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【演講人及介紹】Rahul Mehrotra

拉胡爾·梅赫羅特拉(Rahul Mehrotra)是一位在印度工作的建筑師,專(zhuān)注于機(jī)構(gòu)建筑和歷史遺跡保護(hù)。他還是哈佛大學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)研究生院的教授。



翻譯者 Archi Xiao 校對(duì) Jin Ge


On this planet today, there are about 50cities that are larger than five million people. I'm going to share with youthe story of one such city, a city of seven million people, but a city that's atemporary megacity, an ephemeral megacity. This is a city that is built for aHindu religious festival called Kumbh Mela, which occurs every 12 years, insmaller editions every four years, and takes place at the confluence of theGanges and the Yamuna rivers in India. And for this festival, about 100 millionpeople congregate.



The reason so many people congregate here,is the Hindus believe that during the festival, the cycle every 12 years, ifyou bathe at the confluence of these two great rivers you are freed fromrebirth. It's a really compelling idea, you are liberated from life as we knowit. And this is what attracts these millions. And an entire megacity is builtto house them. Seven million people live there for the 55 days, and the other100 million visit.



After the monsoon, as the waters of theserivers begin to recede and the sand banks expose themselves, it becomes theterrain for the city. And by the 15th of January, starting 15th of October to15th of January, in these weeks an entire city emerges. A city that housesseven million people.



What is fascinating is this city actuallyhas all the characteristics of a real megacity: a grid is employed to lay thecity out. The urban system is a grid and every street on this city goes acrossthe river on a pontoon bridge. Incredibly resilient, because if there's anunseasonal downpour or if the river changes course, the urban system staysintact, the city adjusts itself to this terrain which can be volatile. It alsoreplicates all forms of physical, as well as social, infrastructure. Watersupply, sewage, electricity, there are 1,400 CCTV cameras that are used forsecurity by an entire station that is set up. But also social infrastructure,like clinics, hospitals, all sorts of community services, that make thisfunction like any real megacity would do. 10,500 sweepers are employed by thecity. It has a governance system, a Mela Adhikari, or the commissioner of thefestival, that ensures that land is allocated, there are systems for all ofthis, that the system of the city, the mobility, all works efficiently. Youknow, it was the cleanest and the most efficient Indian city I've lived in.

令人驚奇的是,這個(gè)城市擁有一個(gè)真正的特大城市所有該有的特點(diǎn):城市的布局井然,城市系統(tǒng)就像是一個(gè)棋盤(pán),城市里的每一條街道,就是橫跨河流的一條條浮橋。它異常地堅(jiān)韌,就算遇上反季節(jié)的暴雨或者河流改道,這個(gè)城市系統(tǒng)仍能保持完好無(wú)損,這個(gè)城市會(huì)調(diào)整自己來(lái)暫時(shí)適應(yīng)這種地勢(shì)。同時(shí)它也復(fù)制了城市里該有的物理和社會(huì)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施。用水供給、下水道、電氣,還有1400臺(tái)用于安保的閉路電視就在搭建起來(lái)的電路站之上。同時(shí)還有社會(huì)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,如診所、醫(yī)院,各種各樣的社區(qū)服務(wù),使之如真正的特大城市那樣運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)起來(lái)。這座城市還雇傭了10500名清潔工。它還有自己的管理系統(tǒng),一個(gè)Mela Adhikari,也可以叫做節(jié)慶的行政長(zhǎng)官,以確保土地被合理分配利用,有各種系統(tǒng)支撐城市,確保城市系統(tǒng)和流動(dòng)性都能高效運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。那是我住過(guò)的最干凈、最高效的印度城市。





And this is not an informal city or apop-up city. This is a formal city, this is a state enterprise, the governmentsets this up. In today's world of neoliberalism and capitalism, where the statehas devolved itself complete responsibility from making and designing cities,this is an incredible case. It's a deliberate, intentional city, a formal city.



And it's a city that sits on the groundvery lightly. It sits on the banks of these rivers. And it leaves very littlemark. There are no foundations; fabric is used to build this entire city.What's also quite incredible is that there are five materials that are used tobuild this settlement for seven million people: eight-foot tall bamboo, stringor rope, nails or screw and a skinning material. Could be corrugated metal, a fabricor plastic. And these materials come together and aggregate. It's like a kit ofparts. And it's used all the way from a small tent, which might house five orsix people, or a family, to temples that can house 500, sometimes 1,000 people.And this kit of parts, and this imagination of the city, allows it to bedisassembled. And so at the end of the festival, within a week, the entire cityis disassembled. And the terrain isoffered back to the river, as with the monsoon the water swells again. And it'sthis sort of imagination as a kit of parts that allows this disassembly and thereabsorption of all this material. So the electricity poles go to littlevillages in the hinterland, the pontoon bridges are used in small towns, thematerial is all reabsorbed. Fascinating, it's amazing.

這個(gè)城市只是搭建于地表之上。它建立在河床之上。幾乎不留一絲痕跡。沒(méi)有任何根基;整個(gè)城市是用織物搭建起來(lái)的。同樣令人驚奇的是打造這個(gè)供700萬(wàn)人生活的城市只用到了五種材料: 8英尺長(zhǎng)的竹子、繩索、釘子或螺釘,以及一種表面材料??赡苁遣y金屬,織物或者塑料。這些材料結(jié)合在一起,就像是一套零件,可用于城市的所有地方,從小小的帳篷,可容納5到6個(gè)人或者一個(gè)小家庭,到能容納500人,甚至上千人的廟宇。這套零件或者說(shuō)這個(gè)城市的設(shè)想,能允許它被快速拆卸。到了節(jié)慶的尾聲,在一周之內(nèi),整個(gè)城市就能被拆卸。當(dāng)季風(fēng)來(lái)臨,河水再次上漲的時(shí)候,整個(gè)地帶再次被河流淹沒(méi)。這是一種把城市變成一套零件的設(shè)想,能夠被拆卸,讓所有材料得到回收再利用。電線(xiàn)桿會(huì)被送到內(nèi)陸的小村莊,浮橋則用在小城鎮(zhèn),這些材料全被再回收。令人嘖嘖稱(chēng)奇,非常棒。


Now, you may embrace these Hindu beliefs ornot. But you know, this is a stunning example, and it's worthy of reflection.Here, human beings spend an enormous amount of energy and imagination knowingthat the city is going to reverse, it's going to be disassembled, it's going todisappear, it's the ephemeral megacity. And it has profound lessons to teachus. Lessons about how to touch the ground lightly, about reversibility, aboutdisassembly. Rather amazing.



And you know, we are, as humans, obsessedwith permanence. We resist change. It's an impulse that we all have. And weresist change in spite of the fact that change is perhaps the only constant inour lives. Everything has an expiry date, including Spaceship Earth, ourplanet.



So what can we learn from these sorts ofsettlements? Burning Man, of course much smaller, but reversible. Or thethousands of markets for transaction, that appear around the globe in Asia,Latin America, Africa, this one in Mexico, where the parking lots are animatedon the weekends, about 50,000 vendors, but on a temporal cycle. The farmer'smarket in the Americas: it's an amazing phenomenon, creates new chemistries,extends the margin of space that is unused or not used optimally, like parkinglots, for example.

那我們從這些建造過(guò)程中能學(xué)到什么呢? 就如火人節(jié),規(guī)模要更小一些,但是同樣能逆轉(zhuǎn)?;蛘叱霈F(xiàn)在全球各地的成千上萬(wàn)的交易市場(chǎng),在亞洲、拉丁美洲、非洲,圖中這個(gè)在墨西哥,一到周末停車(chē)場(chǎng)就被調(diào)用起來(lái),可以容納5萬(wàn)個(gè)攤位,這只是一個(gè)臨時(shí)的區(qū)域。美洲大陸上的農(nóng)貿(mào)市場(chǎng):這是一種不可思議的現(xiàn)象,催化出了新的化學(xué)反應(yīng),使得空間得以延伸,這是未被使用或者未被充分利用的地方,如停車(chē)場(chǎng)。


In my own city of Mumbai, where I practiceas an architect and a planner, I see this in the everyday landscape. I callthis the Kinetic City. It twitches like a live organism; it's not static. Itchanges every day, on sometimes predictable cycles. About six million peoplelive in these kinds of temporary settlements. Like -- unfortunately, likerefugee camps, the slums of Mumbai, the favelas of Latin America. Here, thetemporary is becoming the new permanent. Here, urbanism is not about grandvision, it's about grand adjustment.



On the street in Mumbai, during the Ganeshfestival, a transformation. A community hall is created for 10 days. Bollywoodfilms are shown, thousands congregate for dinners and celebration. It's madeout of paper-mache and plaster of Paris. Designed to be disassembled, and in 10days, overnight, it disappears, and the street goes back to anonymity. Or ourwonderful open spaces, we call them maidans. And it's used for this incrediblynuanced and complicated, fascinating Indian game, called cricket, which, Ibelieve, the British invented.






And in the evenings, a wedding wraps aroundthe cricket pitch -- Notice, the cricket pitch is not touched, it's sacredground.






But here, the club members and the weddingparty partake in tea through a common kitchen. And at midnight, it'sdisassembled, and the space offered back to the city. Here, urbanism is anelastic condition.



And so, if we reflect about thesequestions, I mean, I think many come to mind. But an important one is, are wereally, in our cities, in our imagination about urbanism, making permanentsolutions for temporary problems? Are we locking resources into paradigms thatwe don't even know will be relevant in a decade? This becomes, I think, aninteresting question that arises from this research.



I mean, look at the abandoned shoppingmalls in North America, suburban North America. Retail experts have predictedthat in the next decade, of the 2,000 malls that exist today, 50 percent willbe abandoned. Massive amount of material, capturing resources, that will not berelevant soon.



Or the Olympic stadiums. Around the globe,cities build these under great contestation with massive resources, but afterthe games go, they can't often get absorbed into the city. Couldn't these benomadic structures, deflatable, we have the technology for that, that getgifted to smaller towns around the world or in those countries, or are storedand moved for the next Olympics? A massive, inefficient use of resources.



Like the circus. I mean, we could imagineit like the circus, this wonderful institution that used to camp in cities, setup this lovely kind of visual dialogue with the static city. And within it, theamazement. Children of different ethnic groups become suddenly aware of eachother, people of color become aware of others, income groups and cultures andethnicities all come together around the amazement of the ring with animals andperformers. New chemistries are created, people become aware of things, andthis moves on to the next town. Or nature, the fluxes of nature, climatechange, how do we deal with this, can we be more accommodating? Can we createsofter urban systems? Or are we going to challenge nature continuously withheavy infrastructure, which we are already doing, unsuccessfully?

其實(shí)就像馬戲團(tuán)一樣。我們可以把她想象成一個(gè)馬戲團(tuán),這個(gè)過(guò)去駐扎在城市的美好的設(shè)施,在靜態(tài)的城市中所建立起的美好的視覺(jué)對(duì)話(huà),其中充斥著一種驚奇。不同民族的孩子們突然發(fā)現(xiàn)對(duì)方的存在,不同膚色的人們意識(shí)到其他人的存在,不同收入群體、不同文化、不同民族的人們 相聚在有動(dòng)物和表演者的,令人驚嘆的馬戲場(chǎng)周?chē)P碌幕瘜W(xué)反應(yīng)產(chǎn)生,人們有所發(fā)現(xiàn),而這一切將傳遞到下一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)?;蛘叽笞匀?,流動(dòng)的自然,氣候變化,我們是怎樣處理的呢,我們可否變得更適應(yīng)變化?我們可否創(chuàng)造更柔軟的城市系統(tǒng)?還是說(shuō)我們是否會(huì)沿用那些刻板的基礎(chǔ)建設(shè),用已經(jīng)在進(jìn)行卻不太成功的方式繼續(xù)不斷挑戰(zhàn)自然?


Now, I'm not arguing that we've got to makeour cities like a circus, I'm not arguing that cities must be completelytemporary. I'm only making a plea that we need to make a shift in ourimagination about cities, where we need to reserve more space for uses on atemporal scale. Where we need to use our resources efficiently, to extend theexpiry date of our planet. We need to change planning urban design cultures, tothink of the temporal, the reversible, the disassembleable. And that can betremendous in terms of the effect it might have on our lives.



I often think back to the Kumbh Mela that Ivisited with my students and I studied, andthe city had been disassembled. A week after the festival was over.There was no mark. The terrain was waiting to be covered over by the water, tobe consumed. And I went to thank a high priestess who had helped us and mystudents through our research and facilitated us through this process. And Iwent to her with great enthusiasm, and I told her about how much we had learnedabout infrastructure, the city, the efficiency of the city, the architecture,the five materials that made the city. She looked really amused, she wassmiling. In any case, she leaned forward and put her hand on my head to blessme. And she whispered in my ear, she said, "Feel blessed that the MotherGanges allowed you all to sit in her lap for a few days."



I've often thought about this, and ofcourse, I understood what she said. She said, cities, people, architecture willcome and go, but the planet is here to stay. Touch it lightly, leave a minimalmark. And I think that's an important lesson for us as citizens and architects.And I think it was this experience that made me believe that impermanence isbigger than permanence and bigger than us all.



Thank you for listening.






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