英語兒歌是幼兒接觸英語最受歡迎的一種手段,其中迪斯尼英語兒歌以其經典的旋律廣受好評。以下是小編整理的關于迪斯尼英語兒歌MP3 Comin' through the rye的資料,希望你會喜歡!
Comin' Through the Rye
If a body meet a body
Comin?through the rye
If a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?
Ev'ry lassie has her laddie
Nane, they say, ha'e!
Yet all the lads they smile on me
When comin?through the rye
If a body meet a body
Comin?from the town
If a body greet a body
Need a body frown?