pim-per-nel but-ter-fly mead-ow
clos-ing drow-sy dawn-ing
1. The evening is coming; the sun sinks to rest;
The rooks are all flying straight home to their nest.
"Caw!" says the rook as he flies overhead;
It's time little people were going to bed.
2. The flowers are closing; the daisy's asleep;
The primrose is buried in slumber so deep,
Shut up for the night is the pimpernel 〔1〕 red;
It's time little people were going to bed.
3. The butterfly, drowsy 〔2〕 , has folded its wing;
The bees are home coming; no more the birds sing;
Their labour is over, their nestlings 〔3〕 are fed;
It's time little people were going to bed.
4. Here comes the pony, his work is all done;
Down through the meadow 〔4〕 he takes a good run;
Up go his heels and down goes his head;
It's time little people were going to bed.
5. Good night, little people, good night, and good night!
Sweet dreams to your eyelids till dawning of light;
The evening has come; there's no more to be said;
It's time little people were going to bed.
〔1〕 pimpernel: A small red flower.
〔2〕 drowsy: Sleepy.
〔3〕 nestlings: Young birds in the nest.
〔4〕 meadow: Grassy field.