ALL they that stood there had pity when Reynart said tho words, and said it was but a little request if the King would grant it him, and they prayed the King to grant it him. The King gave him leave.
Reynart was well glad, and hoped that it might fall better, and said thus:
“Now help, Spiritus Domini, for I see here no man but I have trespassed unto. Nevertheless yet was I, unto the time that I was weaned from the teat, one of the best children that could anywhere be found. I went tho and played with the lambs, because I heard them gladly bleat. I was so long with them that at the last I bit one; there learned I first to lappen of the blood. It savoured well; me thought it right good. And after I began to taste of the flesh thereof, I was licorous; so that after that I went to the gate into the wood, there heard I the kids bleat and I slew of them two. I began to wax hardy after. I slew hens, polaylle and geese wherever I found them. Thus worden my teeth all bloody. After this, I wex so fell and so wroth that whatsomever I found that I might over, I slew all. Thereafter came I by Esegrim, now in the winter, where he hid him under a tree, arid reckoned to me that he was my eme. When I heard him then reckon alliance, we became fellows, which I may well repent. We promised each to other to be true, and to use good fellowship, and began to wander together. He stole the great things and I the small, and all was common between us. Yet he made it so that he had the best deal; I got not half my part. When that Esegrim got a calf a ram or a wether, then grimmed he, and was angry on me, and drove me from him, and held my part and his too, so good is he. Yet this was of the least. But when it so lucked that we took an ox or a cow, then came thereto his wife with seven children; so that unto me might vnnethe come one of the smallest ribs, and yet, had they eaten all the flesh thereof, therewithall must I be content; not for that I had so great need, for I have so great scatte and good of silver and of gold, that seven wains should not can carry it away.”
When the King heard him speak of this great good and riches, he burned in the desire and covetyse thereof, and said,“Reynart, where is the riches become? tell me that.”
The Fox said,“My lord, I shall tell you. The riches was stolen. And had it not be stolen, it should have cost you your life and you should have been murdered, —which God forbid!—and should have been the greatest hurt in the world.”
When the Queen heard that, she was sore afraid and cried aloud,“Alas and weleaway! Reynart, what say you? I conjure you by the long way that your soul shall go, that you tell us openly the truth hereof, as much as you know of this great murder that should have be done on my lord, that we all may hear it!”
Now hearken how the Fox shall flatter the King and Queen, and shall win both their good will and loves, and shall hinder them that labour for his death. He shall unbind his pack and lie, and by flattery and fair words shall bring forth so his matters that it shall be supposed for truth.
In a sorrowful countenance spake the Fox to the Queen,“I am in such case now that I must needs die, and had you me not so sore conjured I will not jeopardise my soul, and if I so died I should go therefor in to the pain of hell. I will say nothing but that I will make it good, for piteously he should have been murdered of his own folk. Nevertheless they that were most principal in this feat were of my next kin, whom gladly I would not betray, if the sorrow were not of the hell.”
The King was heavy of heart, and said,“Reynart, sayest thou to me the truth?”
“Yes,”said the Fox.“See you not how it stands with me? Ween you that I shall damn my soul? What should it avail me if I now said otherwise than truth? My death is so nigh. There may neither prayer nor good help me.”Tho trembled the Fox, by dissembling, as he had been afraid.
The Queen had pity on him, and prayed the King to have mercy on him, in eschewing of more harm, and that he should do the people hold their peace, and give the Fox audience, and hear what he should say.
Tho commanded the King openly that each of them should be still, and suffer the Fox to say unberisped what that he would.
Then said the Fox,“Be you now all still, since it is the King's will, and I shall tell you openly this treason. And therein will I spare no man that I know guilty.”