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【演講者及介紹】Prosanta Chakrabarty




翻譯者Fish Mobius 校對者 Homer Li


If we evolved from monkeys, why are therestill monkeys?






Well, because we're not monkeys, we'refish.






Now, knowing you're a fish and not a monkeyis actually really important to understanding where we came from. I teach oneof the largest evolutionary biology classes in the US, and when my studentsfinally understand why I call them fish all the time, then I know I'm gettingmy job done. But I always have to start my classes by dispelling some hardwiredmyths, because without really knowing it, many of us were taught evolutionwrong.



For instance, we're taught to say "thetheory of evolution." There are actually many theories, and just like theprocess itself, the ones that best fit the data are the ones that survive tothis day. The one we know best is Darwinian natural selection. That's theprocess by which organisms that best fit an environment survive and get toreproduce, while those that are less fit slowly die off. And that's it.Evolution is as simple as that, and it's a fact.



Evolution is a fact as much as the"theory of gravity." You can prove it just as easily. You just needto look at your bellybutton that you share with other placental mammals, oryour backbone that you share with other vertebrates, or your DNA that you sharewith all other life on earth. Those traits didn't pop up in humans. They werepassed down from different ancestors to all their descendants, not just us.

進(jìn)化就像重力理論一樣,是一種事實。你可以很容易地證明它。你只需要看看你的肚臍,那是你和其他胎生哺乳動物一樣的地方,或者看看你的脊椎骨,那是你和其他脊椎動物一樣的地方; 又或者你的DNA,那是你和 地球上其他生物相似的地方。這些特征并不會讓人類與眾不同。它們被不同的祖先 遺傳給它們所有的后代。并不僅僅是我們。


But that's not really how we learn biologyearly on, is it? We learn plants and bacteria are primitive things, and fishgive rise to amphibians followed by reptiles and mammals, and then you get you,this perfectly evolved creature at the end of the line. But life doesn't evolvein a line, and it doesn't end with us. But we're always shown evolution portrayedsomething like this, a monkey and a chimpanzee, some extinct humans, all on aforward and steady march to becoming us. But they don't become us any more thanwe would become them. We're also not the goal of evolution.



But why does it matter? Why do we need tounderstand evolution the right way? Well, misunderstanding evolution has led tomany problems, but you can't ask that age-old question, "Where are wefrom?" without understanding evolution the right way. Misunderstanding ithas led to many convoluted and corrupted views of how we should treat otherlife on earth, and how we should treat each other in terms of race and gender.

但為什么這一點這么重要呢? 為什么我們需要 用正確的方式來理解進(jìn)化呢? 對進(jìn)化的誤解已經(jīng)產(chǎn)生了很多問題, 但當(dāng)你沒有以正確的方式理解進(jìn)化時,你不會問這樣古老的問題,“我們從哪里來?”對進(jìn)化的誤解,已經(jīng)導(dǎo)致了許多關(guān)于我們?nèi)绾螌Υ厍蛏掀渌?,以及如何站在種族和性別的角度對待彼此的方式上的破壞性的,扭曲的觀念。


So let's go back four billion years. Thisis the single-celled organism we all came from. At first, it gave rise to othersingle-celled life, but these are still evolving to this day, and some wouldsay the Archaea and Bacteria that make up most of this group is the mostsuccessful on the planet. They are certainly going to be here well after us.

讓我們回到四十億年前。這些單細(xì)胞有機體是我們的起源。首先,它們演變成其它的單細(xì)胞生命,但這些單細(xì)胞生物今天仍在進(jìn)化,而有些人會說古細(xì)菌和細(xì)菌組成了這顆星球上 最成功的種群。它們在我們消失后一定還會存在的。


About three billion years ago,multicellularity evolved. This includes your fungi and your plants and youranimals. The first animals to develop a backbone were fishes. So technically,all vertebrates are fishes, so technically, you and I are fish. So don't say Ididn't warn you.



One fish lineage came onto land and gaverise to, among other things, the mammals and reptiles. Some reptiles becomebirds, some mammals become primates, some primates become monkeys with tails,and others become the great apes, including a variety of human species. So yousee, we didn't evolve from monkeys, but we do share a common ancestor withthem.

一些魚類來到岸上,然后演變成 其他的生物,哺乳動物,爬行動物。一些爬行動物變成了鳥類,一些哺乳動物變成了靈長動物,一些靈長動物變成了有尾巴的猴子,另一些變成了猿類,包括不同的人種。所以我們并不是猴子演變而來的,但我們和它們擁有同一個祖先。


All the while, life around us keptevolving: more bacteria, more fungi, lots of fish, fish, fish. If you couldn'ttell -- yes, they're my favorite group.






As life evolves, it also goes extinct. Mostspecies just last for a few million years. So you see, most life on earth thatwe see around us today are about the same age as our species. So it's hubris,it's self-centered to think, "Oh, plants and bacteria are primitive, andwe've been here for an evolutionary minute, so we're somehow special."



Think of life as being this book, anunfinished book for sure. We're just seeing the last few pages of each chapter.If you look out on the eight million species that we share this planet with,think of them all being four billion years of evolution. They're all theproduct of that. Think of us all as young leaves on this ancient and gigantictree of life, all of us connected by invisible branches not just to each other,but to our extinct relatives and our evolutionary ancestors. As a biologist,I'm still trying to learn, with others, how everyone's related to each other,who is related to whom.

想想生命這部書,一定是一本尚未完成的書。我們僅僅看到了每一章的最后幾頁。如果你注意到和我們共享這顆星球的 八百萬種生物,想想它們已經(jīng)有了 四十億年的進(jìn)化歷程。它們都是進(jìn)化的產(chǎn)物。想想我們只是這古老的巨大的生命之樹中年輕的葉子,我們被看不見的枝干所連接,它們不僅僅連接了我們彼此,更連接了我們已經(jīng)滅絕的近親,以及我們進(jìn)化了的祖先。作為一名生物學(xué)家,我仍然在和他人一起探究,我們每個人是如何與其他人產(chǎn)生聯(lián)系的,誰又和誰相關(guān)聯(lián)。


Perhaps it's better still to think of us asa little fish out of water. Yes, one that learned to walk and talk, but onethat still has a lot of learning to do about who we are and where we came from.



Thank you.






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