Dear friends, please join us in the yearly walk for charity.親愛的朋友們,請和我們一起加入年度慈善徒步行活動。We will start from Garden Street.我們會從花園街出發(fā)。You and your friends are all warmly welcome.我們熱情地歡迎您和您的朋友參與其中。Please read the directions we offered carefully, especially if you need transport to and from Garden Street.請仔細閱讀我們提供的指示說明,尤其是需要提供往返花園街交通向導的朋友們。Just come along on the day with your friends.您只需在活動當天與朋友一同參加即可。The money raised will be used to build a children's bookshop in our town.募捐所得將會用于建造本鎮(zhèn)的一個兒童書店。It is better to wear old shoes and you need to wear comfortable clothes for walking.我們建議您穿舊鞋,并穿適宜步行的寬松的衣服。If rain is forecast, prepare for all possible events.若天氣預報顯示有雨,請帶好防雨用具。Maps will be available from the starting point.行走路線圖會在起點處提供。Signs will be posted along the road.沿路都會有標志提示。To be safe, walkers should keep to one side in the single line at all times.安全起見,徒步者須一直在單線線路內靠一側行走。If you need help along the road, please let our volunteers know as soon as possible.若途中您需要幫助,請盡早告知我們的志愿者。A bus will be waiting at the finishing line to take walkers back to Garden Street.終點處會有巴士等候,將完成徒步的人們帶回花園街。It will leave every half hour starting at mid day.大巴從中午開始提供服務,每半小時一班。The service is free and there's no need to book. Thank you.乘坐巴士不收取費用,也無需預定。謝謝。