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【演講者及介紹】Bruce Friedrich

布魯斯·弗里德里希(Bruce Friedrich)計(jì)劃以自己的方式與肉類行業(yè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)——?jiǎng)?chuàng)造出與傳統(tǒng)肉類口味相同或更好、價(jià)格更低的替代品



翻譯者 x my 校對(duì)者 Ziyao Wang


In 2019, humanity received a warning: 30 ofthe world's leading scientists released the results of a massive three-yearstudy into global agriculture and declared that meat production is destroyingour planet and jeopardizing global health. One of the study's authors explainedthat "humanity now poses a threat to the stability of the planet ... [Thisrequires] nothing less than a new global agricultural ."

2019年,人類了收到一個(gè)警告,30位世界頂尖的科學(xué)家發(fā)布了一項(xiàng)對(duì)全球農(nóng)業(yè)長(zhǎng)達(dá)三年的 研究結(jié)果,宣稱肉類的生產(chǎn)正在摧毀我們的家園,并危害全球安全。該研究的一位作者解釋說:“人類正在危害地球的穩(wěn)定... (為解決問題)我們需要一場(chǎng)新的世界農(nóng)業(yè)革命?!?/p>


As somebody who's spent the last twodecades advocating a shift away from industrial meat production, I wanted tobelieve that this clarion call was going to make a difference. The thing is,I've seen this sort of thing again and again and again for decades.



The main point of these studies tends to beclimate change. But antibiotic resistance represents just as big of a threat.We are feeding massive doses of antibiotics to farm animals. These antibioticsare then mutating into superbugs that threaten to render antibiotics obsoletewithin all of our lifetimes. You want a scare? Google: "the end of workingantibiotics."

這些研究的重點(diǎn)都是氣候變化。但抗生素耐藥性也是一個(gè)很大的威脅。我們給農(nóng)場(chǎng)動(dòng)物喂食大量的抗生素。這些抗生素隨后轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槌?jí)細(xì)菌,使得我們有生之年研究出的抗生素都不再有效。想知道后果嗎?可以去百度一下 “有效抗生素的終結(jié)”。


I'm going to get one thing out of the way:I am not here to tell anybody what to eat. Individual action is great, butantibiotic resistance and climate change -- they require more. Besides,convincing the world to eat less meat hasn't worked. For 50 years,environmentalists, global health experts and animal activists have been beggingthe public to eat less meat. And yet, per capita meat consumption is as high asit's been in recorded history. The average North American last year ate morethan 200 pounds of meat. And I didn't eat any.

我想說明的是:我不是來教大家該吃什么的。個(gè)體行為固然很好,但是要解決抗生素耐藥性和氣候變化問題——這還遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠。并且,勸大家少吃肉是沒有效果的。50多年來,環(huán)境學(xué)家,國(guó)際衛(wèi)生專家以及動(dòng)物保護(hù)者一直苦口婆心地勸告大家少吃肉。然而,人均肉類消耗量自有歷史記載以來一直都居高不下。去年北美人均消耗肉類 200多磅(約90.7kg)。我可一點(diǎn)肉都沒吃。


Which means somebody out there ate 400pounds of meat.






On our current trajectory, we're going toneed to be producing 70 to 100 percent more meat by 2050. This requires aglobal solution. What we need to do is we need to produce the meat that peoplelove, but we need to produce it in a whole new way. I've got a couple of ideas.



Idea number one: let's grow meat fromplants. Instead of growing plants, feeding them to animals, and all of thatinefficiency, let's grow those plants, let's biomimic meat with them, let'smake plant-based meat. Idea number two: for actual animal meat, let's grow itdirectly from cells. Instead of growing live animals, let's grow the cellsdirectly. It takes six weeks to grow a chicken to slaughter weight. Grow thecells directly, you can get that same growth in six days. This is what thatlooks like at scale. It's your friendly neighborhood meat brewery.






I want to make two points about this. Thefirst one is, we believe we can do it. In recent years, some companies havebeen producing meat from plants that consumers cannot distinguish from actualanimal meat, and there are now dozens of companies growing actual animal meatdirectly from cells. This plant-based and cell-based meat gives consumerseverything that they love about meat -- the taste, the texture and so on -- butwith no need for antibiotics and with a fraction of the adverse impact on theclimate. And because these two technologies are so much more efficient, atproduction scale these products will be cheaper.



But one quick point about that -- it's notgoing to be easy. These plant-based companies have spent small fortunes ontheir burgers, and cell-based meat has not yet been commercialized at all. So we'regoing to need all hands on deck to make these the global meat industry.



For starters, we need the present meatindustry. We don't want to disrupt the meat industry, we want to transform it.We need their economies of scale, their global supply chain, their marketingexpertise and their massive consumer base.



We also need governments. Governments spendtens of billions of dollars every single year on research and developmentfocused on global health and the environment. They should be putting some ofthat money into optimizing and perfecting the production of plant-based andcell-based meat.



Look, tens of thousands of people died fromantibiotic-resistant superbugs in North America just last year. By 2050, thatnumber is going to be 10 million per year globally. And climate changerepresents an existential threat to huge portions of our global family,including some of the poorest people on the face of the planet.



Climate change, antibiotic resistance --these are global emergencies. Meat production is exacerbating these emergencieson a global scale. But we are not going to decrease meat consumption unless wegive consumers alternatives that cost the same or less and that taste the sameor better.



We have the solution. Let's make meat fromplants. Let's grow it directly from cells. It's past time that we mobilize theresources that are necessary to create the next global agricultural .



Thank you.






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