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商務英語合同中許多詞頻繁出現(xiàn),大多成為英語合同術語,比如by and between,as,shall,the said,herein,hereby,whereas,subject to,in accordance with,prior to,including,as follows,in respect of,in pursuance of,therefore,thereof等。這些用詞可分為虛詞(Function Words)和實義詞(Content Words)。

1 常用虛詞(Usual Function Words)


as是英語合同中最常用的虛詞之一,與其他詞組成具有特定意義的短語,如as the case may be(視情況而定),as from(自某日起),as of(自某日起),as done(依……而定),as...as(與……一樣)等。

①as from和as of都可以表示“自某日起”的意思,用于正式文書。


This Contract shall be in effect for one year as from the 26th March 2013.(本合同自2013年3月26日期生效,有效期為一年。)


This Agreement shall come into force as of the 3rd May 2012.(本合同自2012年5月3日期生效。)

②as放在代表“規(guī)定”的provide,stip ulate,set forth,prescribe等詞的過去分詞前,含義為“依照……規(guī)定”。


For purpose of this, Capital Account shall be adjusted hypothetically as provided for in Section 4.6 herein.(基于此,應依照本合同第四條第六款調整資金賬戶。)


Based on their respective Venture interests as set forth in Section 5.2 hereof.(基于本合同第五條第二款規(guī)定的各方在合資公司中的權益。)

另外,Except as otherwise done和Unless as otherwise done結構,表示“除非本文/某條款另有規(guī)定”。done由provided,stipulated,set forth,prescribed,required,indicated,set out等表示。


Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices or demands sent by registered airmail shall be deemed received 8 days after they have been sent and notices or demands sent by telex shall be deemed received at the time of the dispatch thereof.(除非本合同另有規(guī)定,所有以航空掛號信寄出的通知和要求發(fā)出后8日應視為送達收悉,以電傳方式發(fā)出則在發(fā)送時視為收悉。)


Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will accept transport documents indicating the third party other than the beneficiary of the credit as the consignor of the goods.(除非信用證另有規(guī)定,銀行將接受以信用證受益人以外的第三者作為發(fā)貨人的運輸單據(jù)。)

③As構成as the case may be(視具體情況而定),as the case may require(視具體要求而定)和as the Venturers may determine(視投資方?jīng)Q定而定)等短語是英語合同的常用短語。


The Venture may relocate its office from time to time or have additional offices as the Venturers may determine.(該合資公司視投資者決策,可隨時遷址或增添營業(yè)場所。)

④As還用在as soon as practical短語中,意義用法相當于as soon as possible。


During the Employment Period, the Company agrees that it shall recommend to the Board the election of the Employee as a Director of the Company on the Commencement Date or as soon as practical thereafter.(本公司同意在聘用期間,應自本協(xié)議開始或其后盡快向董事會推選受聘方為本公司董事。)


Such... as句型是英語合同的特殊表達形式,它將類屬后置,突出as后面的內容。


The parties may agree to extend the expiration date to such date as is reasonable in the circumstances.(合同各方同意根據(jù)情況合理推遲合同到期日。)

其中such date as is reasonable in the circumstances結構代替了such a date that is reasonable in the circumstances的表達。


The Venture may re-locate its office from time to time or have additional offices as the Venture may determine.句中as the Venture may determine可由as determined by the Ventures代替。該句大意:該投資公司有時可遷址或增添營業(yè)場所,視投資者的決策而定。


shall,should,may,must,may not(或shall not)是普通英語中常見的單詞,但在英語合同中必須謹慎使用這些詞。使用這些詞對合同主體的權利義務進行約定。如果選詞不當,可能會引起糾紛。

①May旨在約定當事人的權利(可以做什么),沒有任何義務的含義,不帶有強制性,有時表示“允許”或“許可”,相當于中文的“可以”、“得”等含義。May do不能說成can do,shall do,也不能說成should do或ought to do。


The buyers may, within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, lodge a claim against the sellers for shortweight being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.(貨物抵達目的港15天內,買方可以憑有信譽的公共檢驗員出示的檢驗證明向賣方提出短重賠償。)

②shall約定當事人的義務(應當做什么時候),表示強制性要求履行責任或義務,含有“本條款具有法律規(guī)定的指令性和強制性”之意。Shall do(應當做)不能用can do,should do,must do來代替。Should do,must do其意“做不做都可能不會受到相應懲罰或處罰”,shall do其意“應當做,必須做”的義務,對應著一定的懲罰或處罰。


The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks.(賣方必須將下列單據(jù)提交銀行附議)


Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory.(甲方不得向上述地區(qū)其他買主供應本合同項下商品。)

③must用于強制性義務(必須做什么),may not(或shall not)用于禁止性義務(不得做什么)。may not do在美國一些法律文件可以用shall not,但絕不能用can not do或must not。


當should出現(xiàn)在合同中時,它常放在句子的開頭,表示一個隱含的條件狀語,相當于由if、in case或in the event that引導的狀語從句,其含義相當于中文的“如果”、“萬一”而不是“應該”。


Should the verification conclusion contradict the conditions of an auction target stated in an auction contract, the auctioneer has the right to demand a change or rescind the contract.(如果鑒定結論與委托拍賣合同載明的拍賣標的狀況不相符,拍賣人有權要求變更或者解除合同。)


Notwithstanding與in spite of,despite一樣意思是“即使,盡管”。一般與名詞連用作為介詞短語,放在句首。


Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits shall be subject to approval of all the parties.(即使有與本合同相悖的規(guī)定,保險范圍和責任限制應以合同各方同意為準。)

句中Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein意思是In spite of any other provisions to the contrary of provisions in the contract或者Despite any other provisions to the contrary of provisions in the contract。


Notwithstanding Article 2.2, the parties may agree to extend the Expiration date to such date as is reasonable in the circumstances if any of the conditions precedent referred to in Article 2.1 is not satisfied or waived on or before the Expiration Date, any such agreement or waiver to be in writing.(盡管有本合同第二條第二款規(guī)定,如果上述第二條第一款規(guī)定的先決條件在合同期滿日或之前未實現(xiàn)或被放棄,合同各方亦可根據(jù)具體情況,約定合理推遲合同的期滿日。)


hereby與by this或by means of this意思相近,表示“特此”、“因此”。



Hereby compliance with law requirements is self-evident.(因此依照法律規(guī)定也是不證自明的);

Accordingly, we hereby offer the following suggestions.(為此,特提出以下意見);

We hereby revoke the agreement of May 8,2004.(我方特此宣告于2004年5月8日簽訂的合同無效);

I hereby certify that the information provided voluntarily.(茲證明上述資料由本人自愿提供)。


hereto相當于to this或to this writing,document or matter,意思是:對于此事或此文件、關于此、關于這個、于此、到此為止、在此。表示上文提到的“本合同的或本文件的……”時,使用該詞,一般置于修飾的名詞后面。


Payments shall be made in the manner and at the time agreed by the parties hereto.(支付款應按本合同雙方同意的時間和方式進行);

Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.(本合同如有未盡事宜,雙方可協(xié)商修訂或補充);

Commencement date shall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last signing party hereto.(“協(xié)議生效日”是指本“協(xié)議”最后簽字的一方簽署本“協(xié)議”的日期);

The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this contract.(整個合同期間,本合同的附件應被視為合同的一部分予以解釋)。


herein相當于in this,意思是“如此”“鑒于”“此中”、“在此處”。


The license herein granted is conditioned on Part B selling Licensed Devices at prices no more favorable than those followed by Part A.(在此授權許可是以乙方出售特許裝置的價格不得比甲方所遵循的價格低為條件的。)

Matters not provided herein shall be governed by other laws.(本條例未規(guī)定的,適用其他法律之規(guī)定。)


hereof相當于of this,意為“關于此點”“在本文件中”“就此”、“于此”。


This contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the buyer and the builder.(本合同自買方和建造方簽署之日生效。)

All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.(所有報盤和銷售均應遵守本報價單背面所印的條款。)

The right to interpret the rules hereof rests with the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China.(本辦法由中華人民共和國交通部負責解釋。)

The power of interpretation hereof rests with the Ministry of commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.(本辦法由商務部、海關總署、質檢總局負責解釋。)


Hereinbefore其意為in a preceding part of this(在上文中,上文)。


The Debtor may deem compromise with any other Creditor, in such manner as the Debtor may consider advisable, anything hereinbefore to the contrary notwithstanding.(盡管有上述相反情況,只要債務人認為是可取的,他可以與任何其他債權人達成妥協(xié)。)

Where any provision hereinbefore conflicts with or is different from these Measures, the latter shall prevail.(此前規(guī)定與本辦法有抵觸或不一致的,按本辦法執(zhí)行。)


hereinafter其意為later in this contract,譯成“以下”、“在下文中”等。


Any complaint which either party does not wish to refer to a Conciliation Committee may then be submitted by the First Party to arbitration as hereinafter provided.(如果任何一方不愿意把申訴提交給調解委員會,可由甲方將其提交給下文所提出的機構仲裁。)

Part A agrees to pay to Part B an amount hereinafter called royalty equal to 5% of the gross sales.(甲方同意向乙方支付以下稱為版稅的費用,該費用等于銷售總額的5%。)


hereunder相當于under this,意思是“在此中”、“在其中”、“在本文件中”。


All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint several liability.(擔保人在本擔保書項下承擔的義務均應是連帶的。)

The said Effective Date shall be construed as the date of the commencement of work hereunder.(上述生效日期即為本協(xié)議規(guī)定的開始工作之日。)


thereby相當于by that means,意為“因此”、“從而”。


Notice of termination shall be served by post or in person and the Agreement is thereby terminated.(停止協(xié)議的通知應當通過郵寄或派人送達,該協(xié)議方可終止。)

In the event of the death of any partner, this partnership shall not be thereby dissolved.(如果任何合伙人死亡,本合伙公司不因此解散。)


therefor相當于for that,譯成“為此”“由于此”“因此”。


Before commencing the construction, the Contractor shall submit the plan and specifications therefore to the owner for approval.(在開工之前,承包商應將此計劃和技術說明書一并提交所有者批準。)


Thereto相當于to that,意為“向那里”“另外”。


Written notice shall be sent to all directors, including copies of reports relating thereto.(應將書面通知送達所有董事,包括有關各種報告副本。)

In concluding a contract, the parties thereto shall implement the principle of good faith.(當事人訂立合同,應秉持誠實信用原則。)


thereof相當于of that,譯成“其”、“關于那”。


The lessee shall be liable for compensating the lessor for losses suffered as a result thereof.(出租人因此所受的損失由承租人負責賠償。)

This agreement articles thereof shall be governed by Chinese law.(本協(xié)議受中華人民共和國法律管轄并按中華人民共和國法律解釋。)


whereby相當于by which,譯成“憑此”“憑此協(xié)議”“憑此條款”。


This Agreement is made and concluded by and between A Corporation (hereinafter called Part A) and B company (hereinafter called Part B) whereby the Parties hereto agree to enter into the compensation trade under the terms and conditions set forth below.(本協(xié)議由A公司(以下稱甲方)與B公司(以下稱乙方)簽訂,雙方同意按以下條款進行補償貿(mào)易。

This contract is made in a spirit of friendly cooperation by and between Party A and Party B, whereby Party A shall invite Party B for service as a foreign staff on the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:(甲方和乙方本著友好合作的精神簽訂本合同,根據(jù)合同,甲方聘請乙方為外籍工作人員。合同條款如下:)

(16)foregoing,aforesaid,the said,aforementioned,abovementioned“上述的”“前述的”

Foregoing,aforesaid,the said,aforementioned,above-mentioned這些詞一般放在名詞前作限定詞,相當于定冠詞the,其意為“前述的”或“上述的”,為避免重復已經(jīng)提到的姓名或名稱。


The Bank shall give prompt written or telex notice to the Borrower of the Interest Rate in effect from time to time in accordance with the foregoing sentence.(本銀行將根據(jù)上述判決以書面或電傳形式及時通知借款方實際利率。)

The contract shall be written in Chinese and in________________. Both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.(本合同應以中文和________語言書寫,兩種文本具同等法律效力。前述兩種文本如有歧義,以中文文本為準。)

in question短語也可以用來表示限定或重復某個名詞,相當于under consideration,being talked about。通常表示“在考慮或討論中的”、“上文所說的”。


All prices to be paid by the Buyer under its obligations of the buyback/counter-purchase Contract shall be the world market prices taking into account the other delivery terms for the goods in question.(買方根據(jù)返銷或回購貨物合同的義務所支付的價格應為世界市場價格,結合考慮該貨物的其他交貨條件。)

(17)including but not limited to與including, without limitation以及including by way of illustration but not limitation含義為“包括但不限于”

英語合同表達“包括但不限于”時,就會用到including but not limited to與including,without limitation以及including by way of illustration but not limitation這幾個短語。


The time for the performance of the Seller's obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural catastrophe and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Seller's reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof.(本合同規(guī)定賣方履行義務的時間應自動延長等同于由于直接或間接由于不可抗力事件導致的不能履行的時間。不可抗力包括但不限于火災、洪水、地震、臺風、自然災害和超出賣方合理控制,阻止、妨礙、干擾本合同履行的其他風險和情形。)

(18)according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant to, under or in compliance with意為“依照……規(guī)定”

這些詞組表示“依照合同的約定”或者“根據(jù)法律的規(guī)定”。其中“according to”屬于普通英語表達,在合同中很少用,而“in accordance with”最為常見。


In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.(如未能達成和解,該案件可提交中國國際貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,根據(jù)該仲裁委員會頒布的仲裁程序暫行規(guī)定進行仲裁。)

又如:A Photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plant shall be signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.(該合同設備的驗收證書的影印副本由雙方代表按照該合同第九章簽收。)

再如:Both Parties shall each contribute their paid in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.(合同雙方應按照本合同附件中載明的項目進行出資。)

(19)prior to,no later than,on or before,on and after“在……之前”“不遲于”“從某日起”

英語合同中關于限定日期的表達方式包括:prior to表示“某日之前,提前多少日”。on or before,no (not) later than,表示“不遲于”。On and after表示“從某日起”。


Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to collect any account on and after September.(自9月20日起,甲方已無權接受任何訂單或收取任何款項。)

Our terms are cash within three months, i. e. on or before May 1.(我公司的條件是,3個月內,即不得晚于5月1日,支付現(xiàn)金。)

Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i. e. not later than December.(本合同簽字之日起一個月內,即不遲于12月,你方須將貨物裝船。)

10~15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods.(裝運前10天到15天,買方應以電報或電傳方式通知賣方合同編號、裝運船名,預計到達時間,裝載數(shù)量和承運代理商名稱,以便賣方直接聯(lián)系承運代理商安排貨物裝運。)



This credit expires till January 1 (inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing.(or: This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.)(本證在北京議付,有效期至1月1日(含當天)。)如果不包括1月1日在內,則為till and not including January 1。

(20)Without prejudice to,with prejudice“不損害……規(guī)定/情況下”

Without prejudice to,with prejudice常用于英語合同中,表示在“不損害……規(guī)定/情況下”。


The Management Agreement and Clause 2 shall be read and construed as one document and clause 2 shall be considered to be part of the Management Agreement and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where the context so allows, references in the Management Agreement to "this Agreement".(《管理協(xié)議》和第二條應一并閱讀,作為完整的文件來理解。應將第二條理解為《管理協(xié)議》的一部分,在不影響上述整體性情況下,在本契約允許之處,是《管理協(xié)議》中的參考部分。)

(21)in lieu of“替代”

in lieu of意為“替代”,相當于instead of,in place of。合同中表示“替代”的動詞是supersede。


In circumstance provided above in Clause 14.1, Party C or New Company shall, at its sole option and discretion, be entitled to transfer to Party B all or part of Party C or New Company's proprietary rights and ownership of the infrastructure project under construction or after Completion Date, as liquidated damages, in lieu of computing and compensating the actual damages provided that such transfer shall be conducted of Party C's own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause.(在上述第十四條第一款規(guī)定的情形下,丙方或新公司有權自行選擇向乙方轉讓丙方或新公司的所有權及在建或竣工后基礎設施的所有權的全部或部分,作為約定的違約金來替代計算與賠償實際損害,但該轉讓應為丙方自愿實施的行為或基于仲裁裁決的規(guī)定。)

(22)Attributable to,by virtue of,in view of,on account of,considering,in consideration of含義為“因為”

這些詞是介詞短語,表示“因為”,其中due to,owing to,because of也表示“因為”但較不正式,在合同中很少使用。


The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expense incurred because of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing.(因賣方包裝不當或因采取了不當?shù)幕虿怀浞值谋Wo措施而發(fā)生的貨物損壞和貨物生銹應由賣方承擔責任。)

Licensee hereby agrees that its every use of such name shall inure to the benefit of Licensor and that Licensee shall not at any time acquire any rights in such name by virtue of any use it may make of such name.(被許可方特此同意,該名稱的使用應有利于許可方利益且不得在任何時候因利用該名稱而取得該名稱項下任何權利。)

Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods on arrival and, within________business days after delivery, buyer must give notice to seller of any claim for damages on account of condition, quality or grade of the goods, and buyer must specify the basis of the claim of buyer in detail.(買方應有權在貨物運抵及交付后________個營業(yè)日內進行檢驗,買方須通知賣方任何基于貨物狀況、品質、等級而產(chǎn)生的索賠,并詳細說明索賠事由。)

In view of the personal nature of the services to be performed under this Agreement by You, You cannot assign or transfer any of Your obligations under this Agreement.(考慮到本協(xié)議項下待你方履行的服務有私人性質,你方不能轉讓本協(xié)議項下你方的任何義務。)

(23)In respect of,in respect thereof,with respect to,as regards意為“涉及”“至于”“在……方面”

在英語合同中用in respect of,in respect thereof或with respect to來表示“涉及”“至于”“在……方面”有關的問題,這些詞組比about,concerning,as regards正式。


Notwithstanding Clause 16.1, Party B shall not be entitled to claim for itself in respect of any Force Majeure in Clause 16.1.(盡管有16條第1款的規(guī)定,但乙方無權根據(jù)16條第1款為其自身提出有關不可抗力的索賠。)

Upon the termination of the Existing Letter of Credit and the payment of all amounts (if any) owing in respect thereof, Bank Boston, N. A. shall cease to be an Issuing Bank hereunder.(現(xiàn)有信用證一經(jīng)期滿所有相關應付款項的支付(如果有的話)即告終止,北美波士頓銀行不再是該信用證項下的開證行。)

Party C or New Company shall retain all rights with respect to the specifications, plans, drawings and other documents and Party B undertakes not to disclose the same or divulge any information contained therein to any third country without the prior written consent of Party C or New Company.(丙方或新公司應保留有關說明書、計劃書、圖紙和其他文件的所有權利且乙方應承諾未經(jīng)丙方或新公司事先書面同意不披露上述文件或泄露上述文件所包含的任何信息給第三國。)

此外,pertaining to,pertaining thereto也表示“涉及,與……有關”。


Broker is in the business of brokering real estate loans and engages sales representative to perform services pertaining to such business.(經(jīng)紀人是在房地產(chǎn)貸款經(jīng)紀業(yè)務中聘用銷售代表進行有關該業(yè)務的服務。)

(24)in the event that,in the event of含義是“如果”、“如果……發(fā)生”

in the event that,in the event of相當于when,表示“如果”、“如果……發(fā)生”,但是比when正式,英語合同中常用。


In the event that either party hereto fails to comply with the terms or conditions of this Agreement and within 90 days after the written notice is issued by the other party hereto, fails to remedy such failure, the Party giving notice may, forth with, notify the other Party of the matter in question and terminate this Agreement.(如任何一方未能履行本協(xié)議規(guī)定的條款或條件,并在收到另一方書面通知之后90天內未對其不履行進行補救,發(fā)出通知的一方,可立即通知另一方終止本協(xié)議。)

2 實義詞(Content Words)


perform,fulfill,execute,implement在英語合同中表示“履行”。perform表示to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract,泛指雙方履行合同的各項責任和義務,而fulfill表示to do everything which is promised in a contract,強調合同一方具體履行合同的義務。execute,implement表示強調具體實施,execute也有簽約、生效的用法。


With respect to the outstanding 180 M/T of low-density polyethylene NY2-11 under Contract No.79hp-106, we insist that you must open the covering letter of credit the soonest possible to secure the performance of the contract. We hereby would like to call your attention to the fact that the Adviser Inc., who purchased LDPE NY2-11 from us at the same time as you did have fulfilled their commitment under the previous Contract not long after we offered our regulated price and signed a new contract covering substantial quality.(有關第79hp-106號合同項下180公噸的低密度聚乙烯(NY2-11)未付款項,我方堅持要求貴方盡快開立信用證以保證合同的履行。我方在此提請貴方注意,在我方提供了調整的價格并簽訂了一份產(chǎn)品品質優(yōu)良的新合同后不久,同時從我公司購買低密度聚乙烯(NY2-11)的Adviser公司已經(jīng)按先前的合同履行完義務。)

Each party hereto, at the reasonable request of another party hereto, shall execute and deliver such other instruments and do and perform such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable for effecting completely the consummation of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.(本合同一方應在他方合理的要求下,應簽署并交付其他文件并切實履行完成本協(xié)議和交易所必需或需要的行為和事宜。)


All expenses of keeping the books and records of the Company and the preparation of financial statements required to implement the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise needed for the conduct of the Company's business shall be borne by the Company.(所有為履行本協(xié)議條款所要求的保存本公司賬冊記錄和準備財務報表的費用或其他公司經(jīng)營所需要的費用由本公司承擔。)

(2)mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, security, encumbrance



Seller warrants that the goods are now free, and that at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.(賣方保證貨物現(xiàn)無約束,交付時應沒有擔保物權、其他留置權或債權。)

During the joint venture term of the Joint Venture Company, without Party B's written consent, Party A shall not create any option right to acquire, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, or any other form of security or encumbrance on, over, or affecting the whole or any part of its equity interest in the Joint Venture Company.(本合資公司合營期間,未經(jīng)乙方書面同意,甲方不得對本合資公司所有或部分股權設定期權、購并權、抵押權、保證、留置權,或其他任何形式的擔?;騻鶛?,或因以上設定影響本合資公司的所有或部分股權。)


to-wit為法律專用語,意思是“即”,相當于that is to say (i. e.)。


Party A for considerations hereinafter named contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, within________days next following the date hereof, build and finish a________building for Party B (the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building). The said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications hereto annexed. In consideration of the foregoing, party B shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay Party A the sum of________in manner as follows, to wit:(甲方基于下文所列各種因素,特與乙方達成了協(xié)議并一致同意:由甲方在訂約日期之翌日起________天之內為乙方建造并完成________(涉約建筑)。涉約建筑之規(guī)模及所需的鋼筋、水泥、磚塊、石子和其它建筑材料之數(shù)量,均在作為合同附件的設計圖和施工細則中予以說明?;谏鲜銮闆r,乙方及其法定代表鄭重承諾向甲方支付________(金額)。支付方法商定如下:)




Party B hereby represents and warrants as to itself that: it is a duly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with the qualification of auction business.(乙方聲明并保證:乙方為按照香港特別行政區(qū)法律合法組建、依法經(jīng)營并良好續(xù)存之法人,具有藝術品和古玩拍賣經(jīng)營資質。)

Under FOB terms, the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board of the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.(根據(jù)離岸價格術語,賣方應保證根據(jù)在本合同第八條規(guī)定的時限內,按買方通知的日期,裝運貨物至買方指定船只。)

Party B guarantees that the machines and equipment are unused, sophisticated and of best quality, and that the machines and equipment are capable of manufacturing the steel wire rope.(乙方保證機器設備未經(jīng)使用、性能良好、品質卓越而且該設備能生產(chǎn)出鋼絲繩。)

(5)seek recourse to,resort to“求助于,訴諸于”

英語合同中常用seek recourse to或resort to表示“求助于,訴諸于”


In the case of non-performance, the obligee may resort to any legal remedy separately or resort simultaneously to all legal remedies which arise from law or the contract and can be invoked simultaneously unless otherwise provided by law or the contract. In particular, invoking a legal remedy arising from non-performance shall not deprive the obligee of the right to demand compensation for damage caused by non-performance.(如果債務人不履行義務,債權人可以采取任何法律救濟或同時采取所有依照法律或合同約定的救濟措施。援引法律救濟,并不因此解除債權人因債務人不履行義務而要求的損害賠償權。)

The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.


(6)use all reasonable endeavors to do,use one's best efforts“盡力做……”

use all reasonable endeavors to do,use one's best efforts在英語合同中,用來表示“盡力做某事”,還可以用endeavor to do或exert one's best efforts。一般不用try to do或try one's best的普通英語表達方式。


Each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavors to minimize any delay in the performance of the Contract as a result of an Exceptional Event. A party shall give Notice to the other Party when it ceases to be affected by an Exceptional Event.(各方當事人都應盡一切合理的努力以減少在履行合同規(guī)定的義務時由于例外風險導致的延誤。當一方當事人不再受意外風險影響時,應向另一方當事人發(fā)出通知。)




Party A and Party B shall spare no efforts for the organization of Joint Venture under the laws of the People's Republic of China. The name of Joint Venture is________with its legal address:________. All activities of Joint Venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.(甲方和乙方按照中華人民共和國的法律建立合營企業(yè)。合營企業(yè)稱為________,地址為________。合營企業(yè)的一切活動,必須遵守中華人民共和國的法律、法令和有關條例規(guī)定。)

又如:Shipment within 60 days upon receipt of the L/C which accords with relevant clauses of this Contract.(收到符合本合同有關條款的信用證后60天內裝船。)

(8)have the legal obligation to do,be obliged to,shall do,be under the obligation to do,be liable/responsible to do,be liable/responsible for“有義務”“有責任”

這些詞組都表達“有責任、有義務”。shall do sth.表示強制性“義務”“責任”。


In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.(在危險或有毒貨物的情況下,賣方有義務確保在每一包裝上標注其屬性和通常采用的標識。)

The Company has no legal obligation, absolute or contingent, to any other Person to sell any material portion of the assets of th


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