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中考英語 考綱詞匯 P






Pacific[p?'s?f?k]n. 太平洋

The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean. 靠近太平洋的地區(qū)風(fēng)景很美麗。

China faces the Pacific on the east. 中國東臨太平洋。

pack[pæk]n. 包 vt. & vi. 打包

How would you pack the goods? 你是怎么包裝這批貨的?

He carried a pack on his back. 他背了個(gè)包。

page[pe??]n. 頁;頁碼

We got up to Page 55 last lesson. 上一節(jié)課我們學(xué)到第55頁。

There is a page missing from the book. 這本書缺了一頁。

pain[pe?n]n. 疼痛;疼

I've got a pain in my right side. 我的右半邊身體疼痛。

The boy suddenly shouted with pain. 這個(gè)男孩子突然痛得叫了起來。

paint[pe?nt]vt. & vi. 油漆;粉刷;繪畫 n. 油漆;涂料;顏料

What colour did you paint the wall? 你把墻漆成什么顏色?

The door requires a new coat of paint. 這門需要再涂一層新油漆。

painting['pe?nt??]n. 畫;油畫;水彩畫

That is an oil painting. 那是一幅油畫。

This oil painting sells for 800 dollars. 這幅油畫售價(jià)800美元。

pair[pe?(r)]n. 一雙;一對(duì)

Father bought her a pair of tennis shoes. 父親給她買了一雙網(wǎng)球鞋。

There are a pair of vases on the table. 桌子上有一對(duì)花瓶。

palace['pæl?s]n. 宮;宮殿

This palace was built in the fifteenth century. 這個(gè)宮殿建于15世紀(jì)。

The teacher will show us round the Palace. 老師將陪我們參觀宮殿。

pale[pe?l]adj. 蒼白的;灰白的

Her pale face suggests bad health. 她面色蒼白,說明她身體不好。

You are looking rather pale. 你的臉色有些蒼白。

panda['pænd?]n. 熊貓

They will see a new panda from China. 他們會(huì)看到剛從中國來到這里的熊貓。

Her favourite animal is the panda. 她最喜愛的動(dòng)物是熊貓。

paper['pe?p?(r)]n. (不可數(shù))紙;(可數(shù))報(bào)紙;考卷;文件

Would you please give me a piece of paper? 你能給我一張紙嗎?

Go over your test paper again,please. 請(qǐng)把你的考卷再檢查一遍。

parent['pe?r?nt]n. 父(母),(復(fù)數(shù))雙親

Parents must be patient with their children. 父母親必須對(duì)他們的孩子有耐心。

Children are the parent's riches. 孩子是父母的財(cái)富。

Paris[pær?s]n. (法國首都)巴黎

I have been away from Paris for three weeks. 我離開巴黎已經(jīng)三個(gè)星期了。

This train goes through to Paris. 這列火車直達(dá)巴黎。

park[pɑ?k]n. 公園 vt. & vi. 停放(車輛等)

He often takes his children to play in the park. 他經(jīng)常帶他的孩子們?nèi)ス珗@玩。

You can find a place to park your car easily in this area. 你能輕松地在這片區(qū)域內(nèi)找到停車的地方。

part[pɑ?t]n. 部分;角色;部件;零件

I didn't like the last part of the book. 我不喜歡這本書最后的部分。

She played a small part in the play. 她在這出戲里演一個(gè)小角色。

partner['pɑ?tn?(r)]n. 搭檔;合作者

I have an honest partner. 我有一個(gè)忠實(shí)的好搭檔。

Will you take me as your partner? 你愿意把我當(dāng)做你的伙伴嗎?

party['pɑ?ti]n. 聚會(huì);晚會(huì);政黨;黨派

We will hold the party outside the house. 我們將在戶外聚會(huì)。

She was admitted to the Party last year. 她去年入黨了。

pass[pɑ?s]vt. & vi. 傳;遞;經(jīng)過;路過;通過

Please pass the pen to me. 請(qǐng)把鋼筆遞給我。

He is sure to pass the examination. 他一定會(huì)通過考試。

passage['pæs??]n. (文章等的)一節(jié);一段;通道

I will play back the passage. 我會(huì)重放這一段話的錄音。

They discovered a secret passage behind the wall. 他們?cè)趬蟀l(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)秘密通道。

passenger['pæs?n??(r)]n. 乘客;旅客

The bus stopped to pick up passenger. 汽 車 停 下 來 搭 載 乘客。

Will all passengers for Shanghai please go to Gate 2? 請(qǐng)去上海的乘客到2號(hào)登機(jī)口準(zhǔn)備登機(jī)。

passport['pɑ?sp??t]n. 護(hù)照

The passport is good for ten years. 這護(hù)照10年有效。

Let me have a look at your passport. 讓我看一下你的護(hù)照。

past[pɑ?st]prep. (指時(shí)間等)過……;走過某地 n. 過去;昔日;往事

I arrived at half past six. 我6點(diǎn)半到的。

I should learn from the mistakes of the past. 我應(yīng)該從過去的錯(cuò)誤中吸取教訓(xùn)。

patient['pe??nt]n. 病人 adj. 耐心的

That patient stopped breathing. 那個(gè)病人停止了呼吸。

I have to learn to be more patient. 我必須學(xué)會(huì)更加耐心。

pay[pe?](paid,paid) vt. & vi. 付錢;給……報(bào)酬 n. 工資

The doctor was paid a huge salary. 那個(gè)醫(yī)生薪水很高。

Did you get good pay? 你的工資高嗎?

P. E.[?pi?'i?]n. 體育

They have two P. E. classes every week. 他們每周上兩節(jié)體育課。

My P. E. teacher teaches me how to play basketball. 我的體育老師教我怎么打籃球。

peace[pi?s]n. 和平

We must aim for world peace. 我們要爭取世界和平。

They bought peace with their freedom. 他們犧牲自由換取和平。

pear[pe?(r)]n. 梨

There are many pear trees. 那里有許多梨樹。

I gave you a banana instead of a pear. 我給你一根香蕉而不是一個(gè)梨。

pearl[p??l]n. 珍珠

She wears a pearl necklace today. 今天她戴了一條珍珠項(xiàng)鏈。

This is a real pearl. 這是真的珍珠。

pen[pen]n. 鋼筆;筆

I can't find my pen. 我找不到我的鋼筆。

This is not Jane's pen. 這不是簡的筆。

pencil['pensl]n. 鉛筆

Would you please lend me your pencil? 請(qǐng)把鉛筆借給我好嗎?

The pencil is too short. 這鉛筆太短了。

penny['peni](復(fù) pence) n. 便士;美分

It is not worth a penny. 它一文不值。

The fruit costs 40 pence per kilo. 水果每千克40便士。

people['pi?pl]n. 人;人們;人民

Four people can sit in the back of this car. 這車的后排可以坐4個(gè)人。

Many young people are out of work. 很多年輕人都失業(yè)了。

per[p?(r)]prep. 每;每一

Can your new car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的新車一小時(shí)能開到100英里嗎?

Tell me the cost of production per unit. 告訴我每件成品的生產(chǎn)成本。

percent[p?'sent]n. 百分比 adj. 百分之……的

Is this one hundred percent cotton? 這是百分之百全棉的嗎?

Summer clothes are thirty percent off. 夏季服裝都打七折。

perfect['p??f?kt]adj. 完美的;極好的

It's far from perfect. 那遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)算不上完美。

The weather was perfect. 天氣好極了。

performance[p?'f??m?ns]n. 表演;演出;行動(dòng)

Their performance was a success. 他們的演出很成功。

They all like your performance. 他們都喜歡你的表演。

perhaps[p?'hæps]adv. 可能;也許

Perhaps I can help you. 也許我能幫助你。

Perhaps she is just waiting in station. 也許她正在車站等候。

person['p??sn]n. 人

You are just the person he wants to see. 你正是他要見的人。

You are the sort of person I really dislike. 你這種人我真不喜歡。

personal['p??s?nl]adj. 個(gè)人的;私人的

I want to see the teacher on a personal matter. 我要見老師談點(diǎn)私事。

My latest toy is a personal computer. 我的最新玩物是一臺(tái)個(gè)人電腦。

pet[pet]n. 寵物

My daughter keeps a dog as pet. 我的女兒養(yǎng)了一只狗當(dāng)寵物。

She usually stays at home with her pet dog. 她通常跟她的愛犬待在家里。

phone[f??n](=telephone) n. 電話 vt. & vi. 打電話

They had a nice talk on the phone. 他們?cè)陔娫捓镎劦煤芨吲d。

I'll phone the result of the test to him. 我將打電話告訴他考試的結(jié)果。

photo['f??t??](=photograph) n. 照片

He took a lot of photos last Sunday. 他上個(gè)星期天照了許多照片。

The sun was not shining when I took the photo. 當(dāng)我照相時(shí)沒有太陽光。

physical['f?z?kl]adj. 身體的;物理的

His problem is not physical. 他的問題不是身體上的。

My son is studying physical chemistry. 我兒子正研究物理化學(xué)。

physics['f?z?ks]n. 物理(學(xué))

Bill likes mathematics and physics. 比爾喜歡數(shù)學(xué)和物理。

Physics is one of his favourite subjects. 物理是他最喜歡的學(xué)科之一。

piano[pi'æn??]n. 鋼琴

A piano stood against the wall. 一架鋼琴靠墻放著。

I can play the piano. 我會(huì)彈鋼琴。

pick[p?k]vt. & vi. 拾起;摘;采集;挑選

Don't pick off any of those flowers. 那些花一朵也不要摘。

My sister helped me pick out a new book. 我姐姐幫我選了一本新書。

picnic['p?kn?k]n. 野餐

We'll have a picnic tomorrow. 我們明天去野餐。

She is busy making cookies for the picnic. 她正忙著為野餐做餅干。

picture['p?kt??(r)]n. 圖片;圖畫;照片;影片

I will find a place for this new picture. 我會(huì)找一個(gè)地方放這張新照片。

She drew a picture of wintry scene. 她畫了一幅冬天景色的畫。

piece[pi?s]n. 一塊(片,張,件,段……);碎片;部件

She bit off a large piece of the apple. 她咬下了一大塊蘋果。

Peter cut his hand on a piece of glass. 彼得被玻璃碎片割傷了手。

pig[p?g]n. 豬

The pig is not as clever as the monkey. 豬不如猴子聰明。

That pig is the fattest one among them. 那頭豬是它們中最肥的一只。

pilot['pa?l?t]n. 飛行員

The new pilot landed the plane safely. 這個(gè)新飛行員使飛機(jī)安全降落。

The girl dreams about becoming a pilot. 那個(gè)女孩夢(mèng)想成為一名飛行員。

pin[p?n]vt. 用針別住 n. 針

I pinned a notice to the door. 我把通知?jiǎng)e在門上。

Where did you get the pin? 這個(gè)別針你是從哪里弄來的?

pineapple['pa?næpl]n. 菠蘿

Smith likes to eat pineapple very much. 史密斯非常喜歡吃菠蘿。

I'd like a glass of pineapple juice. 我要一杯菠蘿汁。

pink[p??k]n. 粉紅 adj. 粉紅色的

You know I like pink. 你知道我喜歡粉紅色。

I don't like a pink house. 我不喜歡粉紅色的房子。

pioneer[?pa??'n??(r)]n. 先鋒;開拓者

He is a pioneer in the US trade with China. 他是一位中美貿(mào)易的開拓者。

Neither of us is a Young Pioneer. 我們倆都不是少先隊(duì)員。

pity['p?ti]n. 憐憫;同情;可惜

It is a pity that he missed the party. 他錯(cuò)過了聚會(huì),真是遺憾。

I helped the old woman out of pity. 我出于同情心幫助那位老婦人。

pizza['pi?ts?]n. 比薩餅

I'd like to order a cheese pizza. 我要訂一份乳酪比薩。

The pizza he ordered earlier has not come yet. 他剛才要的比薩餅還沒有送來。

place[ple?s]n. 地方;處所 vt. 放置

This is the place where she works. 這是她工作的地點(diǎn)。

He placed his handkerchief in the pocket of his jacket.他把手絹放進(jìn)自己夾克的口袋里。

plan[plæn]vt. & vi. & n. 計(jì)劃;打算

He planned to leave Shanghai on Monday. 他計(jì)劃周一離開上海。

The two leaders had worked out a peace plan. 兩位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人已制訂了一個(gè)和平方案。

plane[ple?n]n. 飛機(jī)

I am going to America by plane. 我將乘飛機(jī)去美國。

We will catch the 3:00 plane. 我們能趕上3點(diǎn)的飛機(jī)。

planet['plæn?t]n. 行星

The earth is a beautiful planet. 地球是一個(gè)美麗的星球。

We all share one and the same planet. 我們大家生活在同一個(gè)星球上。

plant[plɑ?nt]n. 植物 vt. 種植;播種

The plant died for lack of water. 植物因缺水而枯死了。

They plant trees in spring. 他們?cè)诖禾熘矘洹?/p>

plastic['plæst?k]adj. 塑料的

The man is carrying a black plastic handbag. 這個(gè)人提著一個(gè)黑色的塑料袋。

He sells plastic products. 他出售塑料制品。

plate[ple?t]n. 盤子;碟子;板;牌

He hid the broken plate behind the table. 他把打碎的盤子藏在餐桌后面了。

I had a plate of beef for lunch. 我午餐吃了一盤牛肉。

platform['plætf??m]n. 講臺(tái);站臺(tái)

I bought a platform ticket. 我買了一張站臺(tái)票。

He spoke to us from a platform. 他站在演講臺(tái)上給我們演講。

play[ple?]vt. & vi. 玩;打(球);演奏;vt. 扮演 n. 玩耍;戲劇;劇本

We will play basketball tomorrow. 我們明天會(huì)打籃球。

I will try out for the lead in the play. 我將參加該劇主角的選拔演出。

playground['ple?gra?nd]n. 操場(chǎng);運(yùn)動(dòng)場(chǎng)

Many students are playing on the playground. 許多學(xué)生正在操場(chǎng)上玩。

There are more than two hundred people on the playground.運(yùn)動(dòng)場(chǎng)上有200多人。

pleasant['pleznt]adj. 令人愉快的;舒適的

How pleasant it is to receive presents! 收到禮物是多么令人開心??!

I wish you a pleasant stay there. 我祝你在那兒過得愉快。

please[pli?z]int. 請(qǐng)

Please stay with me for a while. 請(qǐng)和我待一會(huì)兒。

Lend me your computer, please. 請(qǐng)把你的電腦借我用一下。

pleased[pli?zd]adj. 感到高興的;感到滿意的

I was pleased at finding you so well. 我很高興看到你這么健康。

I was pleased with their warm welcome. 他們的熱烈歡迎使我很高興。

pleasure['ple??(r)]n. 高興;愉快

This thing gives me little pleasure. 這件事使我不太高興。

It was a pleasure to hear the news. 很高興聽到這個(gè)消息。

plenty['plenti]n. 豐富;充足;大量

A child needs plenty of sleep. 孩子必須睡眠充足。

There's plenty of room. 里面有的是地方。

plus[pl?s]prep. 加;加上

Seven plus eight equals fifteen. 7加8等于15。

The cost is a pound plus 5 pence for postage. 費(fèi)用為1鎊,外加5便士郵費(fèi)。

p. m.[?pi?'em]n. 下午

The time now is 11:00 p. m. sharp. 現(xiàn)在的時(shí)間是晚上11點(diǎn)整。

The store closes at 9:00 p. m. 這家商店晚上9點(diǎn)關(guān)門。

pocket['p?k?t]n. (衣服的)口袋

She dived into her pocket for her key. 她把手伸進(jìn)衣袋里找鑰匙。

He took a pen out of his pocket. 他從口袋里拿出一支鋼筆。

poem['p???m]n. 詩

The new teacher read the poem to the class. 這位新老師給全班同學(xué)念了這首詩。

My poem won the first prize in the contest. 我的詩作在比賽中獲得了第一名。

point[p??nt]vt. 指 vi.指;表明 n. 點(diǎn);分?jǐn)?shù);小數(shù)點(diǎn)

Did she point out where you were wrong? 她有沒有指出你什么地方錯(cuò)了?

The teacher came to the point straight away. 老師直接指出要點(diǎn)。

pole[p??l]n. 桿;極

I cut the iron pole to the size I wanted. 我把鐵桿鋸成我需要的尺寸。

A white bear lived near the North Pole. 一只白熊棲息在北極附近。

policeman[p?'li?sm?n](復(fù)policemen) n. 警察

The policeman ordered me to stop the car. 警 察 命 令 我 停車。

The lost child was led back by a policeman. 走失的孩子被一名警察領(lǐng)回來了。

polite[p?'la?t]adj. 有禮貌的

It's not polite to stare one in the face. 盯著人的臉看是不禮貌的。

He is always so polite to people. 他對(duì)人總是這么有禮貌。

politely[p?'la?tli]adv. 有禮貌地

I politely refused his invitation. 我禮貌地回絕了他的邀請(qǐng)。

He asked me politely for the bag. 他彬彬有禮地向我要那個(gè)包。

politics['p?l?t?ks]n. 政治

He decided not to mix in politics. 他決定不參與政治。

She is a student of international politics. 她是一名學(xué)習(xí)國際政治的學(xué)生。

pol ute[p?'lu?t]vt. 污染;弄臟

It does not pollute the air. 它不污染空氣。

Don't pollute the river. 不要污染這條河。

pol ution[p?'lu??n]n. 污染

They are sad about the pollution of the beaches with oil.他們很痛心石油對(duì)海灘的污染。

They now come to the question of pollution. 他們現(xiàn)在開始談污染問題。

pool[pu?l]n. 水池;水塘

There is a swimming pool in the school. 這個(gè)學(xué)校里有一個(gè)游泳池。

This pipe leads waste water to a pool. 這條管子把廢水引向水池。

poor[p??(r), p??(r)]adj. 貧窮的;可憐的;不好的

She was too poor to buy a new coat. 她窮得買不起新衣服。

Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. 在微弱的燈光下看書會(huì)引起頭疼。

popular['p?pj?l?(r)](=pop) adj. 流行的;大眾的;受歡迎的

Professor Peter is popular among the students. 彼得教授很受學(xué)生們的歡迎。

This playwright was very popular. 這位劇作家很受歡迎。

population[?p?pju'le??n]n. 人口;人數(shù)

This city has a population of more than 2,000,000. 這個(gè)城市的人口超過200萬。

What is the population of this city? 這個(gè)城市的人口是多少?

pork[p??k]n. 豬肉

I never eat pork. 我從不吃豬肉。

How much did you pay for the pork? 這些豬肉你付了多少錢?

possible['p?s?bl]adj. 可能的;也許的

I'll do everything possible to help him. 我會(huì)盡一切可能幫助他。

Get over the difficulty is possible. 克服這些困難是有可能的。

possibly['p?s?bli]adv. 可能地;也許

I can't possibly lend him so much money. 我不可能借給他這么多錢。

She has possibly come at this moment. 此 刻 她 可 能 已 經(jīng) 來了。

post[p??st]n. 郵政;郵寄;郵件 vt. 投寄;郵寄

There is a post office there. 那里有一個(gè)郵局。

Did you post that letter? 那封信你寄出去了嗎?

postcard['p??stkɑ?d]n. 明信片

How much is a postcard to France? 寄往法國的明信片多少錢一張?

Don't forget to send her a postcard. 別忘了寄一張明信片給她。

postman['p??stm?n](復(fù) postmen) n. 郵遞員

He looked like a postman. 他看上去像個(gè)郵遞員。

Did the postman leave anything for me? 郵遞員給我留下什么信件了嗎?

pot[p?t]n. 鍋;壺;罐

Don't let the pot boil dry. 別讓水壺?zé)闪恕?/p>

I made a pot of tea for my guests. 我給客人沏了一壺茶。

potato[p?'te?t??]n. 土豆;馬鈴薯

The potato is a vegetable. 馬鈴薯是一種蔬菜。

I am digging potato now. 我現(xiàn)在正在挖土豆。

pound[pa?nd]n. 磅(重量單位);英鎊

She weighed out a pound of tomatoes. 她稱了一磅番茄。

The pound was at a new low. 英鎊的價(jià)位處于新的低點(diǎn)。

power['pa??(r)]n. 電源;能源;動(dòng)力;電力

There was a power cut. 停電了。

Nuclear power is cleaner than coal. 核能比煤清潔。

powerful['pa??fl]adj. 強(qiáng)大的

The new headmaster is a powerful man. 新校長是個(gè)強(qiáng)有力的人物。

Internet is a powerful media. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是一種強(qiáng)有力的傳播媒介。

practice['prækt?s]n. 練習(xí);實(shí)踐([美]practise) vt. & vi. 練習(xí);實(shí)踐

How do you make theory work in practice? 你是怎樣理論聯(lián)系實(shí)際的呢?

He can practice with us. 他可以與我們一起練習(xí)。

praise[pre?z]n. & vt. & vi. 贊揚(yáng);表揚(yáng)

Don't let this praise turn your head. 不要讓這些贊揚(yáng)沖昏你的頭腦。

She praised her students for good work. 她因?yàn)閷W(xué)生的成績好而表揚(yáng)了他們。

precious['pre??s]adj. 寶貴的;珍貴的

Nothing is more precious than peace. 沒有比和平更寶貴的東西了。

Time is more precious than anything else. 時(shí)間比任何其他東西都寶貴。

predict[pr?'d?kt]vt. & vi. 預(yù)言;預(yù)料

I can predict what would happen next. 我能預(yù)料接著會(huì)發(fā)生什么事。

He predicts the train will arrive late. 他 預(yù) 料 火 車 會(huì) 誤點(diǎn)。

prefer[pr?'f??(r)]vt. & vi. 寧愿(選擇);更喜歡

He preferred to travel in the front of the car. 他更喜歡坐在汽車的前排。

I prefer to do it myself. 我寧愿自己做這件事。

prepare[pr?'pe?(r)]vt. 準(zhǔn)備;預(yù)備

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最壞的準(zhǔn)備。

He had a speech to prepare. 他得準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)報(bào)告。

present['preznt]n. 禮物;贈(zèng)品;現(xiàn)在 adj. 出現(xiàn)的;出席的[pr?'znt]v. 提出;贈(zèng)送;呈現(xiàn)

I brought her a very nice present from Beijing. 我從北京給她帶了一件漂亮的禮物。

She will be present at the meeting in person. 她將親自參加會(huì)議。

president['prez?d?nt]n. 總統(tǒng);主席

I greet you in the name of the President. 我代表總統(tǒng)前來迎接您。

He's a past president of the club. 他是俱樂部的前任主席。

press[pres]vt. 壓;按

Please press the button down. 請(qǐng)把按鈕往下按。

Did he press the stop button? 他按了停止鍵嗎?

pretend[pr?'tend]vt. & vi. 假裝;裝作

Sometimes the girl pretended to be asleep. 有時(shí)這個(gè)女孩會(huì)假裝睡著。

Don't pretend that you knew nothing. 別裝作你什么都不知道。

pretty['pr?ti]adj. 漂亮的 adv. 相當(dāng);頗

Mr. Black can read English pretty well. 布萊克先生英語讀得很好。

She is a pretty girl. 她是一個(gè)漂亮的女孩。

prevent[pr?'vent]vt. & vi. 防止;預(yù)防;阻止;阻擋

We must take steps to prevent war. 我們必須采取措施防止戰(zhàn)爭。

Nothing can prevent me from going. 什么都不能阻止我前進(jìn)。

price[pra?s]n. 價(jià)格

He bought the house at a modest price. 他以適中的價(jià)格買下了這所房子。

The price of oil jumped sharply last year. 去年石油的價(jià)格急劇上漲。

primary['pra?m?ri]adj. 初等的;初級(jí)的

The little girl left primary school at eleven. 這個(gè)小女孩11歲時(shí)小學(xué)畢業(yè)。

She is my primary care doctor. 她是我的初級(jí)保健醫(yī)生。

print[pr?nt]vt. & vi. 打?。挥∷?

This printer can print 60 pages in a minute. 這臺(tái)打印機(jī)一分鐘能打印60頁。

How many copies shall we print? 我們要印多少張相片?

prison['pr?zn]n. 監(jiān)獄

The thief was put into prison for two years. 小偷被監(jiān)禁兩年。

That man was sent into prison for stealing. 那個(gè)人由于偷竊而入獄。

private['pra?v?t]adj. 私人的;私有的

She acts as a private secretary to me. 她擔(dān)任我的私人秘書。

I'd like a private chat with him. 我想跟他私下談?wù)劇?/p>

prize[pra?z]n. 獎(jiǎng)賞;獎(jiǎng)品

He won the Nobel Prize. 他獲得了諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)。

I got first prize in the listening contest. 我得了聽力比賽第一名。

probably['pr?b?bli]adv. 很可能地;大概;或許

He'll probably say no. 他很可能不同意。

She will probably refuse the offer. 她很可能會(huì)拒絕這一提議。

problem['pr?bl?m]n. 問題;難題;習(xí)題

I met a difficult problem in learning physics. 我在學(xué)物理時(shí)遇到了一個(gè)難題。

We are working on a mathematical problem. 我正在解一道數(shù)學(xué)習(xí)題。

process['pr??ses]vt. 處理;加工 n. 過程

Shall we process the papers? 我們要處理一下文件嗎?

This is a slow process. 這是一個(gè)緩慢的過程。

produce[pr?'dju?s]vt. & vi. 生產(chǎn);產(chǎn)生;制造

How many cars have they produced in this factory?他們這個(gè)工廠生產(chǎn)了多少輛轎車?

We made the decision to produce a new lift. 我們決定生產(chǎn)一種新電梯。

product['pr?d?kt]n. 產(chǎn)品

We put a new product on the market. 我們向市場(chǎng)推出一種新產(chǎn)品。

What's your major product? 你的主要產(chǎn)品是什么?

programme ([美]program)?。?#39;pr??græm]n. 節(jié)目;項(xiàng)目

We are watching the same programme. 我們?cè)诳赐粋€(gè)節(jié)目。

Did you see that programme yesterday? 昨天你看那個(gè)節(jié)目了嗎?

progress['pr??gres]n. 進(jìn)步;進(jìn)展

She made rapid progress in her studies. 她 學(xué) 習(xí) 上 進(jìn) 步 很快。

The girl has made great progress this year. 這女孩今年進(jìn)步很大。

project['pr??ekt]n. 工程;課程;作業(yè);項(xiàng)目;規(guī)劃

The project has been closed up. 這個(gè)項(xiàng)目已經(jīng)終止了。

Did you hear about that project? 你聽說了那個(gè)項(xiàng)目嗎?

promise['pr?m?s]n. & vt. & vi. 答應(yīng);承諾

Never ever make a promise you can't keep. 永遠(yuǎn)不要承諾你做不到的事。

Don't promise her! 不要答應(yīng)她!

pronounce[pr?'na?ns]vt. & vi. 發(fā)音

I didn't know how to pronounce this word. 我不知道這個(gè)單詞怎么發(fā)音。

Please follow me to pronounce this word. 請(qǐng)跟我一起發(fā)這個(gè)音。

properly['pr?p?li]adv. 適當(dāng)?shù)兀缓线m地

They could properly deal with all kinds of situations. 他們能恰當(dāng)?shù)貞?yīng)付各種局面。

She had done the job properly. 她做得很得體。

protect[pr?'tekt]vt. 保護(hù)

Can you protect me? 你可以保護(hù)我嗎?

An umbrella can protect you from the rain. 雨傘能保護(hù)你不受雨淋。

proud[pra?d]adj. 自豪的;驕傲的

She is proud of her son. 她以兒子為驕傲。

I'll be proud to have you read it. 你讀它我會(huì)感到驕傲的。

prove[pru?v]vt. 證明

He will prove to the world that he was right. 他將向世人證明他是對(duì)的。

Can you prove where you were to the police? 你能向警方證明當(dāng)時(shí)你在哪兒嗎?

proverb['pr?v??b]n. 諺語;格言

As the proverb goes, time is money. 俗話說,時(shí)間就是金錢。

“Practice makes perfect” is a proverb. “熟能生巧”是一句諺語。

provide[pr?'va?d]vt. & vi. 提供

I was quite willing to provide the living expenses for them. 我完全愿意為他們提供生活費(fèi)。

He has a big family to provide for. 他要供養(yǎng)一個(gè)大家庭。

public['p?bl?k]adj. 公眾的;公共的 n. 公眾

Today is a public holiday. 今天是一個(gè)公共假日。

Don't give away to the public when I will start. 不要向公眾泄露我出發(fā)的日期。

publish['p?bl??]vt. & vi. 出版

When are you going to publish this work? 你打算什么時(shí)候出版這部作品?

Could we publish the book? 我們可以出版這本書嗎?

pul [p?l]vt. & vi. 拉;拖;拔

Pull up these plants. 把這些植物拔出來。

I'll pull at the front. 我在前面拉。

push[p??]vt. & vi. & n. 推

We pushed him into the car. 我們把他推進(jìn)了車?yán)铩?/p>

I must make a push to get it done. 我必須加把勁把這件事做完。

put[p?t](put,put) vt. 放;擺

The English teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down.英語老師叫這名小學(xué)生把手放下。

We put some flowers on the ground. 我們把一些花放在地上。


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