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【演講者及介紹】Ethan Lindenberger





To start, I want to share with you guyssomething about my hometown of Norwalk, Ohio. Now, as this video stated, I amfrom Norwalk, which is an extremely small town, about 15,000 people. Andreally, in Norwalk, if you want to do something fun, you go to Walmart or drivehalf an hour to something more interesting. And for Norwalk, I've lived therefor my entire life, I'm a senior at the local public high school, and you know,it's something to where I really enjoy my small town. And I'm just a normalkid, you know, I lead debate clubs, I volunteer at my church.



And back in November of 2018, I made asmall Reddit post asking for advice on an issue that I was encountering that Ineeded some clarification on. And this issue, as was stated in theintroduction, was something towards vactions and how I was not immunized againstvarious diseases, including polio and measles, as well as influenza, HPV,hepatitis -- the standard vaccine someone my age would receive. Now, thisquestion I asked was simple and pretty strange, because, you know, I wanted toget vacted. That's kind of weird, but it happened, and then this turnedinto a public story, because I wanted to get vacted. So that was kind ofstrange, and then it blew up more, and I was doing interviews and talking tomore people, and again, I'm a normal kid, I'm not a scientist, I don't lead anon-profit, I am a pretty casual person, I'm wearing a hoodie.

回到 2018 年 11 月時,我在Reddit發(fā)布一則貼文希望大家給我一點(diǎn)建議。當(dāng)時我面臨一個議題,需要有人幫我厘清這個議題,如同介紹時所述是有關(guān)接種疫苗以及我沒有接種各種疫苗的原因,包含小兒麻痹癥以及麻疹,還有流感、HPV、肝炎這些我這個年紀(jì)的人可能接種的疫苗。好了,我發(fā)布的問題很簡單也很奇怪。因?yàn)?,是的,我想要接種疫苗。這有點(diǎn)怪,但事情就這樣發(fā)生了。接著這件事就變成一個公眾議題。就因?yàn)槲蚁胍臃N疫苗。那有點(diǎn)奇怪,而事件繼續(xù)發(fā)酵,我開始接受訪問并與許多人談話。我再重申一次,我是個一般的孩子,不是科學(xué)家,沒有帶領(lǐng)非營利組織,我就是個一般人,我現(xiàn)在甚至穿著連帽衣呢。





Because of this question and this story,because I wanted to get vacted and this interesting situation I was in, Isaw that I quickly was in this public setting of an extremely importantcontroversy and discussion taking place. Now, I saw that the stories andheadlines were pretty accurate for most part, you know, "After defyinganti-vax mom, Ohio teen expresses why he got vacted." Pretty accurate,pretty true. And, as stated, I testified in front of a Senate committee, sothere, they said, "This teen who self-vacted just ripped his mom'santi-vaxer beliefs in front of Congress." OK, I didn't really do that, butthat's fine. And certain news outlets took it a little further. "'Godknows how I'm still alive': Teenager, 18, finally gets vacted and attackshis anti-vax parents."

由于我的問題以及這整件事,由于我想接種疫苗以及當(dāng)時我所處的有趣情勢,我發(fā)現(xiàn),我一下就處于發(fā)生這極為重要的議題以及爭辯的公開場合中。我看見的報(bào)導(dǎo)和頭條大部分都非常正確。你知道,“挺身對抗反疫苗母親,俄亥俄州青年解釋為什么要接種疫苗?!狈浅U_,非常真實(shí)。而且,我在參議院委員會前作證,于是他們說“這個自己去打疫苗的年輕人,在國會前粉碎他媽媽反對打疫苗的信念?!焙?,我并沒有真的那樣做,不過沒關(guān)系。而且某些新聞扯得更遠(yuǎn):“天曉得我怎么還活著:這個 18 歲的年輕人終于接種疫苗并抨擊他反疫苗的父母?!?/p>


So I did not attack my parents, that's not accurateat all. And you know, really, my story was more about controversy. It was abouthow my mom was bad and I was good, and I was ripping her a new one. Not true.Not what was happening. I never was rude towards my mother, and even in publicsettings where I expressed how her beliefs were misinformed, I said that shewas a loving mother, and that's important to understand.



Because a lot of people, I think, in thescientific community that understand why vaccines are so important, can reallybe confused by someone who would not vacte. Really, we can compare it tosomeone not taking their child to the ER. That's a very dangerous situation tobe in and it shows some lack of empathy towards your children in some regards.And really, I can understand that, I can. But my mom, she was misinformed andmisled by sources that convinced her that if she was a loving parent, shewouldn't vacte.



Now, when I encountered this and I talkedto my mom, it didn't obviously go well at first, because I was wanting to dosomething that she thought would either cause autism or maim me for the rest ofmy life, and I said I wanted to do this -- didn't really fly, didn't really gowell. But the thing that I found interesting was that when I had started to getinto this circumstance, do these interviews, there was one question I proposed.Wasn't a positive one: What in the world have I gotten myself into? That's whatI asked constantly, because, again, I am not an expert, I am a normal kid, andnow I'm talking to CNN and Fox News about a scientific discussion that really,should I be facilitating, should I be commenting on? And a lot of peoplequestioned that, and for good reason.

而當(dāng)我無意間得知這件事時,我與我媽媽談的一開始并不是非常順利。因?yàn)槲蚁胱龅氖?,她認(rèn)為這件事會使我罹患自閉癥或?qū)е陆K身殘廢,我卻說我想接種,結(jié)果行不通,進(jìn)展也不順利。不過我發(fā)現(xiàn)有一件有趣的事,當(dāng)我身處某些情境接受這些訪談時,我總有一個問題,雖然不是有建設(shè)性的問題:我究竟給自己招惹了什么。我不斷問自己,因?yàn)?,再一次重申,我并非專業(yè)人士,只是一般的孩子,但現(xiàn)在我卻不斷在 CNN 以及福斯新聞上討論科學(xué)議題,那真的是,我該繼續(xù)下去嗎?該繼續(xù)發(fā)表意見嗎?很多人對此感到質(zhì)疑,他們有非常正當(dāng)?shù)睦碛?/p>


But I never claimed things I didn'tunderstand, I talked about my personal experiences. And even at the Senatehearing, I just talked about how misinformation is dangerous. My mom got a lotof her beliefs from social media, from Facebook and from organizations thatwere allowing their platforms to push lies that were very dangerous.



Now, I also saw that as I was doing this --and I was doing this as respectfully as I could, as accurately as I could -- Iwas getting a lot of criticism, a lot of very angry people. When I was in DCfor that testimony I gave, I was looking around the office building and threeladies got in an elevator with me and said I'm the reason their children arebeing maimed and murdered and I'm basically Hitler. So that was fun.






So really, for most circumstances, for mostteenagers and most people, when they get criticized, it leads to doubt. Andthat doubt leads to questioning, and that questioning leads to quitting.Because, when you have a topic that you're interested in, or a movement thatyou want to be a part of, and you're taking a stance and saying what's true,good ideas don't avoid criticism. And for especially young people, they have ahard time dealing with that, and these important discussions that need youngpeople to take a part in, it takes a lot of commitment.



I'm not saying that I'm amazing, but here'swhat's important: through me joining this movement and this importantscientific discussion, here's what happened. Facebook changed their platform.They were going to change how they approach anti-vax content. Amazon evenremoved misinformed books about autism and vaccines. And recently, GoFundMetook down anti-vax campaigns. We're talking about how movements like this arecausing actual change, actually impacting the way this game is played and themisinformation that's lying to people and convincing them of very dangerousideas.

我不是在夸耀自己是多么棒,但接下來重點(diǎn)來了。透過我參與這項(xiàng)行動,以及這項(xiàng)重要的科學(xué)探討,這些事情發(fā)生了。臉書的平臺不一樣了,他們改變方式處理反疫苗相關(guān)內(nèi)容,亞馬遜甚至將自閉癥和疫苗接種信息有誤的書下架。就在最近,GoFundMe 取消了反接種疫苗的活動,我們所說的是經(jīng)由這類行動如何造成實(shí)質(zhì)上的改變,影響賽局的進(jìn)行,影響騙人的錯誤訊息,影響說服人們的危險(xiǎn)想法。


Now, before I leave, because I only have ashort amount of time, I want to give you one important thing to keep in mind.One important takeaway from this all. What you can do and what I did. I didn'tdo amazing research and studies and take information and present it to people;I didn't have deep, intellectual, scientific debates with people. All I did wasshare my story. And that's enough for most people: to understand the anecdotalexperiences, the real people behind the data. Because data doesn't resonatewith people. People resonate with people. And you have to keep that in mind,because when you are talking about a topic, and you're sharing your story, andsharing what is important, you stay authentic. Stay authentic to the data, tothe information, to the importance of this topic.



If I was talking to an individual and theysaid, "Why are vaccines important?" I would say nothing alongside anyother answer, I would not in any way fathomably give them answer outside of: peopleare dying, and that's important. And that children are dying, and that'simportant. And that we're having disease outbreaks that should not be here. AndI believe, as John Boyle put it, these diseases should be in history books andnot in our communities. So because of that, you need to make a personaldecision to stand up for truth. You need to make a personal decision foryourself to say, "This is accurate, this is what's real, and these liesare not OK." Because it started with me doing that on a personal level.



I wasn't going from small town to Senate ina day. It wasn't like, I go to bed, I wake up and there's Senator Isakson,asking me questions about vaccines. It was a slow progression and it startedwith me saying, "This is true, my mom doesn't believe it, but that'sOK." Because that doesn't change the truth, doesn't change what's accurateand what's important. And honestly, the biggest thing, this whole idea ofunbreakable: remain unbroken. When you stand up for what's true and you havethat criticism, and you're trying to cause a movement, don't sway.

我不是一天之內(nèi)就從小鎮(zhèn)到參議院,不是說,睡了一覺,起床后艾薩克森參議員就在那邊等著問我疫苗接種的相關(guān)問題。這是一個很漫長的過程。事情會開始是因?yàn)槲艺f「這是真的」 「雖然我媽媽不相信,不過沒關(guān)系?!?因?yàn)槭聦?shí)不會因此而不一樣,正確以及重要的部分也不會改變。說真的,最重要的問題是這個堅(jiān)不可摧的想法依舊無法被打破。你為真理挺身而出時,同時也會有對你的批判。當(dāng)你試著做些什么時,千萬不要受到動搖。


Thank you.






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