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【演講人及介紹】Pat Mitchell

危險的女人——帕特·米切爾(Pat Mitchell)是女性和女孩的終生擁護者。



翻譯者 Lilian Chiu 校對 SF Huang


Recently, I've been declaring to anyone whowould listen that I am a dangerous woman.






Now, declaring that boldly like this stillfeels a bit dangerous, but it also feels right. At this time in my life, aboutto be 77, I have --






I love when you're applauded for your age--






but I'll take it.






About to be 77, I realize that I havenothing left to prove, less to lose, and I'm more impatient about everything.The true, slow pace towards equality, the rise in sexism, racism, violenceagainst women and girls ... And I'm angry, too, at the climate deniers who arestealing the future from our children and grandchildren. Friends, we are livingin dangerous times. And such times call for all of us to be more dangerous.

快要七十七歲了,我知道我已經(jīng)不用再證明什么,更沒什么可以失去,且對一切都更沒有耐心。朝向平等邁進的腳步十分緩慢,朝向性別主義、種族主義的興起,對女人和女孩的暴力……我也很氣 那些否認(rèn)氣候問題的人,正將未來從我們的孩子 和孫子手上偷走。朋友們,我們正處于危險的時代。這樣的時代正需要所有的人都變成更具危險性的人。


Now, what do I mean by this? I don't meanbeing feared. It's not that kind of dangerous. But I do mean being morefearless. I mean speaking the truth when silence is a lot safer. I meanspeaking up in rooms for those who aren't present, especially those rooms wheredecisions are made about our lives and our bodies. We need to be in thoserooms, showing up for one another, challenging the cultural construct thatencourages us, especially women and girls, to compete, compare, criticize. Wehave to end this. And speaking out against the policies and the politics thatdivide us and diminish our collective power as a global community of women, andthe men and the allies who stand with us.

我這么說是什么意思呢?我不是指畏懼害怕。不是那種危險。我指的是更無所懼。我指的是,在保持沉默較安全時卻還敢說出真相。我指的是替不在場的人發(fā)聲,特別是在那些要負(fù)責(zé)對我們的生活與身體健康做出重要決策的會議室中。我們必須要在那些會議室中,為彼此出席,挑戰(zhàn)那些鼓勵我們,特別是女人和女孩們?nèi)ジ偁?、去比較、去批判的文化構(gòu)念。我們必須要終結(jié)這種事。并大聲疾呼對抗會分化我們 并削弱我們婦女團體 與男性支持者和盟友集體力量的 政策與政治。


Becoming dangerous also means embracingwhatever risks are necessary to create a world where women and girls are safein their homes and at work, where all voices are represented and respected, allvotes counted, the planet protected.



And this is all possible. Because we'reready for this. We're better prepared than any generation ever before us,better resourced, better connected. In many parts of the world, we're livinglonger than ever. Women over 65 are among the fastest-growing populations onearth, with the potential for becoming the most powerful, too. Now --






What a change this represents.Postmenopausal women like me, not that long ago, were considered useless orcrazy. We were valued for caregiving and grandmothering -- and I really lovethat part. But we were pushed aside and expected to retire to our rockingchairs. Women on the dangerous side of 60 are not retiring. We are rewiring --






taking all that we know and have done --and that is a lot -- to redefine what age looks like, can do, can accomplish.But becoming dangerous isn't about becoming a certain age, because at each endof the age spectrum, brave women and girls are stepping up, taking the risk tocreate change.



I became a risk-taker early in my life'sjourney. I had to, or have my life defined by the limitations for a girlgrowing up in the rural South, with no money, no connections, no influence. Butwhat wasn't limited was my curiosity about the world beyond my small town,beyond the small minds of a still-segregated South, a world that I glimpsed inthe newsreels at the one movie theater in town, and a world that got a lotcloser to me when I met Miss Shirley Rountree, my eighth-grade English teacher.



From the minute she walked into theclassroom, her high heels clicking, she was a woman in charge, with perfecthair, signature red lips, colorfully coordinated, head to toe. I wanted to beher. Gratefully, she became my first mentor and helped me become me.



With her support, I got a scholarship tocollege -- the first in my family -- and landed at a big state university,right in the middle of two great social justice movements: civil rights forAfrican Americans and equal rights for women. I joined both with enthusiasm,only to discover that my newfound activism and my fermenting feminism wouldoften be in direct conflict with my deeply embedded need to please and bepopular.



In my first job as a college teacher, Ibroke the rules, and I encouraged students to join me in the protest marches.And when I found out that my male colleague with the same experience andeducation was being paid more than me, I mounted a personal protest. When myraise was denied, with the excuse that he had a family to support, so did I asa single mom. But I dropped my protest to keep my job.



Today, millions of women are making thiscompromise, staying in their jobs without equal pay for equal work.



And as one of the first women on televisionin the '70s, I was warned that focusing on women's stories would limit mycareer opportunities, and maybe it did. But I got to produce and hostbreakthrough programming for women, while at the same time, remaining silentabout sexual harassment and listening to consultants who were hired to adviseme about my appearance. "Become a blonde." I did. "Lower yourvoice." I tried. "Lower your necklines." I didn't.






But I did wear those ugly anchor suits withthose scarves that look something like men's ties. And later, in the powerpositions in media, often as the first or only woman, aware of being judgedthrough that gender lens, I struggled from time to time to find the rightbalance between being a leader for women and not being entirely defined as awoman leader. But today, I'm proud to be known as a woman leader.






As an activist, advocate, feminist and as anewly declared dangerous woman, I'm caring less what others say and saying moreclearly what I think and feel. And let me be clear: I acknowledge my privilegein being able to do that, to speak my truth. And to stand here today with thisopportunity to talk to you about women and power -- note I did not say"empowered." I don't think we're waiting to be empowered. I think wehave power.






What we need are more opportunities toclaim it, to use it, to share it.



And yes, I know -- there are women withpower who don't use it well or wisely and who don't share it. I've heard, asI'm sure you have, those stories that begin with, "The worst boss I everhad was a woman ... " And we could all name women leaders who have notmade us proud.



But we can change all of that with a simplebut brilliant idea that I first heard from a risk-taking, dangerouscongresswoman from New York named Bella Abzug. Bella said, "In the 21stcentury, women will change the nature of power rather than power changing thenature of women." From the moment I heard that --






I thought, "This is our call toaction. This is our biggest opportunity."



And as a journalist and an activist, I'veseen this idea in action, documenting the stories of women on both sides inlong-term conflicts, coming together and defying the official power to formalliances and find their own ways to ending violence in their communities. Andas an activist, I've traveled to places where it's dangerous to be born awoman, like eastern Congo, where a war is being waged on the bodies of women.There, at a healing and leadership center called City of Joy, brave Congolesewomen are transforming pain into power by training survivors of sexual assaultto return to their villages as leaders. And at recent climate summits, I'veobserved women climate leaders working behinds the scenes, out of the publicspotlight, making sure that the negotiations toward global climate agreementcontinue to move forward.



So as we move forward in our lives and workand we have more power and influence, let's change the nature of power bydismantling some of the barriers that remain for those who follow by advocatingand agitating for fairer and truer and more equal representation in every roomand at every table.

隨著我們在生活及工作上向前邁進,我們有更多權(quán)力和影響力,讓我們來改變權(quán)力的本質(zhì),透過替后繼者消除那些尚存的障礙;透過提倡和鼓動 更公平、更真實、更平等的 代表性之方法 在每間會議室、每張會議桌上實現(xiàn)。


Now, be warned: if you advocate for a womanfor an open position or promotion, you could be challenged with, "You'replaying the women's card" or "the race card" if advocating for awoman of color. I've had this experience, as I'm sure you have. "Are yourunning an affirmative action program here at PBS?" asked one of my boardmembers when, as a new president, I announced my first hires as five qualifiedwomen. Now, my affirmative action had been to ask that the search firm bring mea candidate list that included the names of women and people of color who justhappened to be, in my judgment, the best candidates for the position as well. Isay, dangerous women and our allies: it's time to play the women's card, playthe race card, play all our cards.

要注意,如果你公開支持一位女性去取得一個職缺或晉升的機會,你可能會被別人挑戰(zhàn):「你在打女性牌」,或「種族牌」,如果那位女性是位非白人女性。我有過這種經(jīng)驗,我相信你們也有過。「你在公共廣播電視公司積極推動僱用女性和少數(shù)民族的計劃嗎?」一名董事這樣問,當(dāng)時,我是新董事長,我宣布我最先僱用的人是五位符合資格的女性。我的積極行動是要求獵人頭公司交給我的候選名單中,要包含女性和非白種人,而根據(jù)我的判斷,這些人剛好是最適合這個職務(wù)的候選人。我說,危險的女人和我們的盟友: 該是打女性牌、 打種族牌的時候了,把我們所有的牌都打出來。





Not to win the power game, but to lead tobetter outcomes for everyone.



And it's time, too, to discard thatscarcity theory, the one that says, there's only room for one of us at the top,so protect your turf, don't make friends or allies. Changing the nature ofpower transforms "protect your turf" into "share yourturf," it encourages coalitions, it builds alliances, it strengthens andsustains friendships. My women friends are my source of renewable energy.






So are my mentors, my champions, mysupporters, my sponsors, and all of the ways that we can and do show up foreach other. We can become our sources of renewable power for each other.



And along the way, we need to take bettercare of ourselves, and here, I am not the best role model. I don't meditate. Idon't exercise regularly. But I do live aerobically.









Because I believe we can't be dangerousfrom the sidelines, and there's just too much to be done.



So let's use all our power. How about thepower of money? Let's allocate more of our philanthropic dollars, our campaigndonations, our investment funds, to increase economic and political equity. Andlet's leverage the power of media and technology that we have in our hands,quite literally, to elevate each other's stories and ideas; to practicecivility; to seek the truth, which is diminishing and is threatening free andopen societies.

讓我們動員所有的力量。錢的力量如何?讓我們撥出更多的善款、我們的活動捐款、我們的投資基金,來增加經(jīng)濟和政治的平等。讓我們發(fā)揮手中媒體和科技的力量,來鼓舞彼此的故事和點子;行禮如儀; 尋求真相,真相正在消失,對自由、開放的社會造成威脅。


Yes, we have all that we need to move ourcommunities forward. And the best thing we have, and what we must remember, isto be there for each other. We will move forward together, willing now to takemore risk, to be more fearless, to speak up, speak out and show up for oneanother.



George Bernard Shaw once wrote that hebelieved in his opinion that his life belonged to the community, that theharder he worked, the more he lived and that he wanted to be thoroughly used upwhen he died. He went on to write, "Life is no brief candle to me but asplendid torch that I have got hold of for a moment before passing to futuregenerations." I, too, do not view my life as a brief candle, although I amburning it at both ends.

蕭伯納曾經(jīng)寫過,他相信他的主張:他的生命屬于共同體,他越努力就越有活著的感覺,且他希望在他死時他能夠被徹頭徹尾地用盡。他接著寫:「對我來說,人生并非短暫的蠟燭,而是燦爛的火把,我得以握著這支火把一小段時間,接著再傳遞給未來的世代?!刮彝瑯右膊徽J(rèn)為 我的人生是短暫的蠟燭,雖然我的確是在兩頭燒。





And I do want it, and me, to be thoroughlyused up when I die.



But at this point in my life's journey, Iam not passing my torch. I am holding it higher than ever, boldly, brilliantly,inviting you to join me in its dangerous light.



Thank you.






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