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Valentine’s Dayis coming up.情人節(jié)要來了!

每年的情人節(jié),一些人會scratch their heads絞盡腦汁地想,送什么禮物給significant other另一半。

*scratch /skr?t?/ v.撓

*significant /s?ɡ?n?f?k?nt/ adj.意義重大的

今天我們聊一聊,英語國家中,網(wǎng)友們收到的奇葩情人節(jié)禮物the weirdest gifts people have received on Valentine’s Day。

1.“A T-shirt with a picture of my boyfriend and on the back a poem of how awesome and sweet he was. ”

這個女孩收到一件T恤,前面印著男友的照片,后面是一首詩a poem,男朋友贊美自己how awesome and sweet he was是多么帥氣,暖心。

這樣的T恤,這個女孩應該不會wear it in public穿出去。

2.“My ex gave me seeds that he took out of his pocket. He said he was allergic to flowers so I could grow my own. ”

這個女孩說:前男友從兜里掏出了些種子took out of his pocket,然后說他對花過敏he was allergic to flowers,所以讓女孩自己種grow her own.

這位前男友真是quite creative腦回路清奇。

*allergic /??l??rd??k/ adj.過敏的

be allergic to...對……過敏

* creative /kri?e?t?v/ adj.有創(chuàng)造力的

3.“My boyfriend of 4 years printed out 12 roses on paper and laid them on the floor.”

女孩交往4年的男友,在紙上打印出12朵玫瑰printed out 12 roses on paper,然后放在了地板上laid them on the floor.


4.“I didn’t get anything because my ex’s birthday was on Valentine’s Day, he said it was his day.”

女孩情人節(jié)啥禮物也沒有get anything,因為前男友的生日就是情人節(jié)這天,he said it was his day要為他慶生。

Perhaps they could have found a middle ground.或許他們應該達成妥協(xié)。

*middle ground n.妥協(xié);中間立場

5.“I got chocolates from the dollar store, and my boyfriend ate half the box before giving them to me.”

女孩的男朋友在dollar store(美國的一元店),買了盒巧克力,自己吃了一半ate half the box,然后送給女友當情人節(jié)禮物。

He must have been hungry on the way home.這男朋友可能回家路上餓了吧。

6.“He got me chocolate and roses, expect he knew that I am allergic to flowers and lactose intolerant. ”

這位男朋友極其不走心,自己女友花粉過敏allergic to flowers,送了玫瑰;女朋友lactose intolerant乳糖不耐受,送了巧克力。

*lactose /?l?kto?z/ n.乳糖

*intolerant /?n?tɑ?l?r?nt/ adj.無法忍受的

在送禮物給你的significant other時,要注意他們對什么過敏或者不喜歡什么,不然那就……

7.“He gave me a candle that I gave his mom for Christmas.”


下次從媽媽那拿禮物的時候,要記得double check with her,問下是誰送的哦。

8.“A gym membership.”


That’s ariskypresent to gift.是有風險的禮物。

對方可能會想:Is there ahidden messagethere?你什么意思,是嫌我身材不好嗎?

歐美人對于禮物背后的含義the hidden message比較敏感。

*membership /?memb?r??p/ n.會員身份

*risky /?r?ski/ adj.有風險的*hidden /?h?dn/ adj.隱藏的

hidden message隱含的信息

9.“My ex-husband once gave me a vacuum cleaner. If you want to know how that turned out, re-read the 1st 2nd words ....”

這一位收到老公的情人節(jié)禮物是一個vacuum cleaner吸塵器,她說如果你想知道后來怎么樣了how that turned out(結果),re-read the 1st 2nd words再讀一下前2個詞,“my ex-husband”,前夫。

10.“A breakup text.”

情人節(jié)收到分手短信,that’s horrible!太可怕了!

11.“ My ex got me a package of dates with a note that read, “Here’re some dates because I know you’ll never be able to get any others from anyone else.”

前任送了一包棗a package of dates,還寫了一張字條,“送你一些棗,因為你沒法從其他人那里得到?!?/p>




12."Empty box of chocolate… He told me that he bought it, and there was coconut in all of them (there never is), and that he had to eat them to keep me from having an allergic reaction (I'm allergic to coconut).”


男朋友說he bought it巧克力真買了,但是里面有coconut椰子,這個女生is allergic to coconut對椰子過敏,以防女友過敏keep her from having an allergic reaction,he had to eat them把巧克力都吃了。

男朋友竟說:For Valentine's Day I saved your life.在情人節(jié)這一天,我救了你的命。

所以,It didn't last long after that.不久后,兩人就分手了。

It’s soooo weird!太奇葩了!

13.“My ex got me frozen flowers he stole from a cemetery.”



14.“Once I ordered my girlfriend flowers that didn’t arrive (or were stolen from the porch), so I gave her the delivery confirmation. It was not as funny as I thought it would be.”

這個男朋友給女孩訂的花沒送到thatdidn’t arrive,或者是放在前廊被偷了were stolen from the porch,就把delivery confirmation交貨確認單給女友了。

這個男生還納悶說:It was not as funny as I thought it would be.竟然沒有我以為的那么好笑。(來自直男的困惑)

15.“My now ex picked me up in a limo and took me to a fancy restaurant.When he brought me home he said ‘ oh, you’re half of the cost is 450 dollars, can you write me a check?’ ”

男友用limo豪華轎車接女生去了一個fancy restaurant豪華餐廳,到家后,男友竟然要求女朋友分攤一半的費用,要女生write him a check給他開張支票。


任何禮物,有心意即可,the thought that counts。

A good Valentine’s Day gift doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant /?k?str?v?ɡ?nt/.不用太貴(expensive),也不用太奢侈(extravagant)。

Happy Valentine’s Day!



不管有沒有另一半,都祝你Happy Valentine’s day!


What is the worst or the best Valentine’s gift you’ve ever received?




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