■ 你去追那個(gè)人。跳到12。

■ 你查看那張票。跳到20。

5 你喝下液體,走出實(shí)驗(yàn)室。你可以在黑暗中看見東西了!你離開了房子,看到一只狗正在追一只海豹。一輛車后面有個(gè)人?!八谀抢锔墒裁茨?”你想。

■ 你給你的老板打電話,告訴她關(guān)于這朵花的事情。跳到22。

■ 你回到實(shí)驗(yàn)室,和喬交談。跳到10。

■ 你和車后面的男人交談。跳到4。

6 你去喬的房間。他不在。你聽到外面有人?!皢?是你嗎?”突然,房門關(guān)上了,你出不去了。

■ 回到1,重新開始。

7 狗喝下液體。一分鐘后,它笑著跑開了。

■ 回到18。

8 你們和長發(fā)男人交談?!拔覀?cè)谡乙粋€(gè)有胡子的乘客?!蹦銓?duì)他說。





■ 你和飛行員交談。跳到30。

9 你們朝他們的桌子走去。就在這時(shí),他們看到了你們。“快跑!”戴帽子的男人說。“我們走!”




■ 跳到24。

10 你回到實(shí)驗(yàn)室,情況非常不對(duì)勁兒。桌子和地板上灑著液體。桌子通常是靠窗而放,現(xiàn)在它被挪到了門邊。喬在哪里呢?你沒看到他。他的白色外套也不在——而且,瓶子在哪里?

■ 你去喬的房間。跳到6。

■ 你在這個(gè)房間搜索。跳到33。

■ 你給你的老板打電話。跳到3。

11 你們朝那個(gè)人走去?!拔覀兛梢院湍阏?wù)剢?”喬說?!爱?dāng)然可以。你們想要柑橘嗎?”那個(gè)男人問。你看到了他的臉。他沒有胡子,但是身上有柑橘味。


■ 你們又問了他一些問題。跳到15。

■ 你們回去重新沿著右邊的腳印追尋。跳到37。

12 你追趕那個(gè)人。在雪地中奔跑并不是件輕松的事。他跑得比你快。他前面有一架噴水滑橇。“回來!”你喊道?!罢l來攔住他!”但是這個(gè)人上了滑橇開走了。


■ 你回到實(shí)驗(yàn)室。跳到10。

13 你們沿著左邊的腳印追尋。你們面前出現(xiàn)一個(gè)送貨員,他抱著一箱柑橘。



■ 你們走上前去。跳到11。

14 等候室里沒有人,不過還有兩扇門。

■ 你走向商店的門。跳到35。

■ 你走向餐館的門。跳到23。

15 你們又問了他幾個(gè)問題。







■ 你們上了他的卡車。跳到19。

■ 你們跑到機(jī)場(chǎng)。跳到27。

■ 你們追蹤另一行腳印。跳到34。

16 喬拿過小瓶,喝了里面的液體。“有什么在變,”他說,“我覺得不一樣了。我的腿和手很疼,但是……”他走向窗戶,拉開了窗簾?!艾旣?幾點(diǎn)了?”



■ 你也喝下了液體。跳到5。

■ 你和喬一起向外望。跳到25。

17 你往桌下看,看到了一只狗,它正在啃一只鞋?!俺鋈?”你說。狗叼著鞋子出去了。

■ 你查看櫥柜。跳到31。

18 你走到窗前。“你在做什么?”喬問。




■ 你把小瓶遞給喬。跳到16。

■ 你喝下黃色液體。跳到5。

■ 你打翻了液體,狗喝了它。跳到7。

19 你們上了他的卡車。他很能說,說他的媽媽……說足球……說他的新褲子……



■ 你們行動(dòng)太緩慢,小偷跑了。


20 你看著票。這是一張去阿拉斯加州的機(jī)票?!坝幸馑?。”你想。

■ 你回到實(shí)驗(yàn)室。跳到10。

21 你走向黃色的飛機(jī),它開始移動(dòng)。一分鐘后,飛機(jī)飛上了天。小偷在上面嗎?可能他成功逃脫了。

■ 跳到26。

22 你用手機(jī)給老板打電話。她說:“很好。這可以幫助很多人——但不要告訴任何人。記住,外頭有壞人,要萬分小心,瑪麗?!?/p>

■ 你走回房子。跳到10。

23 你們走進(jìn)餐館。餐館里有很多人,其中一個(gè)穿著一件白色外套。喬說:“那是我的外套!”

■ 你們向餐館里頭走去。跳到28。

24 警察逮捕了這兩個(gè)人,把筆記本、花和小瓶交給喬?,F(xiàn)在你和喬可以用這種液體幫助很多人了。



25 你和喬一起向外望。他說:“我看到一只狗在翻垃圾箱,一只海豹在吃魚,還有一個(gè)男人在開車,但沒開車燈。這太讓人激動(dòng)了!”

■ 你喝下液體。跳到5。

26 只剩下兩架飛機(jī)了。小偷是在紅色飛機(jī)上還是藍(lán)色飛機(jī)上?你想要去藍(lán)色飛機(jī),喬想要去紅色飛機(jī)。

■ 你們走向藍(lán)色飛機(jī)。跳到36。

■ 你們走向紅色飛機(jī)。跳到2。

27 你們跑到機(jī)場(chǎng),看到三架飛機(jī)。每架飛機(jī)的顏色都不同,有藍(lán)色、黃色和紅色。“是哪一架?”你問喬。



■ 你們走向黃色飛機(jī)。跳到21。

■ 你們走向藍(lán)色飛機(jī)。跳到36。

■ 你們走向紅色飛機(jī)。跳到2。

28 你和喬向餐館里頭走去。你現(xiàn)在可以看到,穿白色外套的男人長著胡子,他只穿著一只鞋。長胡子的男人在和一個(gè)戴帽子的男人交談。“我拿到了?!彼f著,把一個(gè)筆記本放到桌上。你看到那是你的筆記本!


■ 你走向他們的桌子。跳到9。

29 你和那個(gè)男人說話,他卻不想和你說話。他說:“走開,我必須工作?!?/p>

■ 你認(rèn)為他就是那個(gè)小偷。你叫來警察。跳到32。

■ 你撇下他,走向藍(lán)色飛機(jī)。跳到36。

30 你和飛行員交談。“我正在找人,”你說,“這個(gè)人長著胡子,身上有柑橘味?!?/p>



■ 你們走進(jìn)餐館的門。跳到23。

■ 你們走進(jìn)等候室的門。跳到14。

■ 你們走進(jìn)商店的門。跳到35。

31 你查看櫥柜里面,發(fā)現(xiàn)了喬。他的嘴上給圍巾勒著,手上纏著膠帶。“你還好嗎?”你問,并取下圍巾。








■ 你沿著左邊的腳印追尋。跳到13。

■ 你沿著右邊的腳印追尋。跳到37。

■ 你沿著直行的腳印追尋。跳到34。

32 你叫來警察。他們問了這個(gè)男人許多問題。過了很長時(shí)間之后,他們告訴你:“他在飛機(jī)上工作,并不是你們要找的人?!爆F(xiàn)在為時(shí)已晚——小偷已經(jīng)逃得遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的了。

■ 你必須重新開始?;氐?。

33 你在房間里找。你沒有看到你的筆記本,也沒看到那朵花,連裝著液體的小瓶子也不見了。這太糟了。喬去哪兒了?他會(huì)是小偷嗎?



■ 你查看桌子底下。跳到17。

■ 你查看櫥柜里。跳到31。

34 你沿著直行的腳印追尋。這行腳印是你自己的,它們帶你回到了屋子,所以你又沿著右邊的腳印追尋。

■ 跳到37。

35 你走向商店,但是商店關(guān)門了。

■ 你走向餐館。跳到23。

■ 你走向等候室。跳到14。

36 你們走向藍(lán)色飛機(jī),上面有許多箱柑橘。一個(gè)長發(fā)男人正在把柑橘搬進(jìn)一輛卡車,他旁邊是飛行員。一些乘客站在飛機(jī)旁,但是沒有人有胡子。


■ 你們和飛行員交談。跳到30。

■ 你們和長發(fā)男人交談。跳到8。

37 這行腳印通向機(jī)場(chǎng)。

■ 跳到27。


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